Answering The Doubters

The fact is that people create idols out of many things and it is literally impossible to destroy them without destroying the whole world.

The Story Of Chanukah (Continued from last week)

Yehudis understood that her only hope lay in her willingness to risk her very life.

The Story Of Chanukah (continued from last week)

Many long hours were spent carefully planning for the Greek attack. Finally, all that could be done was done and the city waited tensely for the Greek hordes to come.

The History Of Chanukah (continued from last week)

Mattisyahu knew that Antiochus would be enraged when he heard what had happened, so he and his sons fled to the Judean Hills.

The Story Of Chanukah

In the end, the kingdom was divided into three main parts and the tiny kingdom of Judea fell to the Syrian-Greeks.

One Good Deed

On the way home from the funeral, the crowd surrounded Reb Pinchas and demanded to know why he had attended.

Rashi And A Descendant

Though he wanted a child more than anything in the whole world, Rav Yitzchak never complained, but continued to live his life according to the dictates of the Torah.

The Scholars Of Brodi

It is related that one of his customs was to wrap himself in his tallis and cover his eyes with it while judging of a case of law.

The Ramban

Taking pity on the pilot, the Ramban wrote the Holy Name on a piece of paper and told the pilot to place it in a corner of the boat, and when he arrived at the city of Barcelona, to make sure to destroy the note.

Complains To The King (Continued From Last Week)

Realizing that he couldn’t fulfill Avram’s request, Nimrod then decided upon another line of reasoning.

The Story Of Avraham

Realizing the grave danger they were in, Terach asked the king for three days time to discuss the matter with his wife and family.

The Love Of A Parent

The young woman was stunned at her father’s words and her heart was filled with bitterness at this apparent ill will.

The Celebration Of The Water-Drawing

Four ladders led up to each candlestick, and four youths from a family of Kohanim went up, holding in their hands 24-log jars of oil, which they poured into the bowls.

Be Kind To Others So G-d Will Be Kind To You

While they were distributing relief to the poor, they saw a man give money to his divorced wife.

The Esrogim

Nadav was lifted on the horse and he hung on for dear life as the soldiers charged swiftly through the city streets.

A Near Tragedy

The community leaders were taken from their cells and brought before the governor. He shouted at them, accusing them of plotting the prisoner’s escape.

Stories For Rosh Hashanah

The people looked at each other in amazement. What did he mean? Why was this Rosh Hashanah so special?

Short Subjects On Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur

If the earthly court decreed that today is Rosh Hashanah, Hashem commands the angels to call the heavenly court into session.

A Man’s Destiny Is Decreed On The New Year

They protested their innocence, but the tax collector would not listen to them and they were subsequently jailed.

The Power Of Prayer And Kavanah

Even if a king greets you, you should not answer him. Even if a snake winds itself about you, you must not interrupt your prayers.

The Righteous And The Wicked

But what did the foolish servants do? They put on the royal robes and went about their work. Being very busy with their work, they forgot that they were wearing the king’s garments.

Why The Wicked Prosper

A few weeks later, the master killed the hog and made a banquet for his friends.

To Honor The Rebbetzin

One Shavuos, the people of Slutzk walked their beloved rav home and ate with gusto the foods that the rebbetzin had cooked. When they had finished they waited for the customary divrei Torah.

Seek Not Revenge

Despite all the evil that she had done to him in the years gone by, Rabi Yosi now forgot the past.

The Age Of Haskala

Rushing over to the table, he saw a precious diamond, magnificent in its sparkling beauty, inside the fish.

Yearning For Torah

The question bothered him very much and he decided to go to the town square where all the poor were gathered and ask them.

The Answer (Continued From Last Week)

Running into his house, he told the good news to his wife and then sat down to say Tehillim in praise to the Almighty.

An Expensive Agreement (Continued from last week)

What you have given me is not really mine. At any moment you can grow angry with me and take it back. How can I list it then as my own?

An Expensive Agreement (Continued from last week)

It was only worth a few marks, but you had no money for it and you said that if I gave it to you, you would give me all the money you would eventually have over 10,000 marks.

The Bargain

David’s face fell and he said: “Dov, you know my financial position. I am a poor man. How can I get 1,000 marks?”


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