Photo Credit: Jewish Press
Inna Vernikov

There are two things, both important, that come to mind, in regard to “blue.”

First, is the blue and white flag of the State of Israel. It is the symbol of the fulfillment of a 2,000-year-old dream of Jews to return to their ancestral homeland after years of wandering the world without a place to call home. It represents the triumph of hope and faith over despair, and symbolizes our resilience despite overwhelming odds.


75 years after its founding, who can be anything but proud and amazed at what we as a people have accomplished. We are strong, innovative in many fields, and continue to give the Jews hope in our ability to succeed. Am Yisrael Chai.

Second, as a New Yorker and a City Councilwoman, “blue” represents the brave men and women of the N.Y. City Police Department. They put on that blue uniform day in and day out, committed to making our city a safe place for its citizens. They do this, frequently placing themselves in harm’s way. We need to appreciate these people as they are truly New York’s finest.

I remain committed to emphasizing safety as our number one priority and to supporting the men and women in blue who make this possible.


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Inna Vernikov represents the 48th District in the New York City Council. In 2022, she was appointed the Minority Whip of the Republican Caucus.