INTO THE FRAY: “Mowing the Lawn” Won’t Cut it—

By avoiding confrontations in which Israel can win, Israeli governments risk backing the country into a confrontation which it cannot win.

INTO THE FRAY: The Bahrain Conference: Failure Foretold

The endeavor to resolve the Israeli-Palestinian conflict by economic means not only shows a grave defect in understanding its underlying causes, but inverts the causal relationship that generates & sustains it.

INTO THE FRAY: Gantz & Lapid’s “Blue and White” – A Fragile, Directionless, ad...

The purported electoral appeal of the Blue & White line-up is that it includes 3 former IDF Chiefs-of-Staff, yet virtually invariably when top military figures have departed from their field of expertise (security) & ventured into one where they have none (politics), they have been disastrously wrong.

INTO THE FRAY: Instability in Jordan: The impact on Trump’s “Ultimate Deal”

Possible repercussions of the challenge to the stability of the Hashemite regime is the potential impact that political upheaval in Jordan may have on the feasibility of Donald Trump’s “ultimate deal” Mid-East peace plan which is rumored to be announced soon.

INTO THE FRAY- Bennett’s Academic Code: Right Sentiment, Wrong Strategy

In-depth 2013 study: “Israeli academics have been free to engage in ‘nazification’ of Israel”

INTO THE FRAY: Democracy Devoid of the Demos?

Former Justice Minister, ‘Tommy’ Lapid: “…the legal system in Israel is being undermined by an over-zealous State Prosecutor’s Office, that is losing esteem and credibility with each additional trial…”

INTO THE FRAY: Gaza-A Gigantic Shift in the ‘Overton Window’

What once was unthinkable is now moving to the center of mainstream thought

INTO THE FRAY: An Appeal to Alan Dershowitz – Renounce Two-statism!

The jury is no longer out on the two-state paradigm. Given the accumulating evidence, unequivocally demonstrating its folly and futility, Dershowitz must accept the unavoidable verdict of its failure

INTO THE FRAY: Oslo at 24: Failing the “Crystal Ball” Test

If Rabin had a crystal ball that allowed him to foresee the terrible trauma and tragedy the Oslo Agreements would cause, there is little doubt that he would have never agreed to its signature.

INTO THE FRAY: Touting Jewish ghettos – Moronic or malevolent?

Given the resistance to removing hundreds of thousands of Jews from their ancient homeland in Judea-Samaria, an egregious idea is emerging: Instead of evacuation, abandonment

INTO THE FRAY Palestine: What if the Six-Day War Never Occurred?

If the “West Bank” was part of the “Hashemite Kingdom” up to 1967, how did it suddenly become the Palestinians’ long-yearned-for homeland which, up until then, they were submissively willing to cede to an alien potentate?

INTO THE FRAY: “Palestine”—Countervailing Hypotheses 

Do the Palestinian-Arabs genuinely wish to establish a state for themselves? Or do they really wish to dismantle the state of the Jews? 

INTO THE FRAY: Benny Morris – Unlikely Proponent of Incentivized Arab Emigration?

If, as Morris maintains, a peaceable two-state outcome is unattainable, and a one-state outcome will lead to a Muslim-majority tyranny, then a large-scale initiative for incentivized Arab emigration is the only policy that can preserve the Jewish nation-state

INTO THE FRAY: UN & Obama-The Blame Bibi bears (revisited)

By imprudently accepting the idea of Palestinian statehood, Netanyahu gravely limited the freedom of action needed for official diplomatic effort to rebuff adversarial diplomatic moves against Israel

INTO THE FRAY: The Israel-UAE Pact: Substance Over Ceremony?

Despite all the potential payoffs Israel-UAE normalization may entail, the agreement is really a prop in the choreography for a much bigger drama. 

INTO THE FRAY: My New Year Appeal to Caroline Glick – Rethink “The Israeli Solution”.

Glick’s prescription for a “A One-State Plan for Peace in the Middle East” will jeopardize the Zionist enterprise no less than the two-state paradigm, which she rightly repudiates with great force and eloquence.

INTO THE FRAY- Obama:The Blame Bibi Bears

Despite the talk of the unprecedentedly close intelligence and military cooperation between Israel and the US, a case could be made that the Obama administration is—intentionally or otherwise—laying the foundations for Israel’s demise.

INTO THE FRAY: Obviating Elections

If the so-called "champions of democracy" succeed in obstructing the judicial reforms, democratic rule will be replaced by mob rule—and Israel will be teetering on the brink of an Orwellian dystopia

INTO THE FRAY: The Smotrich Plan -Right Direction, but…

Several flaws in MK Smotrich’s otherwise bold proposal will prevent it from achieving its long-term strategic goal: Sustainable Jewish sovereignty over the entire Land of Israel

INTO THE FRAY: Israel and American Liberal Jewry: The REAL Reasons for the Rift

Incredibly, according to Israel’s “liberal” detractors, the only remedy for Israel’s “democracy deficit” is to establish yet another Muslim-majority tyranny.

INTO THE FRAY: The New “Nuts”—Jeffrey Goldberg, the Jerusalem Post & the Question of...

For those who subscribe to progressive liberal values of pluralism and tolerance, who is nuts: Those who support the establishment of a self-governing Palestinian entity--or those who oppose it?

INTO THE FRAY: Macron on the Wrong Side of History

The election of Donald Trump and the collapse of the Assad regime in Syria will compel a recalibration of recalibration of France’s past policies.

INTO THE FRAY: Gaza—A Sense of Déjà vu

Sadly, the discussion of the fate of Gaza in general, and of the “Day After” in particular, is taking on an eerily familiar look—ominously reminiscent of the discussions of yesteryear.

Into the Fray: Trump’s Presidential Decree on the Golan – A Moral and Practical...

In issuing his recent presidential decree, recognizing Israel’s sovereignty over the Golan Heights, President Donald followed the commendable policy pattern he has set...of not following the policy patterns set by his predecessors.

INTO THE FRAY: The Humanitarian Paradigm – Answering FAQs (Part 2)

Sequel to the dispelling of doubts regarding the feasibility - and morality - of largescale, financially incentivized emigration as the only non-kinetic approach for resolution of the Israel-Palestinian impasse.

INTO THE FRAY: A Constitution -The “Excuse–du Jour”

The raising of the issue of a constitution as a potential way out of the political impasse over the future of Israel's legal system is nothing but a red herring on the part of the opponents of judicial reform

INTO THE FRAY: A Sense of Betrayal 

Past deeds of heroism are no justification for present acts of subversion

INTO THE FRAY: Amona-A strategic defeat for Zionism

The impending destruction of Amona reflect failure of political will and ideo-intellectual bankruptcy of the elected government rather than the inevitable culmination of a legal battle.

INTO THE FRAY:The Forgotten Fire?

Last week’s fires did little to illuminate much of the unknown still shrouding another conflagration that flared up, almost a year and a half ago in Duma, an Arab village.

INTO THE FRAY: Malicious Malignant Macron

France's adversarial attitude towards both Israel and America has regrettably been long brewing.


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