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Israeli and Pakistani News Agencies Collaborate in Media Venture

Director of Tazpit News Agency, Amotz Eyal, stated that the collaboration between Tazpit News Agency and the Weekly Press Pakistan has, for the first time, exposed millions to news and balanced information coming from Israel.

Why Do Celebrity Marriages Fail?

Not long ago, he was jumping on Oprah's couch like a lovesick teen, and now Tom Cruise faces a bitter divorce with Katie Holmes. Why is it that when a couple seems to have everything: fame, fortune, health, and an adorable child, it doesn't work? It's enough to make everyone else hopeless. After all, if celebrities have everything and can't make it, what are the chances for the rest of us?

Peres Says ‘Israel Will Act against Terror’ as Dead, Wounded Return Home

President Shimon Peres said in response to the deadly attack in Bulgaria that Israel will "locate and act against terror all over the world,"...

Similar Terror Attempt in January?

Was there a similar terror attack attempt against Israeli tourists in Bulgaria, back in January?

Daf Yomi

Self Evident? ‘What Uncleanness Is There In A Nasal Discharge?’ (Niddah 55b- 56a)

Only At Orchidea

I had the tremendous zechut to attend the wedding of my granddaughter Rachayli Fuchs to Shaul Klein in June, and then, much to my delight I was able to make one of the Sheva Berachot. My guest list was composed and invitations extended. The divrei Torah would be delivered by my grandson Rabbi Raphael Fuchs and my nephew Meir Greenwald.

The Risk Of Allergies: Explaining Anaphylactic Shock

We hear it all the time: “This is a peanut-free facility, you can’t eat that peanut butter sandwich here!” A person may say, “So what? I am allergic to broccoli, it’s disgusting, keep it far from me.” We all should realize that food and medication allergies are no laughing matter. Reactions can be so severe that they could lead to death.

Stolen Waters are Sweet

Bright young minds will have questions. The most logical place to see answers is from your parents or teachers. But when questions are explicitly or implicitly forbidden, these very same young people will seek answers elsewhere. The easiest place to find them is the internet. Ban, no matter how strong they are, no matter how enforced they are will not prevent a young person from somehow finding access. And that’s when the slippery slope begins.

IBM Haifa Developing Real-Time Shopping App

IBM in Haifa is developing a a new augmented-reality mobile shopping app to enable retailers to personalize customers’ shopping experiences from their smart phones and tablets.

Menifa – Completion of The School Year

“You have all been through a long and difficult journey,” belted Rafi to the group of twenty-five boys at the end-of-year ceremony for Menifa’s Lech Lecha program in Gilo. “I remember the falls and climbs you each experienced.”

Libby Kahane Questioned by Israeli Police

Libby Kahane, widow of Rabbi Meir Kahane HY"D, was questioned by police this week after her grandson, Meir Ettinger broke his bail conditions last...

Shema Kolainu

Throughout the years, she'd hidden her in the windowless room at the back of the house. I always wondered why we were never welcomed over the threshold. I knew her daughter had been born with a problem, but it was never discussed and I'd only caught a glimpse of her from afar before she was hurried away. Oh sure, people gossiped, as people always do, but Chedva was my friend, and I defended and respected her right to privacy.

Budapest Police Question Rabbi for Outing Goy Shul President

A whistle-blowing Budapest rabbi was questioned by police for what has been described as misuse of sensitive private information stemming from a personal conflict...

The Incredible Shrinking US-Israel Security Cooperation

Turkey is riding high with the Obama administration right now; and President Obama welcomed the Turkish Prime Minister in March as an "outstanding partner and an outstanding friend on a wide range of issues" -- including, apparently, in reducing relations with Israel.

Census: Almost 100,000 Jews in Australia

Australia’s 2011 census shows that Australia’s official Jewish population has risen to almost 100,000, a rise of 10 percent in five years.

OU To Host Annual Marriage Enrichment Retreat

The Orthodox Union will hold its seventh Marriage Enrichment Retreat from Friday, July 13through Sunday, July 15 at the Hudson Valley Resort and Spa in Kerhonkson, New York.

Congress Must Pursue Leakgate

On its face, it might seem that Attorney General Eric Holder’s appointment of two veteran federal prosecutors to mount a criminal investigation into the recent spate of national security leaks is a step in the right direction. Indeed, those appointments seem to have quieted congressional calls for the appointment of a special independent investigative counsel and holding congressional hearings into what will doubtless come to be known as Leakgate. Yet there are some issues that come to mind.

Rabbi Rotter, 59, Owner and Editor of Rotter.net

A scoop by nature is a "preliminary report." On the one hand, it has a huge impact, but on the other hand there's a risk that the report is partially or completely false. Anyone who reads a scoop on the Internet, knows it can be inaccurate or even not correct at all, and yet they all relate to scoop as news until it is refuted.

Israel’s Medal of Freedom

On Wednesday, Shimon Peres will receive the Medal of Freedom. I urge him to thank President Obama and the United States and then, on Thursday, to go visit Jonathan Pollard and give the Medal of Freedom to him. Freedom is nothing if it is at the expense of others; justice for some is not enough. Israel cannot accept such an honor from the United States so long as the US continues to hold Jonathan Pollard in captivity.

Yad L’Achim Gets Missionary Ad Pulled from Israel Radio

The ad claimed to offer a solution to emotional distress and offered to send a booklet to listeners who called in. The name of the booklet? "The Power to Change," with a subheading, "He changed me."Those who phoned in were asked to provide additional contact information and sent what turned out to be a missionary booklet that included Christian preaching urging faith in "that man."

Rabbis to PM Netanyahu: The Beginning of Downfall is Flight

The Rabbinical Congress for Peace cited the words of Nobel laureate Professor Israel Aumann who said that that evicting the families “would endanger not only the Jewish presence in Judea and Samaria but also all of Israel."

Naso: A Donation Of Incense

Parshas Naso is notable for its length, and its length is notable for its redundancy. The Torah minces no words, and therefore we understand that the repetition in the description of the Mishkan's inaugural service is purposeful and laden with meaning. Rabbi Avigdor Miller, zt”l, explains that this is a reflection on the importance and centrality of the Mishkan.

The Long Road of Stroke Recovery

What does an elected official in his fifties have in common with a young Chassidic father, a young mother who works as a freelance copy editor, and a 21-month old infant? All four individuals, from very different backgrounds and walks of life, suffered a stroke which robbed them of some of their previous abilities, and prompted an individualized recovery process which is likely to last for the rest of their lives.

Thousands of Computers in Iran, Mid-East, Attacked by ‘Flame’ Virus

Kaspersky Lab announced on Monday the discovery of a highly sophisticated malicious program being used as a cyber weapon attacking several countries. The complexity of the newly discovered malicious program exceeds those of all other cyber menaces known to date.

Maj. Gen. Turgeman: IDF Combat Soldiers Will Get Miniature Iron Dome Devices

Ground Forces Commander Maj. Gen. Shlomo (Sami) Turgeman this week presented the IDF future project to supply soldiers in the field with equipment capable of intercepting rockets, similar to the successful anti-rocket defense system, the Iron Dome.

Stigma: A Barrier To Rewarding Relationships

Frailty and differences in other people often scare us. Why? They scare us because we see a reflection of what we fear in ourselves or because we just don’t know how to respond. Since we can’t live with this discomfort for too long, we make assumptions about and apply labels to those we fear.

Teaching The Arab Narrative

How does a state keep its capital city united? A strange question, and one that is clearly not an issue in most of the world. But in Israel, whose capital is the most coveted and contested city in the world, the problem is an acute one.

Military Intelligence Monitored ‘Google Street View’ Project in Israel

Israeli security authorities including the IDF Military Intelligence Formation, closely monitored the Google Street View Project, first launched in Israel just last month, giving a close look of streets in Tel Aviv, Jerusalem and Haifa. The inspection prevented publication of pictures revealing classified information and locations of security facilities operating in Israel.

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Printed from: https://www.jewishpress.com/news/israel/israeli-and-pakistani-news-agencies-collaborate-in-media-venture/2012/07/24/

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