A large convoy set out Sunday morning to protest the High Court of Justice’s decision to hear petitions against the Likud-Blue & White unity government deal.

The convoy, composed of more than 100 Israeli flag-carrying cars led by Im Tirtzu, accused the High Court of abusing its power by unlawfully interfering in the Knesset’s agenda.


The demonstrators insisted that this was merely the latest action in a long history of undemocratic and biased political activism by the court.

Due to the current health crises, the organizers stated that the protest was coordinated with the police and adhered to the Health Ministry regulations.

The demonstrators chanted slogans including “stop stealing our democracy” and “this is not Iran,” and called on the courts to stop their “judicial piracy.”

Acclaimed legal scholar and former United States federal judge, Richard Posner, was the first to coin the term “judicial pirate,” which he labelled former Israeli Supreme Court president Aharon Barak who was responsible for Israel’s “constitutional revolution” that gave more power to the courts.

Batel Trappler from Ra’anana, who participated in the convoy, stated: “The judges are in total control and are robbing our democracy – and us ordinary citizens are powerless against them.”

Michael Lobobikov from Tel-Aviv, who also participated in the convoy, noted: “The High Court is a radical political actor that is trying to impose its anti-Zionist will on the people.”

Im Tirtzu CEO Matan Peleg stated: “The High Court justices are twisting the law and using it as a tool to advance their political goals.”

“This blatant violation of the basic principles of democracy endangers the future of the State of Israel, and the time has come for the judges to end their judicial dictatorship and realize that this is a democracy, not Iran.”

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David writes news at JewishPress.com.