Elliott Abrams on Sharon’s English, Saudi Suspicions, and Mideast Peace
From December 2002 to January 2009, Elliott Abrams was an insider. As deputy assistant to the president and later deputy national security adviser – with the Middle East as his focus – Abrams interacted daily with such figures as President George W. Bush, Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, and Israeli Prime Ministers Ariel Sharon and Ehud Olmert.
Richard Sonnenfeldt: The Jewish Interpreter At Nuremberg
In a pre-trial interview with Rudolf Hoess (SS Commandant of Auschwitz), Sonnenfeldt asked him whether he had exterminated three and a half million Jews? Hoess became angry and replied, "No, only two and a half million!"
Interview with Mike Pompeo: ‘Trump Administration Will Continue to be a Force for Good’
“You can see nations all across the world coming to understand that the Palestinians have rejected reasonable offers to negotiate time and time again. And the leadership has simply failed its own people,” says U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo.
Bet Din On The Clock: Nathan Lewin Wants Jewish Courts To Run More Efficiently
Like other chassidic dynasties, Bobov was not immune to one day experiencing a schism.
When Rabbi Naftali Zvi Halberstam, the fourth Bobover Rebbe, died in 2005, a dispute arose over who would succeed him. Some chassidim sought to appoint his younger half-brother, Rabbi Ben Zion Aryeh Leibish Halberstam, as the next rebbe; and others sought out the fourth rebbe’s sons-in-law: Rabbi Mordechai Dovid Unger as the rebbe, and Rabbi Yehoshua Rubin as the Bobov rav (serving as head of the bet din and as the posek).
Tapping Women’s Creative Potential
We want to bring Jewish female artists and audiences together.
“And None Shall Make Them Afraid” A New Book by Rick Richman
An interview with the author
Hotovely: Funding to UNRWA should be made conditional on reforming the school curriculum
In an exclusive interview with the Jewish Press, Israel’s Deputy Foreign Minister Tzipi Hotovely explained that donor nations should condition their funding to UNRWA based upon a reform in the school curriculum. MK Dr. Anat Berko argued that UNRWA is beyond reform.
Thirty-Six Little-Known Admirers of Rabbi Meir Kahane
In honor of Rabbi Kahane’s 26th yartzheit, let the truth be told.
Back on the Field Again
Shlomo Veingrad has traveled further for his speaking engagements than even during his days in the NFL, crisscrossing America and speaking around the world.
Orthodox Boxer Facing Career Upswing?
Dmitriy Salita, the Orthodox Jewish boxing sensation, may finally get the opportunity he's been waiting for.
Has The Congressional Hearing on Antisemitism Woken People Up?
I was surprised that the university presidents did such a poor job of responding to questions that should not have been so difficult for them to answer.
Alan Dershowitz on Israel at 70: ‘A Light Unto the World’
“No country in the history of the world ever contributed more to the welfare of humankind in such a short period of time than Israel,” affirms the longtime professor, lawyer and author, soon to turn 80.
A Tribute to Humanity’s Teacher
Elie Wiesel was one of the most important people in the post-WW II period. He spoke truth to power, He spoke up for those for whom no one else championed. For that he received the Nobel Peace Prize.
‘Malki Loved Israel With A Pure And Passionate Love’: An Interview with Arnold Roth...
On August 9, 2001, Malka Chana (Malki) Roth stopped by the Sbarro restaurant on the corner of King George Street and Jaffa Road in downtown Jerusalem. A suicide terrorist wearing an explosive belt with nails, nuts and bolts entered and detonated his bomb. Fifteen Israelis were killed, including Malki; 107 were injured.
Beyond Church And State: School Vouchers And The Blaine Amendment
Like clockwork, the question of school vouchers makes a prominent appearance whenever the media focus on a statewide election in New York, particularly one in a heavily Orthodox district. The latest chime was sounded during the battle between Lew Fidler and David Storobin to fill an open state senate seat; both promised constituents that they would make the fight for vouchers and tax education credits their priority.
Senator John McCain: Death of a Hero
John McCain embodied heroism--an intangible that American culture has lost.
Brian Robinson: A Moderate For New York’s District 10
Any politician in Borough Park who supports Bill de Blasio does not represent the people.
Making Challah With A Kallah
When Rabbanit Yemima came to address the challah bakers, she was joined at the podium by the kallah who received a bracha not just from her, but from the 900 participants as well.
Outspoken Rosh Yeshiva Blasts Netanyahu Indictments
There is no greater wickedness than a rabbi declaring a person guilty before his trial, and the evil is multiplied a thousand-fold when the person in question is the country’s leader.
Reflections On My Great-Grandmother, Mrs. Golda Katz a”h
She had many names and was many things to many people, but to me she was just Babineni.
‘There Is No Such Thing As Too Much When It Comes To Saving Lives’:...
What differentiates us is that we include everybody – men, women, Jewish and non-Jewish alike – whereas the other Hatzalah groups are composed of Jewish men, in many communities ultra-Orthodox men only.
Ulysses S. Grant and the Jews: A Fascinating Study in Repentance, Resistance and Overcoming...
The transformation of Ulysses Grant the Civil War General and US President. He went from an anti-Semite to perhaps the greatest presidential friend of the Jews.
In Memory of a Fallen Soldier: Learning Mesillat Yesharim
The students of Talmud Torah Netzach Yisrael in Beit Shemesh have launched a meaningful learning project in memory of a fallen soldier from Jerusalem that they never met.
Milton Steinberg: A Scholar for All Times in the Search for Religious Meaning
Steinberg significantly links belief with a capacity that may regarded as intuition, but intuition in an enlightened sense.
A Night Of Miracles
The surgeon said that if the bullet had gone one millimeter further in, that would have been the end.
I Am A Palestinian
Tsipora yearned for grandparents, to call someone "Savta or Saba." She was jealous of her friends who spent Shabbat at aunts or uncles.
Strength of the Lioness: Ukraine’s Heroic Jewish Mothers Lead Their Families Home To Israel
Unable to find employment, Irena could not afford to feed her children every day, so they became sickly and malnourished.
How a Tech Titan in Israel Became ‘The Job Whisperer’
I always try to look at it as how can you strive higher to be a better person and a better worker. With health and wealth, you can always look at it and say it could be much worse.
Are Jews Smarter Than Other People? An Interview with Social Scientist Charles Murray
If somebody reads that Ashkenazi Jews have higher IQs than people of Scots-Irish descent – and I speak as a Scots-Irish person – and they feel resentful, that’s their problem.
Harold Jacobs: A Life Of Service – An Interview with Paul Jacobs, Son of...
My great-great-grandparents were very upset that the Rebbe told them to go to treifa America.