Israel Uncensored: Protesters in Iran – Will They Get Support This Time? [audio]
Should Israel continue a policy of simply responding to Hamas war-crimes or should they, once and for all, initiate sweeping changes in order to overthrow that Jihadist group? Today with Joshua Hasten on Israel Uncensored.
Israel Uncensored: Special Guest Caroline Glick – Obama Can Still Do More Damage to...
Caroline Glick joins Josh Hasten, host of "Israel Uncensored" discussing the latest from Hebron where an IDF soldier faces charges after killing an injured terrorist he felt was still a threat & what Israel needs to do to quell the current wave of terror across Israel.
Is America Still an “Ally”? With Amb. Michael Oren [audio]
Yishai speaks with Ambassador MK Michael Oren, MK Rabbi Yehudah Glick on the children of Otniel and with Rabbi Mike Feuer on the Big Bang. It's a show not to be missed.
Inside Israel Today: Exultant Over Elections’ Absence [audio]
No early elections. Gil Hoffman reveals what happened behind the scenes and Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's side behind the story today on Inside Israel Today.
Israel Uncensored: PA’s “Pay For Slay” Program Takes a Hit [audio]
Listen to an interview with attorney Maurice Hirsch from Palestinian Media Watch about the Knesset Bill which passed into law this past week freezing the amount of PA tax funds being paid to terrorists & their families. Today on Israel Uncensored w/ Joshua Hasten.
Israel Uncensored: Fighting Agricultural Terrorism in Gush Etzion [audio]
Arabs from nearby villages have been hurling burning tires into Gush Etzion communities starting fires in cherry orchards and fields causing thousands of dollars in damage. Joshua Hasten interviews Daniel Hanson, Deputy Head of Security for Gush Etzion today on Israel Uncensored.
Joe Biden in the Megillah
Jeremy discovers that Achashverosh is quite a realistic character, after all.
The Soul of Israel: Discovering God’s Faith Before Rosh HaShanah [audio]
How can we feel sorry and express regret in a spiritually constructive way? This week on The Soul of Israel with Rabbi's Shlomo Katz, Ari Abramowitz and Jeremy Gimpel on The Land of Israel Network.
Israel Uncensored: Living in Susiya While Working for the “Jewish Federation” of Judea and...
This week Josh Hasten speaks with Natalie Sopinsky from One Israel Fund about the work they do and the activity going on near Sopinsky's home in Susiya on Israel Uncensored on The Land Of Israel Network.
Israel Inspired: What’s the Story with these Torah Observant Gentiles? [audio]
Torah studying gentiles who love Israel and the Jewish people! What is at the core of this movement? What is the motivation? On the latest Israel Inspired on The Land of Israel Network.
Israel Inspired: How Christian Volunteers Saved the Lives of Two IDF Soldiers
Listen to a story of how the lives of non Jewish volunteers were changed forever, how they saved the lives of 2 IDF soldiers. This is a story, a sign, of what the future holds for Israel & the nations of the world.
Israel Inspired: The Hidden Blessings of UNESCO’s Curses [audio]
What is the connection to the United Nations delegitimizing Israel, calling Jews the occupying power in Jerusalem in the have to do with the Torah portion of Balak. Ari Abramowitz and Jeremy Gimpel discuss this and more on Israel Inspired.
Israel Uncensored: Co-Working in Gush Etzion [audio]
A diverse group of businesses, some with clients all over the world, use the only co-working space which exists in Judea and Samaria. Josh Hasten speaks with CEO of Hub Etzion, Rachel Moore today on Israel Uncensored.
Rejuvenation: Living On-and Off-the Land [audio]
Is a good life an easy life - or is it one with meaning? Eve Harow speaks with Alon Zimmerman, former surfer and jock who now has a farm in Itamar practicing sustainable ecology; growing what you eat, literally enjoying the fruits of your labor. Living the Torah on this weeks Rejuvenation.
Israel Uncensored: Not Just Surviving but Thriving in Judea and Samaria [audio]
Tomorrow is the Knesset celebration commemorating the 50th anniversary of the liberation of Judea and Samaria. Joshua Hasten interviews Elie Pieprz Director of International Affairs at the Yesha Council on today's Israel Uncensored.
Israel Uncensored: There is No Such Thing as “Peace” in Islam [audio]
Modern day terrorism is the classic style of Islamic warfare meant to instill fear in one’s enemy, whether they are fellow Muslims, Jews, Christians or others, in order to achieve one’s goals. Joshua Hasten interviews Dr. Harold Rhode, one of the world's preeminent scholars on Islam on today's Israel Uncensored.
[Yom HaShoah Special] Israel Inspired: Where Was God in the Holocaust? [audio]
Can we find God in the horrors of Auschwitz? On Israel Inspired Holocaust Memorial Day Special.
Rejuvenation: Faith, Family and F-16s [audio]
Last week Eve Harow spent guiding Seventh Day Baptist pastors around Israel, exploring their religion’s Jewish roots in Israel while experiencing the Land of the Bible for the first time. Listen in to her interviews with the pastors today on Rejuvenation.
Finishing The Job: Purim’s Secret Hidden in Jerusalem & Gaza
If you want to learn a mind blowing short & powerful class on Purim before the Holiday, Tehila delivers again!
Israel Inspired: Donald Trump’s Visa Ban & the New World Order [audio]
Is Donald Trump’s visa ban an impulsively reckless decision or part of a brilliant political strategy? How should we make sense
of these volatile times? Today on Israel Inspired with Ari Abramowitz and Jeremy Gimpel.
Israel Uncensored: The Importance of Living in The Land of Israel [audio]
Dedicated to bringing lost Jews home to Israel. He has co-authored a book about the importance of living in the Land of Israel.Today on Israel Uncensored Joshua Hasten interviews Michael Freund Director of Shavei Israel.
The Jewish Story: The Awakening [audio]
In the late 19th century the dream of returning to the land of Israel began to become a reality. It took one man to transform the rebirth from a desire to an international issue. Learn about the early life of Theodore Herzl with Rabbi Mike Feuer today on The Jewish Story.
The Biblical Truth About the War in Syria
WARNING: Scholarly Video!
You Shall Love (Official Music Video)
In moments of yearning, praise, gratitude and worship, new expressions from my heart came into the world.
Is there any point in talking sense to the Swedes?
Former Knesset Member Rabbi Dov Lipman is now the Director of Public Diplomacy in the office of the Vice Chairman of the WZO. Dov recently went to Sweden to confront a nation whose Foreign Minister accused Israel of extra-judicial killing. Is there any point to engaging anti-semites? Dov joins Yishai for a frank assessment of Israel's public diplomacy.
Rejuvenation: Palettes and Palates of the Promised Land [audio]
Eve Harow, host of Rejuvenation, speaks with Dr. Arnold Slyper, a retired a pediatric endocrinologist now living in Israel. He’s published two very different books which shares his personal research. One is a recipe book to prepare nutritious and delicious food that will lead to cardiovascular health and weight control. And the other is a compilation of walks, hikes and outdoor swimming spots that fills a gap for English readers avid about the Holy City.
Israel Inspired: The “Holy City” of Tel Aviv?!? [audio]
From being a New Jersey lawyer to an internationally recognized leader who has changed the face of Tel-Aviv. Ari Abramowitz interviews Jay Shultz who shares his journey on today's Israel Inspired.
Israel Inspired: The End of the UN Human Rights Council & the Rise of...
Explore the consequences of the US withdrawal from the UN Human Rights Council and more with Ari Abramowitz and Jeremy Gimpel this week on Israel Inspired.
The Soul of Israel: Have You Ever Seen Your Father Cry? [audio]
Stop for a second. Did you ever see your father cry? Shlomo Katz שלמה כ"ץ and Ari Abramowitz discuss how this is one of the hardest things for any child to witness. How its something you wish you could ignore but you simply can’t. On this weeks The Soul of Israel.
The Soul of Israel: The Tragedy of Politics within the Family [audio]
This week on The Soul of Israel - Shlomo Katz שלמה כ"ץ and Ari Abramowitz delve into this weeks Parsha Matot by reminding ourselves what family truly feels like.