BULLETPROOF – Terrorists, Morality, Tolerance and Parades [audio]

Two politically charged topics; Killing terrorists and Pride Parades.

Drafting the Ultra Orthodox, and Telling American Jewry the Way It Is – BULLETPROOF...

Was Tzipi Hotovely wrong in what she said to American Jewry or was she right on the money?

Bulletproof – Upheaval At The Top [audio]

Ari Fuld explains all that has transpired in the last few days and how it has shaken up the Israeli government and the country.

Bulletproof – Where Does Hope Lie? [audio]

Ari dedicates this show to the two souls murdered by Arab terrorists last week in Judea and Samaria.

Bulletproof – The Cold, Hard Truth [audio]

Ari gives his unyielding take on the Jerusalem Gay Pride Parade and discusses the U.S. presidential election.

BULLETPROOF – Would the U.N. Recognize Honesty if it Knocked on its Door? [audio]

The UN condemns Israel, while only a few miles over the border, Syria is on fire.

Ari Fuld in the Land Down Under – BULLETPROOF [audio]

A lot of news is simmering hot down there that the rest of the world may not know. Listen in and get the low-down!

Dishing Out The Truth – BULLETPROOF [audio]

You can't buy the enemy's narrative, and still be a Zionist. Thus says Ari Fuld in this power-packed show! You will learn so much!

Bulletproof – How Trump Trumped and Why Progressive Liberals are Burning American Flags [audio]

Ari breaks down the shocking results of the U.S. presidential election and explores why liberals are expressing disdain for their country.

BULLETPROOF – Taking Back Jerusalem [audio]

Arieh King works night and day to preserve and reclaim Jewish land.

BULLETPROOF – Let’s Talk About a Two State Solution! [audio]

Oh yes, there IS Illegal building in Judea and Samaria, but you will not believe by whom!

BULLETPROOF – Crime & Punishment: Toilets, Courts and Drones [audio]

The change in the Supreme Court in Israel, drones, and transgender bathrooms

Bulletproof – Jerusalem Jane [audio]

Why would a Christian Danish woman make it her life's work to stand up for Israel?

BULLETPROOF – The Watch-Dog of the Government vs. Amona [audio]

An Israeli Watch-dog defends the community of Amona which the government plans to destroy.

BULLETPROOF – Why War Is The Only Road To Peace [audio]

Why war is the only sensible and realistic road to real peace.

Ari Talks to a Warrior from Ramallah – BULLETPROOF [audio]

Ari talks to a warrior from Ramallah that will blow your mind. She is the real face of peace and wait till you hear who she voted for in the US elections.

BULLETPROOF – Trump Meets Abbas [audio]

Trump, Abbas, and lots more on this show with Ari Fuld.

Bulletproof – You Take A Man In… [audio]

Ari is thankful there were no terrorist attacks to report in Israel this week, but Europe wasn't so lucky.

BULLETPROOF – ISIS, UNESCO & CoverGirl. You Can’t MAKEUP This Stuff [audio]

UNESCO erases Jewish history and CoverGirl now has a cover-boy. The world is upside-down.

BULLETPROOF – What will happen now to the Residents of Amona? [audio]

What is the "right" wing government doing to make sure that this does not happen again?

BULLETPROOF – Why Didn’t They Kill the Terrorist? [audio]

An inside look at Thursday morning's terror car-ramming scene, through an interview with a MADA paramedic that was there.

BULLETPROOF – What’s the Real Reason World Leaders are Coming to Peres’ Funeral? [audio]

What's the real reason why world leaders, and even Mahmood Abbas are attending Peres' funeral? It may not be why you think. Ari gives his take on the matter.

A Subway Stop Named after Trump? Iranian Protests & More – BULLETPROOF [audio]

People angry about the 'Trump Stop', and others angry in the street of Iran.

Bulletproof – It’s About Policies, Not Personalities [audio]

When it comes to the US elections, Ari says not to consider the personalities, but the policies.

BULLETPROOF – Israel Starting To Show The Arabs Who Is The Boss Around Here...

Israel demonstrates to a squatting Arab family in a Jewish home who is boss.


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Printed from: https://www.jewishpress.com/multimedia/radio/israel-news-talk-radio/bulletproof/bulletproof-are-there-enemies-from-within-audio/2016/08/16/

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