NY Times: Save Mother Earth, Breed Midgets

"When you mate with shorter people, you’re potentially saving the planet"-Yes, that was printed in the "paper of record"

Gaza’s Millionaires Funding the Hamas Regime through Underground Smuggling

The world often thinks of the Gaza Strip, home to 1.4 million Palestinians, as one of the poorest places on earth, where people live in misery and squalor. But an investigative report shows that it is home to at least 600 millionaires, who have made their wealth thanks to the hundreds of underground tunnels between Gaza and Egypt.

My Knesset Platform (Part I)

The main junction from which the different opinions on most issues in Israel diverge is the question of identity. Israel does not have clear borders because it does not have a clear identity. The dispute is not really over peace or security. The dispute is about identity. The more solid our Jewish identity, the stronger the connection between our land and us. The stronger the desire to retreat from our Jewish identity, the stronger our desire to retreat from the land. When we connect to our identity, we will connect to our land and we will merit clear borders and peace.

The Sbarro Bombing and Why Oslo Failed

Two decades after a terrorist massacre in Jerusalem, the incident remains a necessary, if ghastly, reminder of the essential nature of a conflict that couldn’t be solved by Israeli concessions.

Artistic Delusions And ‘The Death Of Klinghoffer’

In the fury and flurry of publicity surrounding the Klinghoffer opera, another musical affront to Jews almost went unnoticed.

Migron First

In Israel, when a politician wants to label the start of a process, he often uses the concept ". . . first!"

Communists Betray Workers, Teachers Unions Betray Students, Civil Rights Organizations Betray Black People

Most civil rights organizations are also essentially left-wing groups. They use alleged concern for black people to attain and retain power, but they harm blacks considerably more than they help them.

INTO THE FRAY: A Constitution -The “Excuse–du Jour”

The raising of the issue of a constitution as a potential way out of the political impasse over the future of Israel's legal system is nothing but a red herring on the part of the opponents of judicial reform

Viscount Samuel, Meet Secretary Hagel

Sometimes one is better off when an opponent feels compelled to prove his bona fides.

Let Them Vote

Any Jew who ties his fate to Israel should be able to vote in Israel’s elections-even before aliyah

70 Years And Growing

Chaverim came from every city, town, religious Kibbutz and settlement in Israel.

Master Plan For A United Jerusalem

KeepJerusalem revealed there's NO long term plan for strengthening & perpetuating a united Jerusalem

Shabbos in Davos

While the meal featured heads of state, Nobel laureates and people of world renown, it had a homely feeling where no one in particular was made to feel more important than the next person.

Amnesty: The Road to Nowhere

Whether or not amnesty comes, the United States of America is becoming too much like Mexico; a society of limited possibilities and diminished social mobility.

7 Reasons Why the Hostage Deal is a Mistake

Israel had a clear moral case for taking out Hamas.

Six Thousand Miles (Part III)

Our fourth Shabbat was observed in Toronto. My former Chabad chavrusah, Yosef Baruch Spielman, had arranged Shabbat hospitality for us at the home of his niece and nephew, Elisheva and Rabbi Chaim Weinman.

Aiding Fatah To Eliminate Hamas: Bush/Olmert Missing The Point, Yet Again

Israel and the United States still think of counter-terrorism as a narrowly military and geopolitical task. What both fail to realize is that Arab/Islamic terrorism in general, and Palestinian terrorism in particular, are driven by religious notions of sacrifice. As these notions are common to both Fatah and Hamas, the developing Bush/Rice/Olmert plan to aid the former against the latter is misconceived. This plan will fail promptly and calamitously. Othman Abu Gharbiya, Deputy Chief of the National and Political Guidance Bureau of Fatah (Al-Hayat al-Jadida, May9, 1998)

Chareidi Bashing: An Ugly Past-time

"Enlightened Jews" who refuse to show chareidim the tolerance they insist we give to Arabs sicken me

Military ‘Woke’ UP–Now No Recruits

The transgender pronouns, diversity training, and lesbian wedding ads aren't working.

A Pogrom in Berkeley

“I never have felt scared to be a Jewish student on campus until last night”


While most of Europe is critical of Israel's war against Hizbullah, the country that most Jews think of being the most anti-Semitic is hosting a group of Israeli youth from northern Israel to ease their trauma.

Cemetery Cleanup In Poland

Recently I wrote about the partial desecration of the cemetery in Bilgoraj, by a construction company, despite the promises of local officials that no defilement would take place.

The Pita That Revived Terror

During the First Lebanon War, the IDF forced the PLO terrorists all the way to the Beirut port and then to Tunisia. The PLO, which had lost its stronghold in Lebanon, was shattered. Salach Taamri, the most senior and admired terrorist captured by the IDF, was imprisoned in the Ansar detention camp. He was a broken man.

Palestinians: the War between Mahmoud and Mohamed

A weak and divided Fatah could further boost Hamas's popularity among Palestinians.

Israel’s Still Blighted Cartography: Searching for New Directions in Jerusalem and Washington

From an existential standpoint, Israel must quickly change its strategic and diplomatic course, or prepare to disappear in increments. More specifically, with a new prime minister in place, Israel will soon need to reassess its presumed faith in the so-called Road Map to Peace in the Middle East.

Rabbi Shmuley Boteach: What If Government Recognized Civil Unions, Left Marriage to Religion?

What business does the government have entering a church, synagogue, or mosque to legitimize or define the spiritual nature of a person's marriage? We are supposed to have separation of church and state in America. Far from harming religion, this change would encourage non-religious people to entertain the concept of how religion can enhance and enrich one’s life, and be an invitation to engage in further religious learning, traditions, communities, and beliefs.


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Printed from: https://www.jewishpress.com/indepth/columns/aaron-klein/quick-takes-news-you-may-have-missed-323/2016/04/13/

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