The Halacha Of Dogs

It is taught that dogs have the ability to see the angel of death.

Getting Clean

The Torah stipulates that a metal receptacle used for cooking the meat of a sin-offering must be thoroughly cleaned before being used for another purpose; it must undergo merikah and shetifah in water (Lev. 6:21).

More Than Simply Tomatoes

One can become a believer by appreciating the wonder of the food he eats.

What Should One Do If Family Or Friends Use Curse Words In Conversation?

What are we, a nation of sailors? We are a kingdom of priests and a holy nation!

Tu B’Shvat And The Ten Commandments

When the Torah and the nation are constantly compared to trees, this gives us a better understanding of the importance of keeping all the laws written down in the Torah.

Chag Tu B’Shvat Sameach

A great thing creates great strengths, however great strengths sometimes create confusion

Rav Sacks (zt”l) Reflects on Tu BiShvat

If we continue to live as though God had only commanded us to subdue the Earth, we must be prepared for our children to inherit a seriously degraded planet, with the future of human civilisation put into question.

Sweating The Details

Package? No, I not in America and no package here. Maybe you vant Shulem Fastag? Ich bin Shlomi Fastag. Shulem he live cross street. I not go to America.

A Time to Speak and a Time to Ramain Silent

There is a moral imperative to bring them home. International humanitarian law requires the repatriation of missing soldiers and civilians; Jewish law requires us to make all efforts to bring the dead to their final resting places.

Cash Value Replacement?

The truth is, I barely used that sweatshirt, replied Hillel. If you lost mine, I'd rather you pay me its value. I'm almost the next size already.

Daf Yomi

An Outcast “He Shall Dwell Outside His Tent” (Moed Katan 7b)

Q & A: By Means Of Intervention (Part I)

Question: May a cheresh, a deaf-mute, who exhibits other signs of intelligence, be included in a minyan? I live in a small town where this is a very relevant question, where we struggle to put together a minyan. Are there any halachic implications for including such a person? Name Withheld Small Town, USA

Owing What We Own

We ought to recognize that in addition to creating all objects, Hashem is also responsible for specific objects being in our possession.

Find The Good

Rebbe Nachman tells us that we must "revive" ourselves by focusing on our good points.

The Secret Of Chein

When Jews came to America and they were confronted with the WASP society that didn’t allow them into the country clubs, some made the mistake of thinking that if they became more American they would be more accepted.

The Alter Rebbe’s Directive To The Chassidim Regarding Their Antagonists

Lower your spirit – act with absolute humility before them. And if you must talk to them, speak “softly… with a restrained spirit...

My Two-Year Journey Through Nach Yomi

Every generation thinks it is special – more advanced, more prescient, more enlightened. We think it's cute to make fun of millennials and blame climate change on boomers.

Leaving Egypt

Rabbi Avraham Yitzchak HaKohen Kook wrote: Leaving Egypt will forever represent spring for the entire world.

TORAH SHORTS: Parshat Beshalach: Everyone Gets Saved This Time

Man is born free, yet he is everywhere in chains.-Jean Jacques Rousseau

Deepening Our Perception Of Challenges

If we can change what we want, we can change who we are. When we make new decisions, we create a new reality for ourselves.

The Face Of Evil

While it is true that the enemy always hates us for a reason, it is his reason, not ours.

Insurance Policy: The Power Of A Good Act

Why didn’t G-d wipe out the army in Egypt? Why was it necessary to have them pursue the Jewish people into the Sea of Reeds?

The Customs Of Tu B’Shvat

One should take the opportunity afforded by Tu B'Shvat to reflect and thank G-d for the fruits that He has created for our enjoyment.

Az Yashir: Song Touches The Eternal

What is a bracha if not a motivator to do something – to eat the matzoh, to lay tefillin, to recite Kiddush? But mitzvos of the heart are natural and organic; they happen naturally.

Piles And Clever Seas

Each of these items on its own has no major value, but when grouped together in a pile, can become something important. In the same way, cleverness is like a pile of thoughts that the intelligent person has considered.

Beshalaḥ: Between Freedom & Liberation

Between the smashing of Egypt's military at the Sea of Reeds and the war against Amalek at Rephidim, the Hebrews had to develop a national perception of emuna in preparation for receiving the Torah.

Parshas Beshalach: Krias Yam Suf: National Inception   

Krias Yam Suf was in fact a necessary step before the Jews could receive the Torah. What is the significance of the water of the Yam Suf, especially in regards to the Jewish People's journey from Mitzrayim to Har Sinai? 

Divine Streaks

Perhaps the most important idea to know about spiritual growth is that it’s never all or nothing.

Is It Proper To Vacation In A Place Where You Will Have To Hide...

If one fears possible threats against Jews, it is prudent not to flaunt one’s Jewishness.


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