Photo Credit: Issam Rimawi / Flash 90
PA Chairman Mahmoud Abbas speaking in Ramallah. (archive)

“And what they share in common, all militant Islamists share in common… they all share a fanatic ideology. They all seek to create ever expanding enclaves of militant Islam where there is no freedom and no tolerance – Where women are treated as chattel, Christians are decimated, and minorities are subjugated, sometimes given the stark choice: convert or die. For them, anyone can be an infidel, including fellow Muslims.”

The ambition of militant Islam, said Netanyahu, is to dominate the world. Militant Islamists believe in a master faith. That mentality has already taken over today in Iran, where its Supreme Leader Ayatollah Khomeini vowed to “export the revolution to the entire world.”


ISIS is also attempting a similar effort with its vision of a caliphate. Iran’s “generosity” to Syria and Lebanon does not come without purse strings attached, naturally – and the same is true of its support for terror groups in Gaza and in Judea, Samaria and parts of Jerusalem.

And in pre-1967 Israel as well. There are numerous Israeli Arab communities in which members of Hamas, Hezbollah and Islamic Jihad have successfully recruited new accomplices, all generously patronized by Iran.

Were it not for internecine squabbling, blood feuds and outright militia wars, Israel might be hard-pressed indeed to hold off the onslaught presented by a unified Arab terror force masterminded from the Palestinian Authority.

It took three weeks just to track down the bodies of three abducted and murdered Israeli teens – and that was with the knowledge and assistance of some excellent intelligence. It took even longer to track down the killers.

Think of the nightmare a full-scale third intifada would surely bring, were Israel’s prime minister to agree to every American demand to donate the security of our citizens in a “risk for peace.”

Abbas told reporters in Ramallah on Tuesday, he would submit the plan for the resolution in two to three weeks to the UN Security Council. If the U.S. exercises its right to veto, Abbas said the PA will join the International Criminal Court at The Hague.

Such a course of action is not without risk – which he acknowledged – because it opens the PA itself to investigation as well. It might lead to a war crimes trial against Israel, but also might not, since Israel is not a member of the ICC. On the other hand, the PA itself might in turn be investigated itself, since as a member it would become fair game for such a probe.

As a last resort, Abbas said he would consider breaking ties with Israel and ending security coordination, if all else fails. But he vowed Tuesday he would “not allow the firing of a single bullet” by PA Arabs against Israel.

Nevertheless, his words have the hollow ring of a man who speaketh with a forked tongue: the fact is that road terror attacks are carried out against Israeli drivers and passengers on a near-daily basis. Government-controlled PA TV and other media outlets also promote the most virulent forms of anti-Semitic programming and anti-Israel incitement targeting age groups in early childhood right up through adulthood.

Outright terrorists who have committed the most horrible murders of Israelis are honored – all with the blessing of the Abbas government.

So bottom line, Mahmoud, where’s the beef?


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Rachel Levy is a freelance journalist who has written for Jewish publications in New York, New Jersey and Israel.