INTO THE FRAY: The Nationality Law Brouhaha – Is Jewish National Will Failing?

Israel will only be democratic if it is Jewish—and it will only be Jewish if it is Zionist. Therefore, it will only be democratic if it is Zionist i.e. if it is the nation state of the Jewish people

INTO THE FRAY: The Israeli Right Gone Wrong

Astonishingly, having been proved entirely justified in its condemnation of the dangerous defects of the “Left’s” political credo, the “Right” proceeded to embrace it

INTO THE FRAY: Israel Victory Initiative – Quo vadis?

It is unrealistic to expect that the Palestinians will experience a sudden “aha moment”, slap their forehead in epiphanic realization of the futility of their Judeocidal endeavors—and, of their own volition, docilely declare defeat

INTO THE FRAY: Instability in Jordan: The impact on Trump’s “Ultimate Deal”

Possible repercussions of the challenge to the stability of the Hashemite regime is the potential impact that political upheaval in Jordan may have on the feasibility of Donald Trump’s “ultimate deal” Mid-East peace plan which is rumored to be announced soon.

INTO THE FRAY- A Port for Gaza: Infinite Imbecility?

Hamas and its terror affiliates are not burrowing tunnels, flying incendiary kites and firing rockets at Israeli civilians because Gaza has no port. They are doing so despite the fact that it does not have one!

INTO THE FRAY – Elements of Oslo: Drug Trafficking & high treason?

The arrest of former Minister Gonen Segev, on charges of treason, constitute a regrettable vindication of my assessment of the man – over 25 years ago.

INTO THE FRAY: The IDF & Gaza: Soldiers or sociologists?

Has the IDF brass forgotten that they are soldiers, charged with providing military solutions to physical threats to the nation’s security; not sociologists, tasked with diagnosing the societal ailments of its enemies?

INTO THE FRAY: Gaza—The “Humanitarian” Hoax

The privation in Gaza is not the cause of the enmity towards the Jewish state. Quite the opposite! It is the enmity towards the Jewish state that is the cause of the privation in Gaza.

Gaza: A Simple Solution

The solution for Gaza is not, and cannot be, its reconstruction, but its deconstruction and the generously funded humanitarian relocation and rehabilitation of the non-belligerent Gazans to third party countries, outside the “circle of violence”.

INTO THE FRAY: Gaza – A “Simple” Solution

The solution for Gaza is not, and cannot be, its reconstruction, but its deconstruction and the generously funded humanitarian relocation and rehabilitation of the non-belligerent Gazans to third party countries, outside the “circle of violence”.

INTO THE FRAY: Inane …Again! Tom Friedman on Gaza

Tom Friedman’s last piece on Gaza is a “masterful” blend of personal bile & bias, liberally laced with logical inconsistencies, factual inaccuracies and even blatant non-sequiturs

INTO THE FRAY: Swastikas over Gaza!

Nothing could expose the true intent of the Judeocidal riots on Gaza border more than the Nazi-style swastikas on incendiary kites flown into Israel to set Jewish property (& if possible, Jewish people) ablaze.

INTO THE FRAY: Iran & the Chilling Significance of the “No Alternative” Argument

The attempt to justify the 2015 deal with Iran, as being the only viable alternative to allowing it to develop nuclear weapons, is both infuriating and disingenuous.

INTO THE FRAY: Natalie Portman as a Symptom

Israel must convey a resolute message to arm-chair liberals who are staunchly prepared to defend their principles…down to the last Israeli

INTO THE FRAY: Syria-Reaping Storm Obama Sowed

If surrendering US primacy in the region to Russia was the result of US passivity and inaction, the intrusion of Iran into Syria can very definitely be attributed to ill-conceived, active American policy.

Syria – Reaping the Storm Obama Sowed

If surrendering US primacy in the region to Russia was the result of US passivity and inaction, the intrusion of Iran into Syria can very definitely be attributed to ill-conceived, active American policy.

INTO THE FRAY: Gaza-Collapse of “Land-for-Peace” Concept

Israel must convey that it will consider the continuation of the “March of Return” an overt act of war, and all the participants in it, enemy combatants—who must expect to face all the risks that entails.

INTO THE FRAY: Lauder’s Lame Lament

According to Ronald Lauder, Israel must be either perilously insecure; or demographically untenable. This is an utterly false dichotomy.

INTO THE FRAY: AIPAC & the Progressives’ “Uncompelling” Case

In pursuit of bipartisanship AIPAC should strive to persuade “progressives”, not pander to them”; to convert them, not co-opt them. Convince them not conform to their agenda.

INTO THE FRAY To: AIPAC’s CEO – Picture the Perils of “Palestine”

Palestinian statehood & a secure Israel are mutually exclusive goals. This was always the accepted wisdom in Israel - until the discourse was hijacked by the tyrannical diktats of politically correct dogma

INTO THE FRAY: Perils of Postponing Preemption

Israel is approaching a point when it must decide to destroy enemy capabilities, rather than attempting to deter the enemy from using them.

INTO THE FRAY: Police, Press and a Politicized “Putsch”?

The unrelenting drive to bring an indictment—any indictment—against Netanyahu has long exceeded the bounds of reasonable law enforcement

INTO THE FRAY: Coup d’état?

Netanyahu was elected as the Prime Minster, not as the Pope. Accordingly, he should be judged primarily on the basis of his political and strategic accomplishments, not his personal morality

INTO THE FRAY: The Enemy – What the “Right” Seems Unable to Grasp

The time has come for the “Right” to “bite the bullet” & give up trying to advance convoluted political prescriptions in lieu of the two-state formula. It is time to identify the Palestinian-Arabs as the enemy

INTO THE FRAY: Identifying the Enemy as…the Enemy

The entire issue of “Palestinian national identity” is a giant hoax, intended to be no more than a temporary ruse, until the Jewish hold on sovereignty in the Holy Land—any part of the Holy Land—is pried loose.

INTO THE FRAY: An Appeal to Alan Dershowitz – Renounce Two-statism!

The jury is no longer out on the two-state paradigm. Given the accumulating evidence, unequivocally demonstrating its folly and futility, Dershowitz must accept the unavoidable verdict of its failure

INTO THE FRAY The anti-BDS effort – Targeting the Symptoms, NOT the Sickness

BDS is not an attempt to delegitimize Israel, but rather a product of Israel’s delegitimization; it is thus a consequence, rather than a cause, of that delegitimization

INTO THE FRAY- Iran: Are the Wheels Falling off Obama’s “Signature” Foreign Policy Endeavor?

The ongoing turmoil in Iran highlights both the duplicity to which the Obama administration resorted and the missed opportunity for a better deal.

INTO THE FRAY: The UN vote on Jerusalem: A disturbing diplomatic debacle

When India supports an anti-Israel resolution, while Croatia, Romania, and Ukraine do not—invoking ingrained anti-Semitism rings somewhat hollow, and alternative explanations are called for


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