Happy Ending in Gaza

A surveillance by a drone team after a terrorist cell in the Shaboura camp in Rafah ended with its destruction.

Watch: Rabbi Manis Friedman on the Lubavitcher Rebbe’s 30th Yahrzeit, Gimel Tamuz 2024

We bring you his latest talk, taped on the eve of Gimel Tamuz 5784 (2024).

Prelude to a Holocaust in SC: Watch Elderly Jew Maligned by Antisemitic Mob

Bob Campbell, an 80-year-old Army veteran who suffers from cancer was stomped on, assaulted, and pushed to the ground, which left a footprint clearly visible on his shorts.

Nasrallah’s Latest Video Reveals New Israeli Targets and Lots of Yelling

The video includes snippets of Nasrallah's latest speech in which he warns Israel that Hezbollah would fight with no restraints if war is imposed on Lebanon.

Showing Incredible Self Restraint, Israeli Guest Does Not Call BBC’s Helena Humphrey a Moron

If you are a student of human behavior, you cannot but feel deep admiration for Conricus, who did not use any one of the varieties of proper responses to her idiocy.

Neturei Karta Anti-Israel Demonstration Drowned Out by the Entire Haredi Community of Monsey

A small protest by Neturei Karta outside Bais Medrash Ohr Chaim (Scheiner’s Shul) on Forshay Road in Monsey Monday night sparked a massive counterprotest,...

Netanyahu: US Has Three Times the Number of Deaths from Starvation as Gaza

"That's like saying that, well, I'm issuing, you know, arrest warrants for FDR and Churchill, but also for Hitler."

Celebrations Around the World and in Iran, Ding Dong the Witch Is Gone

Iranians around the world are celebrating the death of Iran’s President Ebrahim Raisi in a helicopter crash on Sunday. Following the official confirmation of Raisi’s...

Committed to Studying 5 Religions in 6 Months, Content Creator Nas Daily Loves Judaism

In his latest video, Nuseir, who has upwards of 60 million followers around the globe, talks about Judaism.

Police Detain Man Who Raised Israeli Flag on Temple Mount on Independence Day

He reflected the national mood today, the saddest Yom Ha’Atzmaut ever.

Ari Fuld on Yom HaZikaron

A video of Ari Fuld's Yom Hazikaron (Memorial Day) speech in 2016 to students at Yeshivat Migdal HaTorah.

With So Much Flagrant Hate Around Why Don’t Jews Read the Signs?

As anti-sematic lunatics burn America to the ground, what should be the response of a God-fearing Jew?

Watch: Chotam’s ‘Say Shema Israel’ Appeals to Every Jew

“There are those for whom this awakening is a threat,” say Chotam activists.

Watch: Anarchists Rehearse Meltdown at Knesset Committee Hearings

Malka also reported about going to the tent compound that was pitched in front of the Knesset on Tuesday and discovering no one was inside.

Pro Hamas Goons Converge on Teaneck’s Congregation Bnai Yeshurun during ZAKA Event

The Hamas people heard that ZAKA was in town and went about ruining their fundraiser.

UNCHUTZPA: UN Official Orders Father of Hostage to Remove her Dog Tag

Eli Elbag, father of Liri Elbag from Moshav Yarhiv who was kidnapped by Hamas thugs on October 7, 2023, attended a meeting of the...

Hezbollah Challenging Iron Dome, Tuesday they Reached a Peak

Hezbollah is constantly trying to bypass the Air Force's detection systems.

Watch: Pro-Israel US Ad Campaign Ahead of the Super Bowl

The ads have already received approximately 10 million exposures in its initial days.

Full Movie: Journey of Hope – Retracing the Kindertransport after 85 Years

"If you don’t know the past you can’t make the future any better."

Watch: IDF Bombs 56 Buildings in Shuja’iyya

So may all Your enemies perish, O God (Judges 5:31).

Aisha the K9 Warrior Video Upsets Muslims on Account of Muhammad’s Wife by Same...

Aisha bint Abi Bakr, a.k.a. "Mother of the Believers," was the prophet Muhammad's third and youngest wife. According to most sources, Aisha was 6...

Enjoy: IDF Soldier Says Shema Israel over Jenin Mosque PA System

He shared with the faithful a joyous recitation of the Shema Israel.

Watch: Ehud Barak Destroys IDF Claims of Hamas Headquarters under Shifa Hospital

We could say that you’re beneath contempt, but we don’t wish to insult all the people who are beneath contempt.

Gaza Envelope Children’s Updated ‘Friendship’ Song Deleted by State TV

On Sunday, they posted an updated version of Gouri’s masterpiece, sung by children ages 6 to 12, all of whom have been evacuated from the Gaza envelope settlements.

Watch: Pro-Hamas Demonstrator Ripping Down US Flags, and Other Outrageous Footage

And additional videos of pro-Hamas demonstrations in the US and Europe.

Watch: Nakba in Gaza, this Time Arabs Fleeing Hamas

IDF tanks are protecting the procession, taking out the Hamas threats.

Nitsana Darshan Leitner: Where Are the Feminists?

“It seems only certain women and children are worthy of their outrage and protection,” she says.


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