Home Jewess Press Impact Of Women On Jewish History/Prof. L. Jackson

Impact Of Women On Jewish History/Prof. L. Jackson

Rachel Azaria: Yerushalmim – Jerusalemites

Who is Rachel Azaria? Would you have guessed that this dynamo is a religious, 35-year-old woman, mother of four children, ranging in ages from ten years to eight months?

Joan Peters: The Myth “Of From Time Immemorial”

In 1939, Chuchill challenged the common notion that Jewish immigration to Palestine uprooted Arabs

Jewish Women Fight Islam

It was Mohammed's Jewish friends, who became the first victims of his Jihad.

Belinda Hickey: Promoting Israel

We love the food, the hotels, and even the wildlife. We love the Israelis.

Eva Rona: Proper Nutrition As A Bridge To Health And Happiness

The lecturer, a soft-spoken woman radiating sincerity and warmth was especially impressive. And so was her topic: “Proper nutrition as a bridge to health and longevity.”

Anne Bloch: The Passion For Living

The passionate artist was bursting with joy as they stepped ashore in Ashkelon to build their family’s future in her own birthplace, now the brand new Jewish State.

Shurat Hadin – Justice

The lesson Nitsana derived from the case as a human-rights activist and a litigator inspired her to eventually establish the Israel Law Center called, Shurat Hadin to help victims of terrorism.

Dr. Kira Radinsky: ‘Exceptional Innovator’

“This is a great honor for me to be nominated to the list of ‘young innovators’ of MIT. I hope that it will encourage more Israeli researchers and scholars to study this field, to facilitate the building of an empirical superpower in Israel,” Dr. Kira Radinsky said in response to news of her selection for the Massachusetts Institute of Technology 2013 list of 35 young innovators, her lovely face radiating delight.

Sarah Aynor: Matriarch Of Ethiopian Youth

This amazing woman was able to do this when there were five students, as well as quite recently when there have been as many as 270 students in the program.

Ora Lavid: A Secular Believer

Her manner of speaking was that of a person from the charedi world.

Rachel: The Symbol Of Redemption

At the time of her first appearance, Rachel was already enveloped in a premonition of tragedy. Chazal interpret the seemingly joyous first meeting between Yaakov and Rachel as a pre-enactment of Rachel’s tragic end.

Shifrah And Puah: The Courage Of Resistance

Shifrah and Puah were on a very high spiritual level – obviously the type of women who would not hesitate to follow the way of the Torah, and to sacrifice their own lives for the sake of other Jews.

Haya Tzippa Pines: The First Lady of the “New” Jewish Settlement (Part I)

The young pioneers of the First Aliyah did not opt for "peace now." They opted to settle and cultivate the Land of Israel, to build Jewish institutions, to revive the ancient Hebrew tongue and bring about a renaissance of the Jewish nation. And this they accomplished.

Yael Eckstein: Fierce Fighter For Torah Values

Any physical act can be transformed into a spiritual experience with the proper thought and intention.

Alice Walker: Our Enemies Unite Us

Every vicious anti-Semite has a personal agenda. The anti-Israel assertions of Alice Walker, nationally celebrated feminist author and political activist, in her latest book are much too shrill to pass for your household pro-Arab hate speech.

Friha Ben-Adiba: Hebrew Scholar And Poet

In 1756, when the ominous threat of Islamic terror against Jews reached Tunis as well, Friha became one of its tragic victims.

Shoshana Bluth: A Supermom Hotline Of Emunah

Shoshana Bluth’s telephone number is a help hotline for mothers and wives of Israeli soldiers – a hotline of faith, emunah in Hebrew.

Sarah And Hagar

A historical drama unfolds before our eyes in this week’s Torah portion. It is a dramatic confrontation whose impact has shaped Jewish history for thousands of years. Sarah and Hagar, two women – two worlds - faced each other.

Yonat Daskal, Tal Shahar, Noam Dan and Tamar Bar-Ilan: Four Women Saving Jewish...

“On Sunday I was at the Kotel with the battalion and we said a prayer of thanks. In Gaza there were so many moments of death that I had to thank God that I'm alive. Only then did I realize how frightening it had been there.”

Remembering Esterka

Polish history and popular legend credits a beautiful Jewish girl named Esther, or Esterka, with the turn of Jewish fortunes in Poland.

Dr. Anita Turtletaub: The Beauty of Yiddish And The Merit Of Matchmaking

And yet, despite her lifelong interest and amazing contributions to Yiddish language and literature, her prime forte is matchmaking!

Ariella Barker: A Soaring Jewish Soul

All along, Ariella Barker dreamed of a legal system where justice was tempered with compassion.

Major Oshrat Bachar: First Female Combat Battalion Commander

The relatively young Eitam battalion has become instrumental in IDF Southern Command’s Division 80’s efforts to keep up with the ever-changing security situation in Sinai after the fall of the Mubarak regime – and the entry of terrorist elements to the region.

Shulamit Halevi Stein: Saving The Flag (Part II)

Having a young child did not prevent the devoted Zionist couple from involvement in underground activities.

Dafna Meir: The Ultimate Jewish Mother

The thirty-eight year old mother of six, two of whom were adopted, no longer “enjoyed life,” as reported by her grief-stricken neighbors.

The Fascinating Life of Our First Matriarch

Besides her gifts of beauty, prophecy, wisdom and leadership, Sarah also possessed, according to Chazal, great spiritual and material blessings.

Laura Faiwiszevski: Passionate Pro-Israel Activist

It all started when she graduated from high school. Laura Faiwiszevski, born in West Orange, New Jersey like a number of her schoolmates, planned to spend a year of studying in Israel before entering university. Laura chose “Emuna V’Omanut” (Faith and Art), a program for American students set up by the Emunah Women Organization that focuses on a combination of Torah study and art training — a choice of music or visual arts.

Hella Schuepper Rufeisen: Holocaust Heroine

Her walk and appearance exuded so much confidence that hardly anyone suspected she was anything other than what she pretended.

Minister Miri Regev: Loyalty In Culture Initiative

The minister is a religious Jewish woman. Despite her position as Israel’s Minister of Sports, in July 2016 she refused to participate in the 2016 Summer Olympics opening ceremonies because they took place on Shabbat.

A Bundle Of Letters: The Women’s Secret Of Survival

The detained letters have become a historical treasure and reveal remarkable insights into the lives of the Jews in the ghettoes of early seventeenth century Prague and Vienna.


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Printed from: https://www.jewishpress.com/sections/jewess-press/impact-women-history/rachel-azaria-yerushalmim-jerusalemites/2014/02/07/

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