
They Promise, We Die

Enough with the "Peace" promises.

Bohemian Chanukah

Six13's newest Chanukah song.

Jewish Space Laser Corps

With the Jewish Space Laser now exposed, there's a kickstarter campaign for merchandizing it.

How Are They Going to Fit That into There?

The IDF entered PA-controlled Hebron to retrieve a fallen drone and put it into their jeep... somehow.

Committed to Studying 5 Religions in 6 Months, Content Creator Nas Daily Loves Judaism

In his latest video, Nuseir, who has upwards of 60 million followers around the globe, talks about Judaism.

Watch: Hebron Just Before Shabbat Chayei Sarah

Our good friend Ezri To Be depicted the Jewish city from the air.

WATCH: Arabs and Jews Join Together and Say ‘Vote for Trump’

Muhammad Masaed, a former Arab terrorist, and Yossi Dagan, the Jewish Mayor of Samaria, join together and call for Americans to vote for President Trump in the upcoming elections - as Trump has been good for the Arabs and good for the Jews.

Israeli-Arab reporter Lucy Aharish Blasts the Arab Violence and Leadership

If only more Israeli-Arabs spoke out as vocally as Lucy Aharish has..

Meet Kamala Harris’s Holistic Thought Advisor (Satire)

Hibiscus preaches the practice of speaking without thinking.

Hamas by Ari Lesser

Ari Lesser's famous "Hamas" rap.

The Gospel According to Berkeley

An Eretz Nehederet skit on on the Woke.

Daylight: The Story of Obama and Israel


Celebrating Jerusalem Day on the Temple Mount


Yom Kippur in Africa

Raw TV footage from the Canal-crossing of Israeli armored units over the floating bridges to the African continent—Egypt. The Lubavitcher Rebbe suggested back then that...

Israel Slandered for Deporting Omar Shakir

It's what democracies do to protect themselves against their enemies.

Watch: Experience a Firebombing Firsthand

The bus was taking high school girls from the Oriya School home after they spent Shabbat in Neve Tzuf, in the Shomron.

6 Bears Turn on Animal Lovers Who Released Them into the Wild

Then the cages were opened and the bears charged at the crowd, and the whole goodwill celebration almost turned into a bloody massacre.

Tisha B’Av: The People Are Ready

In our generation, an entire nation is turning on to the Holy Temple in Jerusalem!

Israelis Feel a Special Connection to World Jews

Not one of the people questioned said they didn't feel a special connection to Jews outside Israel. Nuf said. [youtube]

Solidarity in the Storm: Images from the Homesh Rally

At the head of the procession was Yehuda's widow Ettia Dimentman.

Abraham Punked

Oooh, are they stretching the envelope… The original idea, though is a Norm McDonald joke about a guy getting punked by his neighbor who...

Dames of the Dance

The women of Gush Etzion celebrate their 10th season of Dames of the Dance.

Boomerang’s Weekly Terror Report, January 24-31, 2019

Remember Eitamar Ben-Gal who was murdered exactly a year ago?

Ha Ha Islamophobia

Patrick "Pat" Condell (born 1949 or 1950) is an English writer, political commentator, comedian and atheist internet personality. He performed alternative comedy shows during...

Words of Terror

Hamas chief Ismail Haniyah, "Yes, we are a people that yearns for death, just as our enemies yearn for life." Gotta love his honesty. [youtube]

M*A*S*H : Goodbye, Farewell and Amen

Video: Israel's Mazor Ladach field clinic in Syria: August 2017 to August 2018, packing up and coming back home to Israel.

Your Quick Guide to Getting a Gun License In Israel

Natan Epstein shares with us how to get a gun license in Israel... p.s. Quick question to the readers: Is this screenshot from the video...

Splitting the (Jindo) Sea

Every year, between April and June, for only an hour, a narrow land pass appears between the island of Jindo and the small Modo...


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