Photo Credit: Homesh Yeshiva
Bris in Homesh, Feb. 8, 2022

The Homesh Yeshiva on Monday had a particularly exciting morning: at the end of a celebrative morning prayer, the yeshiva students gathered to perform a briss millah-circumcision for the son of Moshe Yehuda, one of the yeshiva’s graduates, who chose to circumcise his newborn son at his ideological home, Yeshivat Homesh, where he studied for many years.

Bris in Homesh, Feb. 8, 2022 / Homesh Yeshiva

The sandak-godfather was Rabbi Yitzchak Ben Shachar, Rosh Yeshivat Kedumim, who delivered an encouraging talk to the assembled yeshiva students. The mohel was physician Dr. Sudi Namir, one of the deportees from Neve Dekalim during the 2005 Gush Katif expulsion. Homesh was one of four legal settlements in northern Samaria that were picked for deportation alongside its sisters in the Gaza Strip by the Sharon government.

Bris in Homesh, Feb. 8, 2022 / Homesh Yeshiva

The name given to the newborn is Sinai Ahiad.

Bris in Homesh, Feb. 8, 2022 / Homesh Yeshiva

The Homesh yeshiva issued a statement saying, “Brit Milah, together with the commandment of the Pascal sacrifice, symbolize the devotion of the people of Israel to the King of the Universe, thanks to which He redeems the people of Israel. There is nothing more vividly symbolic than to perform a circumcision precisely here, in Homesh, the place that represents more than anything else our devotion to settling the Land of Israel.”

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