Photo Credit: courtesy, Levantine Group
Statistics on ISIS attacks in Baghdad.

For the third time in seven days, Da’esh (ISIS) terrorists murdered innocent civilians Sunday in a deadly suicide bombing at a shopping mall in a Shi’ite neighborhood in Baghdad, in another bid for world attention.

At least 115 people were killed, including 50 children, and nearly 200 more were injured when a car bomb exploded Saturday night, ripping through the multi-level shopping mall where stores and a gym were located.


According to Fox News, families were at a cafe Saturday night in the mall to share the Iftar meal (breaking the daily Ramadan fast) while watching this weekend’s Euro 2016 soccer tournament when the bomb exploded.

A second bomb blew up an outdoor market in southeastern Baghdad, leaving five dead and 16 injured.

Ironically, most of the victims wounded and killed by ISIS during the holiest month in the Islamic calendar were themselves Muslims.

Last Friday night in Bangladesh, at least 20 hostages and two police officers were brutally hacked to death in the Holey Artisan Bakery in Dhaka’s diplomatic district. The victims included three U.S. college students as well as Italians, Japanese, Bangladeshis, and one person from India.

Six terrorists came in at 8:45 pm with bags loaded with weaponry that included grenades and rifles, yelling Allahu Akbar! (the Islamic war cry, God is Great!). They were hunting foreigners, they told the restaurant staff, explaining locals were being contaminated with the foreign taste for alcohol and immodest clothing. More than 20 others were injured.

The Bangladesh government insists Da’esh was not involved in the attack, saying it was a local terrorist group; but ISIS has already taken responsibility for the slaughter.

Last Tuesday (June 28) three Da’esh terrorists also attacked Europe’s third-largest airport, the Ataturk International Airport in Istanbul, killing 44 people and wounding more than 140 others. One American suffered minor injuries, according to a U.S. official. But once again, most of the victims were Muslims.

Two of the three attackers were identified as Rakim Bulgarov and Vadim Osmanov, according to the official Turkish Anadolu news agency, quoting a source in the state prosecutor’s office who insisted on anonymity. The terrorists were reportedly from Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan and Russia. They infiltrated into Turkey via the Syrian border about a month prior, after arriving in Raqqa, the so-called “capital” of the self-declared caliphate of the terrorist group.

The team was allegedly directed by Ahmed Chatayev, according to U.S. Rep. Michael McCaul, chairman of the House Committee on Homeland Security, who told CNN the terrorist, known as “Ahmed One-Arm” is from the North Caucasus region in Russia. Chatayev is allegedly a top lieutenant for the minister of war for ISIS operations, CNN reported. The third attacker was not identified.

It was the eighth suicide bombing in Turkey in a nation which places a high premium on its tourism industry, a country which plays host to 39.4 million tourists each year.

The bombers entered the airport, opened fire and then detonated explosives vests — a slaughter strategy similar to that used by the ISIS terrorists during the attacks at the Paris Bataclan concert hall last November, and Belgium’s Zaventem International Airport in Brussels this past March.

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Hana Levi Julian is a Middle East news analyst with a degree in Mass Communication and Journalism from Southern Connecticut State University. A past columnist with The Jewish Press and senior editor at Arutz 7, Ms. Julian has written for, and other media outlets, in addition to her years working in broadcast journalism.