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Anti-Trump demonstration in Qalandiya, May 22, 2017. The poster reads, "Trump's visit is a delusion and a stage for ignoring Palestinian rights."

Former Defense Minister Avigdor Liberman unveiled President Donald Trump’s “deal of the century” peace plan ahead of his November resignation, Palestinian Authority officials told Al Hayat.

According to the London-based newspaper, the plan calls for the establishment of a Palestinian state in the Gaza Strip, sovereignty for the Arab population enclaves in small parts of Judea and Samaria, and broad economic incentives.


The PA officials told Al-Hayat that Liberman had met with a PA delegation two weeks before his resignation and told them that Palestinian sovereignty would be extended to the Arab population, not on the land, and that it would be limited to Area A, which, under the Oslo accords, makes up about 13% of the 1967 liberated territories, Area B, comprising 18% of the territories, and a small part of Area C, which includes about 60% of the land acquired by Israel in the Six Day War.

The Trump deal also calls for keeping Israeli settlements intact, hands Israeli control of the Judea and Samaria border crossings into Jordan, as well as security, water and the entire Jordan Valley.

The plan also includes Israeli control over much of eastern Jerusalem.

The same plan also includes the provision of large sums of money from the countries of the world in order to establish an infrastructure for a Palestinian State in the Gaza Strip that would receive an airport, a harbor, and an open sea passage.

PA Chairman Mahmoud Abbas said he would fight the US plan. “This is a conspiracy, a conspiracy that they are going to be waging from afar,” Abbas said in an improvised speech on Monday night. “They say wait for the deal, what are we waiting for? Everything is on the table, nothing is left hidden, and what they offer is rejected, rejected, rejected, and we will fight to prevent it, because we will not sell out our sanctity.”

Abbas said the economic sanctions (cutting off support for the PA and UNRWA) imposed by the US administration on the PA to pressure its leadership to accept the Trump deal would not succeed in changing the PA position.

Meanwhile, US ambassador to Israel David Friedman has announced that the White House has decided to put its peace plan on hold until a new Israeli government is established following the April 9 elections.

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