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Tag: haredim

Streisand Spouts Off on Women ‘In Foreign Land of Israel’

Streisand loves Israel – she even visits the country once in a while. She gives lots of money. And she can’t resist a chance to preach about women’s rights in Israel but admits it is a "foreign land.”

An Open Letter to MK Rabbi Dov Lipman

Reb Dov, I am perplexed. How did you move so far away so rapidly?

Women of the Wall Searching for Next ‘Struggle’

Police prepared for the monthly event, and from a law-and-order perspective it made perfect sense.

Women of the Wall Go for Broke, Plan to Read from Torah at Kotel

Women of the Wall plan their monthly Rosh Chodesh prayers at the Kotel the second day of the month, with a Torah scroll. It’s okay to make up rules as they go along, so long as the Orthodox don’t make the rules.

Robbers ‘Dressed Like Haredim’ Clean Out Jewish Jeweler

Armed robbers reportedly “dressed like Haredim” ripped off a Jewish jeweler in France before releasing toxic gas in the air. Four men approached the jeweler...

Homosexuals Arrested for Murder Originally Pinned on Orthodox

In 1995, “everyone” knew settlers murdered Rabin. The “settler” Yigal Amir was from the Haifa area. Four years ago, gays accused Haredi gay-haters for killing three homosexuals. Now police say, “Not so.”

Haredi MKs’ Holy Vision: Draft Law behind Israel’s Woes

Remember Hamas missiles on Israeli cities? Remember last year’s bloated deficit? Haredi MKs don’t. Everything was great, they say, until Lapid’s universal draft, which turned Syria against Israel.

Jewish Home Attacking Lapid on Haredi Draft

The decision to play this kind of hardball came from Lapid.

Poll: Two-Thirds of Israelis Favor Jailing Haredi Draft Dodgers

A poll commissioned by the Knesset Channel 99 revealed that two-thirds of Israelis favor jailing Haredim who refuse to join the armed forces. Almost the...

Another Defender of the Haredi Status Quo Clucks His Tongue

No religious Jew would deny the merit that Torah study. But it is the height of folly to believe that a strong military is therefore unnecessary.

Lapid Threat: On Haredi Draft It’s ‘Equal Burden’ or New Elections

Lapid’s sounds like Bibi on the “peace process.” He has no trouble raising a regressive tax that hurts the middle class. But give the Haredim a break from the draft? Not in this government. We’ll see.

Are Haredi Orgs Being Singled Out in Israel?

Just as the IRS targeted conservative groups, according a report, a leaked document states that Israel's Economic Affairs Ministry is targeting Haredi businesses and Yeshivos.

And the Bashing Continues…

Eliminating all secular studies is taking "Talmud Torah k’neged kulom" to an absurd extreme.

A Haredi Thawing? Oops, Never Mind

What is really being gained by continuing to force Haredim to stay in the beis medrash full time via a draft that exempts Haredim?

Mea Shearim Men Stone Haredi Soldiers

Residents of the Haredi Mea Shearim neighborhood in Jerusalem hurled dozens of rocks at Haredi soldiers Sunday, according to Jerusalem police. No one was...

A Crack in the Wall of Haredi Opposition

If Shas does agree to allow a secular core curriculum in their schools, that will put Ashkenazi Haredi leaders between a rock and a hard place.

Will the Real Haredi Please Stand Up?

The issue is not our obligation to listen to our rabbinic leaders. It is about whether we should listen to the rabbinic leaders of others.

Livni Pushes for Law Banning Segregation of Women

Israel's Justice Minister Tzipi Livni ordered her ministry on Thursday to draft legislation that would make the gender-based segregation of women illegal. "Discrimination against women...

Ner Israel Rosh Yeshiva: Yesh Atid MK Rabbi Dov Lipman ‘Wicked’

What I do not understand is the harshness of his condemnation.

The Kolko Case: A Stain on Lakewood

We are a people whose mandate is Torah observance in all matters - between man and God as well as between man and his fellow man.

Get a Grip: Lapid is not Hitler or a Russian Czar

There is only one word that can explain the over the top reaction by Haredi establishment to this: Paranoia.

Haredi Paper Equates Lapid and Hitler Speeches

Hitler wanted to exterminate Jews. Lapid only wants to exterminate the Haredi habit of not to work or serve in the IDF. That is enough for a Haredi columnist to compare Lapid’s and Hitler’s speeches.

The Religious Significance of the Israeli Flag

A flag with the Star of David hung prominently in the synagogues of Prague since the mid-14th century, with the approval of their great rabbis.

‘That’s Just How It Is In The Knesset’

Last week, a few minutes after my stormy exchange with haredi members of Knesset, I went to what we in the Knesset call the "back cafeteria." It is not exactly a cafeteria but rather a lounge area behind the plenum where members of Knesset alone can enter.

Is Hatred for Haredim Due to Media Bias?

The record number of kipa-wearing Jews in the new Knesset surely shows that secular Jews do not really hate religious Jews.

Deputy Minister Calls Haredim ‘Parasites’ on Radio

If Yesh Atid party leader Yair Lapid has any hopes of gaining one or even two Haredim as his fans, his deputy Finance Minister blew it “on air” when he called Haredim “parasites” on a Haredi radio program.

The Haredi Civil Right to Not Appreciate Israel

A lack of patriotism is not a cause for punitive measures.

What Are They Crying About? (Conclusion)

It is always easiest to blame the rest of the world and not to make an accounting of your own ideology.

Protesting the ‘Evil Decree’? Why Not a Counter Rally?

They can say all day long that they are not protesting Israel. The fact that they will be out there in the middle of Manhattan talking about 'gezeirot' says otherwise.

Chief of Staff Gantz Calls on Haredim to Defend Israel’s Borders

IDF Chief of Benny Gantz said that the military lacks manpower and that he would be happy if Haredim youth serve in the army. He...


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Printed from: https://www.jewishpress.com/news/streisand-spouts-off-on-women-in-foreign-land-of-israel/2013/06/18/

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