Photo Credit: Gage Skidmore
VP Kamala Harris

Add Vice President Kamala Harris to the list of foreign dignitaries who have joined Israel’s left in fighting against the judicial reform without having the smidgen of an idea of what it says.

Speaking at a gala celebrating Israel’s 75th anniversary hosted by the Israeli embassy at the National Building Museum in Washington, DC, which was attended by one of many Israeli right-wing politicians who could teach her chapter and verse about the reform, if she only cared to listen, MK Simcha Rothman, Harris announced: “Under President Joe Biden and our administration, America will continue to stand for the values that have been the bedrock of the US-Israel relationship, which include continuing to strengthen our democracy.”


And then, after nodding at Ambassador Michael Herzog, she delivered the punch line: “which, as the ambassador has said, are both built on strong institutions, checks and balances, and — I’ll add — an independent judiciary.”

Time to discover one more time the cosmic truth: if you’re Jewish, ignorance is not bliss.

But the Israeli politician for whom was reserved the juiciest piece of humiliation was Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who was shunned in a hostile and very specific manner by President Joe Biden regarding the PM’s invitation to the White House. Before Harris’s turn to speak, President Itzhak Herzog said in a video message to the audience of about 2,000 Jewish and non-Jewish dignitaries that he was going to visit the White House as well as address a joint session of Congress “in the near future,” probably in July.

Had VP Harris asked MK Rothman, he would have gladly explained that the judiciary in Israel is not only independent, but it also overwhelms and overpowers the other two branches of government. That it is made up of an elite that appoints its own members and rejects those who disagree. That it has been usurping governmental powers without legal justification. That it gets involved in the minutia of government business, to the point where it revokes government contracts, cancels governmental appointments, fires the speaker of parliament, and hears petitions from NGOs who don’t have the right of standing only to expand its influence on the country’s politics.

He would have told her that if ever there were a dictatorship in Israel, it is centered in the hands of the Supreme Court, the State Prosecution, and the Attorney General, a permanent, unelected government that denies the inalienable right of the voters to a representative government.

But VP Harris does not read stuff, she only parrots what her left-wing advisors are telling her, and they, in turn, get their information from the fascistic enemies of democracy in Israel.

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