Articles You Must Read...

Jews Retake Gaza on Sukkot to Repair the Arik Sharon Destruction

You want to teach the Islamists a lesson they’ll never forget? Take away their land.

Hamas Funding Thrives in Europe, Despite Terror Designation

Four reports from ELNET identify some 30 organizations and people affiliated with Hamas who work in Europe.

Karim Khan Who Sought to Arrest Netanyahu Accused of Sexual Misconduct

Douglas Murray noted that Khan’s brother served time in the UK for sexually assaulting a minor.

This Just In: Ben Gvir Did NOT ‘Storm’ Temple Mount

Now, everyone knows that the Jewish visitors didn’t even get close to the Al Aqsa Mosque, but what the PA official news outlet meant was that everything up on the mountaintop is part of the mosque.

Russian Spokeswoman Compares Killing Sinwar to Cannibalism, a Well Known Russian Cuisine

What cannibalistic virus is lurking up the spine of this Putinesque blonde? Are there cases of Russian cannibalism?

Bring Them Home

Jews Retake Gaza on Sukkot to Repair the Arik Sharon Destruction

You want to teach the Islamists a lesson they’ll never forget? Take away their land.

WSJ: Sinwar Broke Hostage Talks to Manipulate Israeli Useful Idiots

In March, Sinwar communicated with Hamas officials, ordering them once again to reject any hostage agreement.

Exposed: Where Does Hezbollah’s Money Come From?

Hezbollah has a bunker full of cash and gold hidden under the Al-Sahel Hospital in Beirut - approximately half-a-billion dollars worth.

Top Hezbollah Terrorist Killed, Vehicle Destroyed in Damascus Surgical Strike

There have been multiple other targeted assassinations carried out in Damascus this year, most of them in the same neighborhood.

Hamas Funding Thrives in Europe, Despite Terror Designation

Four reports from ELNET identify some 30 organizations and people affiliated with Hamas who work in Europe.

No, President Macron: The UN did not create Israel

A number of Western leaders seem to think they know what is best for the State of Israel, and frequently admonish and attempt to bully the Israeli government to follow their dictates.

Just ‘Say Sorry’

The Biden-Harris White House Owes Bibi an Apology

Open Letter To Simchat Torah 5785

This year, the Torah will feel different in my arms. Not lighter, not heavier, but full of stories we know too well – the stories of exile and return, of brokenness and healing, of joy and tragedy walking side by side.

United in Grief, Strong in Hope: 6th Anniversary of Tree of Life Shooting

What sets this year apart is not only the physical trauma of a seven-front war facing Israel but the ripple effect this has had on Jews worldwide.

Daf Yomi Brain Teasers: Baba Batra 119

Baba Batra 119: Do Women know that timing is everything?

West Bank Arabs Support Sinwar And War

Yahya Sinwar, the mastermind of the October 7 massacre, was killed by an Israeli military...

Daf Yomi Brain Teasers: Baba Batra 118

Baba Batra 118: What do fish have to do with the evil eye?

Goldstein on Gelt: A Retirement Game Changer: Dividend ETFs

Worried about whether your money will last through retirement? You’re not alone, this podcast will share a powerful tool that could help turn your concerns into confidence

Damaged Esrog

If the person decides not to buy the item, some consider him henceforth a shomer sachar, liable also for theft, like a borrower after the time, while others consider him a shomer chinam, liable only for negligence, since it turned out that he had no benefit (Sma 200:31).

Daf Yomi

Priorities ‘According To Their Wisdom And Their Age’ (Bava Basra 120a)

Z’man Simchateinu

Simcha, Sason & Chedva, and the distinctions between them.

Holocaust Survivors Defy Terror

After the Nazis failed to murder them, Hezbollah tried to do so, but they won’t succeed either, wrote Yaron.

Thoughts To Have While In The Sukkah

This commemoration is considered so vital that, while for most mitzvos it is sufficient simply to have in mind that one is doing the command of Hashem, this is not good enough when it comes to the precept of Sukkah.

The Magnitude Of The Sacrifice

Is it true then that one elevates oneself to the level of the most righteous simply by sacrificing one’s life for the sanctification of the Name?


We all know the verse "Serve Hashem in joy" (Tehillim 100:2), which seems to indicate that there is a positive commandment to serve G-d in joy. However, if you search Sefer HaChinuch, which lists and discusses all 613 mitzvot, for this specific mitzvah, you will not find it.

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