Reb Elimelech M’Lizhensk (Part III)

Wherever the two holy brothers went on their self-imposed exile they generated a spirit of repentance. Their standard routine was to admonish themselves out loud for their supposed crimes, when in fact their “sins” were precisely the ones that the villager within earshot needed to rectify.

If Not Higher

Despite the misnaggid finding himself in a loony bin of naiveté, surely the Rebbe would not be so brazen and shameless to claim that he was up in Heaven reciting selichos!

Motivation Climbs The Ladder

Even with night school, Avraham remained only nominally educated, but he was high on motivation. So high that he taught himself to become a CPA and then returned to the very office where he had started, at the very lowest rung.

Jewish Practice In The U.S. Military (III)

Dr. Goldman went from testifying as an expert witness to being the defendant. Could it have been because of his yamulke?


Chanukah teaches the secret that greatness is how you respond-It’s how you fight&sacrifice for RIGHT

The Ever-Amazing Reb Elimelech (Part XVI)

It was when Reb Elimelech assumed the leadership of the chassidic movement that the Austrian Kaiser decreed that before a woman may wed, a tax of 400 golden coins must be paid to the government. This tax was far too exorbitant for the commoner to pay and many feared that they would never be able to marry off their daughters.

Jewish Practice In The U.S. Military (V)

Goldman's fight against the entire military establishment was stressful yet, oddly, exhilarating. He felt the Almighty was tapping him on the shoulder, whispering, “I want you to pull this off for Me”

Swords Of Iron, Hearts Of Gold

The sense of brotherhood is so genuine because aside from the fact that Israel is now caught in an existential struggle, it is fighting as a family.

Reb Elimelech M’Lizhensk (Part I)

Just when it seemed that the Jews could never recover from the ruinous events of the 17th and 18th centuries, their plight was worsened yet, by even heavier taxes imposed by the Polish government.

The Impetus For Two Improbable Movements

By 1939, not only had Novardhok reestablished itself on Polish soil, but it also had a network of 85 yeshivos! This dynamic phenomenon, unparalleled in Jewish history, came about as a result of a single statement.

Reb Elimelech M’Lizhensk (Part V)

Baruch, from the village of Radovitz, was a sharecropper who barely eked out a living. His income was at the mercy of the infamously cruel Poritz, who owned the Radovitz environs.

A Humbling Lesson (Part VI)

Though braggarts come across as conceited, their boasting often reflects a low sense of self-regard

The Rubashkin Saga – XIV

The ongoing saga of the incarceration and punitive pursuit of Shalom Rubashkin.

Rav Elyashiv, A Personal Memoir (III)

I felt terror posing questions to Rav Elyashiv doing so only twice in the 9 years I was in his shiur

A Humbling Lesson (VII)

Reb Shlomo Zalman could not endure honorifics applied to him because of his enormous humility

Guard Your Influence (III)

How the "Broken Windows Theory" helped solve graffiti on NYC subways and led to a more orderly NYC.

Ascending The Ladder

One-out-of-three is not the kind of language that Dr. Weinblatt would ever employ, let alone even allow himself to think. The man is a fount of hope.

The Man With The Greatest Foresight

Let's look at the realm of vision and focus on a man who had unsurpassed foresight. I refer to none other than Rav Yosef Shlomo Kahaneman, zt”l, better known, and revered by all, as the Ponevezher Rav.

The Origin Of The Most Pivotal Ship In Zionist History

A betting man would have been hesitant to wager if the Warfield could make it across the Atlantic. Yet the group of idealistic recruits set off on February 25, 1947 under Haganah Captain Ike Aronowicz.

Guard Your Influence (I)

No year will exceed the seminary year in influencing the development of these young women.

Jewish Practice In The U.S. Military (IV)

Law-abiding, mild-mannered, Rabbi Dr. (Psychology) Simcha Goldman was unprepared to obey the direct order of his commander that he could NOT wear his yarmulke outside the hospital. Strike 2 on Goldman

The Quest To Find The Schindler Of Kristallnacht

Where were the righteous gentiles – the “Schindlers,” if you will – of Kristallnacht? My quest to answer this question revealed information I had not anticipated.

Jewish Practice In The U.S. Military (X)

Goldman's case would be the first time the Supreme Court considered a service member’s right of Free Exercise as protected by the First Amendment of the Constitution.

Guard Your Influence (IV)

At its worst, nearly 200,000 'fare-beaters' daily entered NY City's transit system without paying

Weaponizing Government Agencies Against Israel

In a 2010 Tablet Magazine piece, Lee Smith described how the U.S. counter-intelligence community took up the failed, decades-long effort by media and academics to undermine solid American support for Israel by criminalizing legitimate, pro-Israel advocacy in Washington...

A Humbling Lesson (Part V)

A humble person who achieves a position of prominence will utilize the standing to benefit others.

Forget The Singer – Listen To The Lyrics

I do not know the name of this chaplain. I wonder (and strongly doubt) that he ever heard the radio program. But his wise and sensitive comment had had a ripple effect that he never could have imagined.

Reb Elimelech’s Ascent To Leadership (Part XIII)

In 1648 and 1649 Bogdan Chmelnitzky and his hordes of Cossack warriors perpetrated an annihilation campaign against the Jews of Poland and the Ukraine....

The Rubashkin Saga – XVIII

Another installment in the ongoing Rubashkin saga


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