Tenant Broker

When the landlord deposited Shalom's final rent check, it was refused for insufficient funds. He asked Shalom to make good on the rent.

Daf Yomi

For Lack Of Funds ‘Merchants in Sura Are Not in Violation of…’ (Bava Metzia 111a)

Daf Yomi

Must Investments Be Invested? ‘The Parts of the Iska Are Interdependent’ (Bava Metzia 105a)

Slavery, Independence, And Work Ethics (Bava Metzia 76b)

The freedom to quit a job in the middle, like the exercise of all freedom, may need to be restrained to the extent that it hurts innocent people.

Daf Yomi

A Public Servant ‘You, Our Master, Are On Loan To Us…’ (Bava Metzia 97a)

Eviction Of Tenants And The Portability Of Mezuzot (Bava Metzia 101b)

The length of the advance eviction notice required by the halacha depends on the season in which the eviction occurs and the location of the premises.

The Flame Of Chanukah

Yossi settled down with some chocolate coins to study for a test on hilchos Chanukah. Suddenly, there seemed to be a commotion in the street.

Incinerated Coupons

When the two returned late that night, Dov took the coupon collection and threw it down the incinerator.

The Heter Iska (Bava Metzia 104b)

The loan portion of the capital is not at risk because, under the terms of the heter iska, Mamon will get it back whether the business prospers or fails.

Daf Yomi

His Father Gave The Ring ‘What About A Worker Toasting The Produce And Eating?’ (Bava Metzia 89a)

Accomplice To Evil

It would be hard for you to deny your knowledge of where this human cargo was headed, as the air was heavy with the smell of burning flesh. But you never killed anyone.

Daf Yomi

Law And Order ‘R. Elazar b. R. Shimon Would Apprehend Thieves …’ (Bava Metzia 83b)

Jelly Jars

Suddenly, she heard the clatter of shattering glass. Mrs. Friedman quickly turned around and saw Malka swiping at the jars of jelly.

Laws Prohibiting The Charging Of Interest (Bava Metzia 63b)

Ribbit is defined in the Talmud as agar natar, which means any compensation, whether in money or in kind, a Jew receives from a fellow Jew for having to wait for payment.

Sticks And Stones (Bava Metzia 59b)

In thirty-six different places the Torah warns us to be kind to people who have converted to Judaism.

Daf Yomi

Indeed, He Honored His Father ‘They Were Hired To Irrigate, But The River Dried Up’ (Bava Metzia 76b-77a)

Old Receipts

Throughout the summer, Sara would keep the receipts of her expenses in a pencil case and submit them at the end of each week for cash reimbursement.

Stop the Prayers!

Having trouble understanding what decorum should be in shul? Go watch (from without) services at the local church or Reform temple, where you can see how actual respect for a sanctuary is manifested.

Daf Yomi

He's A Communist! ‘If He Calls Someone A Rasha…’ (Bava Metzia 71a)

Scalpers (Bava Metzia 50b)

The right to a refund or to the return of the purchase price or the item, as the case may be, is subject to a time limit.

Bus Order

David ordered a bus. He divided the cost among the fifty friends and wrote on the sign that each person would have to pay $32.

Daf Yomi

Hatzalah And Other First Responders ‘Your Life Takes Precedence …’ (Bava Metzia 62a)

Shas For Sale

However, when he agreed to sell it to Moshe, he was no longer interested in selling it to anyone else. Shalom cannot acquire it without Yosef's consent.

Daf Yomi

It’s All In The Giving ‘Five Laws Require A Minimum Peruta’ (Bava Metzia 55a)

Lost Sneakers

When he got to the yeshiva, he realized the bag with the sneakers had fallen off his knapsack. He retraced his steps, but could not find it.

Is Money Everything? (Bava Metzia 47b)

What incentive does the seller have to salvage the object from fire if, at the end of the day, the loss is for the buyer?

Daf Yomi

The Case Of The Conflicting Commitments! ‘A Breach Of Faith’ (Bava Metzia 49a)

Taillight Ticket

Thus, if the ticket was issued to the owner, the driver has no obligation to reimburse him.

Daf Yomi

Ensnarement and Atonement ‘The Only Proper Guarding Of Coins Is In The Ground’ (Bava Metzia 42a)

Who Stole?

The two were the same height and dressed similarly, so Shlomie could not discern who had taken the money.


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