Daf Yomi

Her Children, Her Whim ‘Kesubas Bnin Dichrin’ (Kesubos 52b)

Q & A: Preparing One’s Home For Passover

Question: Must one spend great sums of money and invest much effort in making one’s home kosher for Passover? Not all of us have such unlimited funds. Name Withheld (Via E-Mail)

It’s An Experience, Not A Story

Yachatz is not mentioned in the Gemara. What is the foundation for yachatz?

Reading The Labels For Pesach

First, the punishment for eating chametz on Pesach is karet, premature death at the Hand of God.

Understanding ‘Ha Lachma Anya’

Why is it necessary to invite people to eat from the korban Pesach?

A Delay From Heaven

How was I going to get to Manhattan? No cabs were going, we didn't have a car, and many people who did have cars had no gas.

Sheep: To Be Or Not To Be?

Did you ever notice that immediately upon being granted our freedom from Egypt, the Jewish people accepted upon themselves the yoke of a new master – Hashem?

Aleph Beta: Tzav: A Deeper Look At The Priestly Role

Why does Torah make the priests go through a long and seemingly bizarre induction ceremony?

The Importance Of Terumat HaDeshen

Often people in important positions separate from everyday people & tasks-NOT the Kohen Gadol

Remember! (Part Two)

You smuggled tefillin into the camp? How can they help? Every day men risked their lives to use them

Blood, Idolatry, Or War

Rambam: Eating blood's forbidden because connected to idolatry;Ramban: We're affected by what we eat

Redeeming Relevance in Parshat Tzav

Rambam warns that a festival meal without taking care of the needy isn't fulfilling simchat yom tov

Personal Pesach Reflections

Nothing beats some preparation to make it a memorable Seder!

Parshas HaChodesh: Rebirth And Renewal

These four parshiyos are viewed as steps in a progression toward Pesach, the Yom Tov of teshuvah m’ahavah, of returning to Hashem out of love.

The Question Of Sacrifices

The obvious conclusion from this passage is that when the third Beis HaMikdash is built, since we, unlike the Jews who left Egypt, would not have the need for sacrifices, they would apparently not be part of the service.

What Defines A Good School?

He always impressed me with his brilliance and erudition. But it was his warm remarks and his sincere concern that made me want to please him.

Daf Yomi

The Wedding Day Fast ‘He Accepts A Ring On Her Behalf’ (Kesubos 47a)

Q & A: Arabs Circumcise At 13 (Part XVI)

Question: If Abraham was commanded to circumcise his descendants on the eighth day, why do Arabs – who claim to descend from Abraham through Yishmael – wait until their children are 13 to circumcise them? I am aware that this is a matter of little consequence to our people. Nevertheless, this inconsistency is one that piques my curiosity. M. Goldman (Via E-mail)

Kashering Our Kitchens

This process, which is the most powerful form of kashering, is known as libun.

Bountiful Blessings

B’chasdei Hashem, I found precisely enough chicken, prepared meat knishes and various other foods I required.

Half Coins

"Do we have to donate again?" some people asked. "Is it fair that we should have to pay twice?"

Things I Do And Things I Don’t

If my garment is clean, then I will be careful about maintaining its beauty. If it is soiled, I will not be as careful.

Reclining While Drinking The Four Cups

The Ran asks why the Gemara concludes that since we are unsure which two of the four we must recline for, that we must recline for all four.


Amalek's hate never dies; its descendants are eternal & omnipresent; Hashem is our only protection

Rav Elyashiv, A Personal Memoir

Rav Elyashiv favored books about gedolim with 2 caveats: accuracy; and no distasteful elements

Redeeming Relevance: Vayikra

Though God can’t benefit from gifts to him the best way to create a relationship is by giving to Him

The Sin Offering

Why should unintentional sins require atonement? What guilt exists when requisite intent is lacking?

Appreciating Equality

Judaism was so democratic that not only did it reject familial and economic aristocracy, it rejected intellectual aristocracy as well. We have many laws to honor Torah scholars.

One Word Can Make A World Of Difference

"Adam" speaks to the universal dimension of the Temple. He is the parent of all humankind.


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Printed from: https://www.jewishpress.com/judaism/halacha-hashkafa/daf-yomi-174/2015/03/26/

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