Jerusalem Snow & Hot Water

Ok, I thought. No big deal. I know snow. But then the electricity went out. The house was cold. It was dark. I had a lot of food prepared in my freezer for post-birth. I started to get nervous.

Daf Yomi

A Miraculous Visual Treat “They Lifted It Up To Show…” (Chagiga 26b)

Buying A Loan When A Jew Is Among The Debtors

What's the problem? someone asked. Mr. Garcia lent him the money, and was allowed to charge interest. You're not lending to Mr. Cohen; you're just buying the loan from Mr. Garcia!

Why We Do All That We Do

Since everything we do for the sake of Heaven (including neutral, permissible actions) contributes to kavod Hashem, we should appreciate and fully focus upon whatever we are doing at each moment.

How Can We Bring Ourselves To Simcha?

True simcha knows no bounds and breaks all boundaries. It can transform a person entirely. When one has simcha, a weak person becomes strong and obstacles disappear as if they never existed.

May Two Siblings Share A Name? (Part II)

Question: Is it possible to give two of one's children the same name? I’ve seen this more than once where a later born child was given the same Hebrew name as an older sibling; however, their English names are different. A Reader Los Angeles, CA

Friendship To The Rescue

The United States was convinced that Israel could never prevail against so many Arabs and feared that U.S. troops would be called in to save Israel.

Shabbat In Kharkov, Ukraine

Alexander Kaganovsky, president of our cong. asked for silence and said: 'I want to thank all the emissaries who have stayed behind with us. For many years you have been saying that you are an inseparable part of us, but now you proved it in the moment of truth.'

Redeeming Relevance: Achashverosh and the Evil of Neutrality

When it came to the “Jewish question,” Achashverosh seemed to be completely neutral. So how could he be as bad as the man who destroyed the Temple?

A Glimpse Into Mordechai’s Greatness

It was Mordechai's pivotal decision not to bow or budge before Haman that catapulted the Jews into a situation of possible annihilation, and it was he who commanded Esther, his own wife, to risk her life to save her people.

Even To The Lowest Depths

No matter where in the world you fall, you can easily come back to G-d. This is because of His unfathomable greatness. Nothing is beyond His power.

Pekudei: Continuing The Work Moshe Began

It's important to recognize the internal development of the Hebrew tribes from the Exodus from Egypt to the Brit Sinai and consecration of the Mishkan.

The Spiritual Purpose Of Clothing

Clothing can serve two simultaneous purposes: It can conceal the embarrassment of our inner light no longer shining through our physical bodies, and in doing so it can also cloak us in dignity.

The Pintelah Yid Is Still Burning

The feeling is that people, especially on college campuses or newly graduated young adults, are more interested in fortune and fame than finding their Jewish roots.

Integrity In Public Life

It is the mark of a good society that public leadership is seen as a form of service rather than a means to power.

Words That Work Mischief

One word of derision can offset a thousand words of mussar.

The Moon Of The Steadfast

In our haftara, we find Shlomo HaMelech completing the construction and initiating the dedication of the First Beit HaMikdash. In Shlomo we find a unique synthesis of the attributes of Moshe and of Betzalel.

Shabbat: Folding A Tallit

The rush to fold one’s tallit soon after Shabbat has ended is based on the Kabbalistic teaching that an unfolded tallit attracts klippot, impure spiritual forces.

Life’s Full Circle

In a certain way, our commitment to upholding the teachings of Moshe became more entrenched after his passing. While he was alive the nation was able to rely on Moshe to teach them and remind them of the Torah he taught them.

Pick Your Poison

Dr. Kohut was the first to note that Rashi’s explanation of eches as snake venom was likely informed by the Greek word echis (viper).

Is It Proper To Ask Someone To Leave Your Makom Kavuah In Shul?

The idea that a makom kavuah is, essentially, private property whose owner is entitled to designate who may and may not use it, is well-founded in the classic halachic literature.


We each come from different families and different countries, and yet we are all part of the same family of Israel. This is why it's written that Kol Yisrael arevim ze la'ze – all the Nation of Israel are accountable, and responsible one for the other.

Talmud on Social Media: Is It A Risk Worth Taking?

Many people have asked me to comment on Miriam Anzovin’s Daf Reactions on TikTok.


Nobody is better positioned to make Judaism alive, attractive and relatable than those who are both uncompromising on halachah while simultaneously engaged in society and participating in the greater world. We have the best platform and are poised to have the greatest success, we just need to care enough to try.

Is The Shabbos Sale Valid?

Mr. Appel was concerned. "That means that Mr. Moskowicz took the computer on Shabbos!" he said to himself. "I never sell things on Shabbos! What about the money?"

Not Sorry To Miss This One

How shocking and unexpected was Mrs. Goodman's urgent phone call to her daughter! Normally an active and healthy woman, Mrs. Goodman's doctor had diagnosed her with terminal cancer and gave her less than a month to live.

Daf Yomi

Chatzitza And Its Applications ‘Greater Stringency Applies To Hallowed Things…’ (Chagiga 20b –21a)

The Spiritual Concept of Beauty

This is true beauty, where the inner and outer melt into a oneness, where the physical perfectly reflects the inner spirituality and projects something deeper than itself.

Can Two Siblings Share A Name? (Part I)

Question: Is it possible to give two of one’s children the same name? I’ve seen this more than once where a later-born child was given the same Hebrew name as an older sibling, however their English names are different. A Reader Los Angeles, California


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