Daf Yomi

Out Of One’s Box ‘All May Enter the Heichal to Build, Repair…’ (Eruvin 105a)

Drinks Over Which To Make Kiddush (Bava Batra 95a)

Havdalah, according to most opinions, is of rabbinic origin. Accordingly, the rabbis have a more flexible approach.

Daf Yomi

Don’t Tread On Me ‘If One Consulted A Sage, He May Not Consult Another’ (Avodah Zarah 7a)

Daf Yomi

Which Way? ‘All One’s Turns Shall Be To The Right’ (Yoma 15b)

Daf Yomi

The Case Of The Conflicting Commitments ‘A Breach of Faith (Bava Metzia 49a)

Business Dealings With Non-Kosher Foods

The ban on doing business with non-kosher foods was instituted as a precautionary measure to help ensure that one does not come to accidentally eat them. It is permitted, however, to do business involving foods that are only non-kosher due to rabbinic decree.

How To Ruin A Red Cow

Although a person is usually liable even for accidental damage, Rabban Yochanan explains that, in this case, he is really completely exempt, but the Sages fined people who purposely damage property so that they won’t do so wantonly.

‘Shmurah Matzah’: For the Seder or All of Pesach?

The Shulchan Aruch does not even mention the opinion of the Rif and Rambam and states explicitly that the requirement of guarding applies only to the matzah used for the Seder.

Daf Yomi

D’tzach, Adash, B’Achav ‘Everyone Is Qualified To Judge’ (Sanhedrin 36b)


God and the divine origin of His Torah are facts even though we do not fully comprehend them.

Is It Proper For American Yeshiva And Seminary Students Living In Israel To Come...

The situation for Jews world over is fraught with danger, and leaving Israel to England or the U.S. does not necessarily afford one greater safety.

Daf Yomi

Chatzitzah And Its Applications ‘Greater Stringency Applies To Hallowed Things…’ (Chagiga 20b-21a)

Ice Cream Partners

If a time was set for the partnership – for example, until the end of August – you must stay until that time and then you may dissolve the partnership.

Daf Yomi

The Stepfather in a Kesuba ‘He Was the Stepson of Kenaz’ (Sotah 11b)

Cracked Glasses

My glasses! exclaimed Moshe. I hung them on the seat in front and you cracked them.

For One Or All?

Yaakov looked at the will again. "Why do you say that?" he asked. "The will does not say to give $10,000 to each grandchild. It says that $10,000 is granted to the grandchildren as a group. Divide the sum among you!"

Daf Yomi

He Might Extinguish It ‘The Best Way of Performing the Mitzvah’ (Pesachim 103b)

Continue On

"What do you expect?" asked Mr. Strauss. "That I should work for free?"

Sarah’s Laughter

Question: Why did Sarah – one of our four righteous matriarchs – laugh when she heard the angel prophesy that she would give birth to a son? How could she have doubted God?

Loan Costs

I'm not an expert in the laws of ribbis, replied Mr. Rubin, but we can check with Rabbi Dayan.

The Temple Mount: Are Jews Allowed To Enter?

Maimonides himself walked and prayed in the permissible areas when he visited Eretz Yisrael in 1165

Daf Yomi

Moshe’s Request ‘I Love My Master, My Wife, My Children…’ (Kiddushin 22a)

Is It Proper For A Man To Wear A Wedding Band?

There is one benefit to a man wearing a wedding band that many people have told me about; in the world of business. When a man interacts with women in the workplace and they see that he is married, that allows for certain barriers of modesty to exist, barriers that are extremely helpful.

Covering The Challah: Why And When?

The practice of the Vilna Gaon was not to have the challah on the table at all during Kiddush (Masseh Rav 118). Why don't all Jews act similarly?

The Final Redemption

As Jewish people we must hug, love and support the families that are grieving and be strong and powerful to keep on moving forward towards destroying the enemy and evil that surrounds us from all corner.

Daf Yomi

When Is Chalav Akum Allowed? ‘When Milked By A Gentile…’ (Avodah Zarah 39b)

Chanukah: Public Menorah Lightings

Many halachic authorities opposed the custom of lighting the menorah in the synagogue. The Chatam Sofer would decline the "honor" of lighting the menorah in the synagogue for this reason.

Golden Growth

It was a very sweet and thoughtful gesture, and, thankfully I still have my teeth and was able to enjoy the cake.

Daf Yomi

Seller’s Remorse ‘He Sold Because He Ostensibly Needed The Funds’ (Ketubbot 97a)

Worthwhile Wear And Tear

Last week Am Yisrael suffered a tremendous loss with the passing of Maran HaRav Ovadia Yosef, zt"l. The greatest tribute we can give to such an outstanding talmid chacham is to repeat and share his Torah. The following article is based on a responsa of his in Yabia Omer (vol. II, C.M. #7). May this learning be l'iluy nishmaso.


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