Healing The Heart Of Darkness

As the realization that he was a Jew began to change his life, it also transformed his understanding of the world.

Time Management For The Wise

The wise person does not become distracted by nonsense.

The Work of Tzedaka

If one gives charity because of their compassionate nature, where is the avodah?

If Not For My Covenant

The covenant was a last chance for the Jewish nation to show that they were worthy of their sovereignty and wealth.

Beware The Gremlins

More damaging than any external gremlin, however, are the gremlins within us. These are the voices of negativity and doubt.

Is It Proper To Play Video Games? What About For Young Children?

If one wishes to play video games, or to allow children to play, one needs to be quite disciplined.

When We Don’t Follow Rabbi Akiva’s Advice

The Torah explicitly states that there is only one man who may not marry a widow: the Kohen Gadol.

Digging Deeper

Usually, a person does not literally dig their own grave during their lifetime.

True Happiness

I realize that without money it can be very challenging to find that inner happiness, since the people who are struggling hard to put food on their table are constantly worried where their next meal will come from.

Locked In

Believe it or not, in my native country in Ireland and later still in France, I never knew that it was possible while outdoors in the bitter winter weather not to suffer from the freezing cold, no matter how many layers I wore.

Daf Yomi

Discretion ‘…Vendors Of Fruits, Clothing…May Sell In Private…’ (Mo’ed Katan 13b)

The Rebbe: A Leader For The World

What is the greatest quality of the Rebbe, or better yet, what is a Rebbe? The definition of a Rebbe is one who cares for every single Jew.

The 29th Of November And Its Aftermath

Eight days after he was sworn into office, Truman was visited by a Zionist delegation headed by Rabbi Steven S. Wise. Truman told his visitors that he supported the Zionist goals, but he was very concerned about the very vocal opposition of the State Department.

The Journey To Your Ultimate Self

To genuinely venture on the path toward your true self requires a leap of faith into the unknown, ready to embrace whatever future Hashem has in store for you.

Q & A: By Means of Intervention (Part II)

Question: May a cheresh, a deaf mute, who exhibits other signs of intelligence, be included in a minyan? I live in a small town where this is a very relevant question, where we struggle to put together a minyan. Are there any halachic implications for including such a person? Name Withheld Small Town, USA

Creation Appreciation

Rav Kook says, “Anyone who thinks in a pure, G-dly way cannot hate or denigrate any creation or potential found in our world.”

Yitro: Israel’s Universal Mission

Why were the Hebrews so surprised by the sudden realization that they would receive the Torah as a set of laws & a mission for the rest of humanity?

Selfie World

Selfie vs. Selflessness-Your choice

Seeing Without Knowing, Hearing Without Understanding

We have heard and not understood. We have seen and not known. Now we are those holy seeds lying in the ground waiting to sprout so that the decrees of Hashem might at last be heeded and carried out.

Halacha Is The Way To Go

Impurity and moral decadence are all around us. Surely our souls are negatively affected and in need of spiritual healing.

The Ten Commandments As The Structure Of A Good Society

The first three commands establish the single most important principle of a free society, namely the moral limits of power.

What Yisro Learned from Krias Yam Suf

If the drowning of the Egyptians was because of the drowning of the Jewish babies in the Nile, shouldn’t the Egyptian soldiers have drowned in the Nile rather than in the Red Sea?

For All Generations And For All The People

Our fervor and dedication to Torah study must never wane. In that way, Hashem will achieve true satisfaction and pleasure, as He did when we stood at Har Sinai and accepted the Torah.

Parshas Yisro: Aseres Hadibros: Engrave Them on Your Soul   

In Parshas Yisro, Klal Yisrael hear the ultimate truth, the Aseres Hadibros (Ten Commandments), as they embrace their lofty mission in this world.    

The Halacha Of Dogs

It is taught that dogs have the ability to see the angel of death.

Getting Clean

The Torah stipulates that a metal receptacle used for cooking the meat of a sin-offering must be thoroughly cleaned before being used for another purpose; it must undergo merikah and shetifah in water (Lev. 6:21).

More Than Simply Tomatoes

One can become a believer by appreciating the wonder of the food he eats.

What Should One Do If Family Or Friends Use Curse Words In Conversation?

What are we, a nation of sailors? We are a kingdom of priests and a holy nation!

Tu B’Shvat And The Ten Commandments

When the Torah and the nation are constantly compared to trees, this gives us a better understanding of the importance of keeping all the laws written down in the Torah.


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Printed from: https://www.jewishpress.com/judaism/jewish-columns/rabbi-lord-jonathan-sacks/healing-the-heart-of-darkness/2022/01/27/

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