Photo Credit: Screenshot from Danny McCormick's Facebook video
Danny McCormick takes a chainsaw to a facemask.

Danny McCormick, 59, Member of the Louisiana House of Representatives since 2020 (that’s about 7 months, give or take) has joined the group of public figures, elected and self-appointed, who view healthcare regulations as state repression. On Tuesday, State Representative McCormick posted a video on his Facebook page, where he utters the immortal words, his own version of Patrick Henry’s “Give me liberty or give me death”:

People who don’t wear a mask will be soon painted as the enemy, just as they did to Jews in Nazi Germany.


The video also features McCormick taking an incendiary bottle and a chainsaw to a facemask, and many other amusing tricks you can do at home (but you won’t, hopefully, because you’re not a state representative from Louisiana).

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