Wealth Is A Poor Prerequisite For Power

It is worth understanding why Korach’s argument against Moshe was found to be utterly without merit while Shmuel’s is held up as the apogee of righteousness.

Breaking An Engagement

It goes without saying that it is not always so simple to secure such a letter. Very often, the one who initiated the breakup will be expected to make financial amends to the other party in order to obtain it.

What’s The Real Purpose Of Aleinu? (Part II)

The Rokei’ach teaches us that the author of Aleinu is none other than our great leader Yehoshua.

When Truth Is Sacrificed To Power

That Moses needed to resort to force was itself a sign that he had been dragged down to the level of the rebels. That is what happens when power, not truth, is at stake.

From Loneliness To Oneness: The Endless Expansion of Self

Adam and Chavah are created as one before being split apart to model the oneness that we are striving towards as husband and wife.

Good Within Bad

The difference between the current era and the future messianic era is our ability to recognize Hashem's goodness within the bad. This is the meaning of Hashem's name currently lacking Oneness.

Message In A Stuck Elevator

The people waiting for the adjacent elevator suddenly saw two slices of pizza fly out of the elevator followed by a religious bearded fellow climbing out of the elevator.

Korach: The Gorgeous Windpipe

The word garon appears eight times in the Bible. In five of those cases, the word is associated with speech, so it is clearly talking about the trachea through which speech passed to exit one’s mouth

Is It Proper To Go On Vacation To A Place With No Minyan?

Of course, it is desirable to daven with a minyan. Unfortunately, there are times, not only when one is on vacation but also in business or on an airplane that one finds oneself in situations that a minyan cannot be secured.

The Merit Of A Good Wife

Korach cynically recruited the tribe of Reuven to join his “coup” against Moshe and Aharon, claiming that it was the right of the bechor, Reuven, to work in the Mishkan – not Aharon and the Kohanim.

The Baby Saga

When Ayala arrived home that night, she wasn’t feeling well. On a whim, she decided to do a pregnancy test. She felt sort of silly. She had only just davened at Miriam’s kever, but something spurred her on.

Daf Yomi

Life Before The Printed Word “A Revi’is of Blood” (Yevamos 114a-b)

What Is Required To Fulfill ‘You Shall Teach Your Son Torah?’

Tur, however, cites from Ramah that the minimal obligation of Tanach is for someone who is unable to educate more, but one who can, is obligated (chayav) to teach his son Mishnah, Gemara, halachos and aggados.

In Our Hands Yet All Is Known

The word used by the Mishnah to describe our choice, reshut, means domain or control. The implication is that we are given not only free choice to decide, but also control over the outcome.

Benefits From Daily Rambam Learning

From the many stories told by various people in private and in public, it is clear that learning Rambam helped them in everything: children, health and livelihood.

Q & A: Offering Tefillin To Passersby (Part IV)

Question: Where I live, I see Chabad shluchim offering Jewish passerby to put on tefillin, is this of any value if they are otherwise non-observant, additionally is doing so in a street – a public thoroughfare proper kavod for the tefillin? Menachem Via email

What’s The Real Purpose Of Aleinu? (Part I)

We are acknowledging that Hashem is our Boss, not just when we’re in the synagogue but when we leave shul and go to our workplaces or to our homes.

Ascending The Ladder

One-out-of-three is not the kind of language that Dr. Weinblatt would ever employ, let alone even allow himself to think. The man is a fount of hope.

TORAH SHORTS: Parshat Korach: Treacherous Prominence ­

Rust consumes iron and envy consumes itself. -Danish proverb

How Do You See Yourself?

After all, summer vacation is not a vacation from values or from anything that is important to us. It's a vacation from school alone.

Equality – Parshat Koraḥ

Our equality doesn't result from being created identical but rather from the fact that we each have equally crucial functions and important roles to play as part of Israel's greater historic mission.


The problem with the Meraglim was not having doubts, being concerned, or having insecurities. 

Ties That Bind

Just as a slave would have a seal on his clothing identifying him as such, the tzitzis distinguish us as servants of Hashem (Tosfos).

Chesed, Din, And Tiferes: The Guiding Principles Of Reality

How can it be that Hashem made a mistake – that He originally wanted to create the world with din but then changed His mind?

Remember To Remember

Part of what makes religion a force for honest and altruistic behavior is the belief that G-d sees what we do.

Are We Permitted To Wash Dishes On Shabbat?

One is permitted to wash dishes that give off an unpleasant smell or will attract flies and other insects. So too, one who is disturbed by the sight of dirty dishes piling up in one's sink or kitchen is permitted to wash them.

‘Remember The Future’

In the month of Tamuz it is necessary to elicit mindfulness in order to rectify the forgetfulness that came into being as a result of the Shattering of the Luchos (Tablets), which occurred in this month.

Any Day Now …

It’s so easy for us to become overwhelmed with daily affairs that we forget about the needs of others. It may not be as life-changing as a new position, but even a phone call seeking our assistance or advice can be painful if not returned.

Empty Exaggerations

In explaining what a guzma is, Rashi writes that they are “simply words,” meaning they do not reflect the actual reality ... Similarly, Rashi explains that "words of havai" refers to speech spoken by common people, who often speak in vulgar ways that exaggerate the matter at hand.


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Printed from: https://www.jewishpress.com/judaism/parsha/wealth-is-a-poor-prerequisite-for-power/2022/06/30/

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