Tevye in the Promised Land, Chapter Thirty-Two: A Letter From America
One late afternoon when Tevye returned to his tent after a back-breaking day in the winery, a letter was...
Tevye in the Promised Land, Chapter Twenty-Five: Tevye Cures the Muktar’s Daughter
On the arranged date, the Jews set out to survey the land which their Arab neighbors wanted to sell. The Muktar Abdulla...
Tevye in the Promised Land, Chapter Twenty-Three: A New Kind of Jew
All of Tevye's life, it seemed like he was always saying good-bye. Back in the old country, what now seemed like lifetimes ago, his...
Tevye in the Promised Land, Chapter Twenty-Nine: The Plague
The next chapter in the award winning novel.
Who Knows But God
For God’s Sake!?, Chapter 3
Tevye in the Promised Land, Chapter 14: The Dybbuk
Strangely, the person who seemed most affected by Tzeitl's death was Goliath. Upon hearing the news, he surrounded himself with an impenetrable wall. He...
Tevye in the Promised Land, Chapter Nine: Mazal Tov!
"Didn't I tell you that everything God does works out for the best?" Tevye said to Nachman as everyone gathered excitedly around the coffin on the beach. "If the Turks had let us disembark in Jaffa, I would never have seen my Golda wash up on shore."
Tevye in the Promised Land, Chapter Twenty-One: Reunion
The journey from Zichron Yaacov to Jaffa took almost three days. For Tevye, it was a chance to see another part of the Land...
The Mother of all Chumrot
For God’s Sake!?, Chapter 2
Tevye in the Promised Land, Chapter Thirty-Four: Fear No Evil
The next chapter of the award-winning novel.
Tevye in the Promised Land, Chapter Twenty-Seven: Hodel Leaves Perchik
Overnight, Tevye's new cottage became a warm, haimisher home...
Tevye in the Promised Land, Chapter Two: Golda
Tevye took the shovel and started to dig. The earth was hard, but after breaking through the frozen topsoil, the ground became looser below. Whoever would have dreamed of Tevye digging up his Golda?
Tevye in the Promised Land, Chapter 12: Hodel
It was impossible to tell which thought gave Tevye more happiness. The thought of stepping foot in Jerusalem, or the thought of seeing his Hodel again. True, Hodel was his own flesh and blood. She was like a little piece of his Golda.
Tevye in the Promised Land, Chapter Seventeen: The Milkman’s Daughter
Tevye decided to stay in Shoshana until the birth of Hodel's baby, which was only a month away. He forbade Bat Sheva to speak...
Tevye in the Promised Land, Chapter Forty: Locusts
The next chapter of the award-winning novel.
Tevye in the Promised Land, Chapter Thirty-Three: The Settlers Draw Lots
The next chapter of the award-winning novel.
Tevye in the Promised Land, Chapter Twenty-Two: A Visit to the Yeshiva
Not only was Tevye's family going to be together, they were going to be rich! The Baron's gift of 5000 francs would make...
The Ambassadors
The 2nd installment of The Ambassador, the engrossing new novel from Toby Press: Part 1; Chapter 1
Tevye in the Promised Land, Chapter Eight: The Holy Land
Who knew what new disasters would arise on the way to Alexandria, Tevye thought? Eretz Yisrael was so close, they could almost reach out and touch it. Jews were already pushing and shoving to climb down the ladder of the ship. They jumped into the small rowboats as if the chance might never come again.
Tevye in the Promised Land, Chapter Twenty-Eight: Waiting for the Baron
When word arrived that Baron Edmond Rothschild was coming for a visit, with none other than the famous Dr. Chaim Weizmann, the colony turned into a frantic beehive of activity.
Tevye in the Promised Land, Chapter Thirty: Waters of Eden
What was a man, Tevye thought, that one moment he could be so filled with power and seemingly invincible force, and the next moment a motionless pile of flesh?
What If Rabbi Akiva Would Visit Boro Park or Bnei Brak
For God’s Sake!?, Chapter 1
Tevye in the Promised Land, Chapter Thirty-Seven: A Son at Last!
The next chapter of the award-winning novel.
Tevye in the Promised Land, Chapter Twenty-Four: Morasha
The Jewish Colony Association had chosen the mountainous location not for its suitability as farmland, but because of its price. When more and more...
Tevye in the Promised Land, Chapter Thirty-Six: Tevye the Builder
The next chapter of the award-winning novel.
Our Glorious, Gutsy Past
For God’s Sake!?, Chapter 3
For God’s Sake!?
You don't have to be 'right' – to be correct.
Tevye in the Promised Land, Chapter 13: Tzeitl’s Last Wish
"What are we going to eat?" Shmuelik asked Tevye as they changed into their Sabbath clothing.
Tevye did not understand the question. "What do you...
Tevye in the Promised Land, Chapter Six: A Wagon of Worries
"If you want to read a truly important book, you should read ‘The Jewish State,’ by Theodor Herzl. He was a prophet who spoke to the Jews of today," said Ben Zion. "The Lord has many messengers," Nachman answered. "In our time, God chose Herzl to bring the message of Zion to our exiled people. But it wasn't Herzl who invented the Zionist movement. It comes from our holy Torah and the Jews who have been following its call for thousands of years."
Tevye in the Promised Land, Chapter Thirty-Eight: A Love Song for Hodel
The next chapter of the award-winning novel.