‘Every Day without Israeli Sovereignty Advances the Palestinian State’
Israel Prize Laureate Geula Cohen calls for accelerated and frequent action in the Knesset and outside of it until the “historical crack” is found, through which the application of Israeli sovereignty over Judea and Samaria can be advanced.
The Trump Plan – a Regional Disaster
Netanyahu will need to stand firm against Trump's peace plan, just like he did against Obama's.
Enough of the American Bear Hug
After blatantly interfering in Israel's election campaign, despite priding itself as being the greatest democracy in the world, the American administration has found it difficult to internalize and accept the democratic choice of the people of Israel.
Demography as an Instrument of Opposition
Why is the Coordinator of Government Activities in Judea and Samaria publishing the Palestinian CBO’s distorted and tendentious data, which adds more than a million and a quarter people to Palestinian demographics?
A Direct and Open Appeal to Member of Knesset Bezalel Smotrich
Both you and Benjamin Netanyahu are under enormous pressure from the American administration and from the Left at the same time and the media who all are having difficulty internalizing the verdict of Israeli democracy...
A Palestinian State – A Deathtrap for Israel
To the leaders of Likud and Bayit Yehudi: This is the time of your test, stop the dangerous proposal that is emerging from the White House.