Bitachon And Effort: Finding The Balance

Our hishtadlus (efforts) and our bitachon (trust in Hashem) have to be balanced.

Noach and Global Warming

But the question of Noach and global warming can be understood as a theological rather than a factual question: Are there any circumstances under which G-d would allow the human race to be destroyed?

Your Gashmius Is My Ruchnius

What possible comparison is there between this simple mitzvah of leaving a portion to the poor man and the colossal mitzvah of bringing all of the sacrifices on each holiday?

A Tale of Two Noahs

Adam's two Fermatas resonate in the two Noahs, and the notes continue to reverberate in our souls as we struggle to retain our connection to the Garden,

Finding Just the Right Gift… for God

Rather than keeping it only to herself, Chava showed her love for her husband by sacrificing her own consumption of the fruit, allowing him to eat part of it instead.

You Can’t Help Me; You Can’t Harm Me

You’ve never stared down the barrel of a gun before – at least not a real one.

Tefillah: A Meeting With Hashem – Do Mitzvos With Joy!

This is the perfect time to practice really enjoying mitzvos.

The Sukkah and Exile’s Positive Side

Sukkot is a holiday that brings a unique inner peace – a peace that would seem to resemble the messianic era, a universal acceptance of God’s moral and spiritual order; an order that is best advanced by helping the Jewish people serve God and further educate mankind.

Believe It

During the subsequent Days of Penitence, we prepared for the awesome and holy day of Yom Kippur, begging our Father and King to grant us a tabula rasa, so that we can begin anew.

The Extent Of Hashem’s Mercy

Why would Hashem allow such a man to do teshuvah? And even more, why would Hashem change nature to save such a lowlife?

Help! My Nose Is Growing!

The Spartans used their mistakes as lessons for the future. Pinocchio chose to ignore the lessons and continue to do as he pleased. Who are we on Yom Kippur, Spartans or Pinocchio?

Saying the Unsayable: Does Reciting the 13 Middot ALWAYS “Work”?

What is the difference between religion and magic?  Each makes the claim that events in the physical world can flow from metaphysically effective language.  Mages recite spells; sages recite prayers.  So why is it that the Torah bans magic yet mandates prayer? 

Receiving The Shabbos And Connecting To Hashem

Additionally, the day of Shabbos intrinsically carries with it a potential for spirituality and connection to Hashem that no other day has.

Unappreciated Gifts – Parshat Haazinu

God doesn’t owe us anything, not even the breath we take.

Teshuvah Is Easy; Change Is Difficult

Clearly, the sin was forgiven, so why couldn’t the Jews look at Moshe’s face?

Mighty Compassion

When we understand that the greatest expression of God's might is God's compassion, we open ourselves to receive the gift of Lives of Compassion. Once we have been granted Lives of Compassion; compassion for others and for ourselves we can become a society united in compassion, and wickedness will evaporate.

Redeeming Relevance: Moshe’s International Grave

It seems important for the Torah’s central prophet to have been someone with whom gentiles could identify. And being buried outside of Israel may well have been part of that

Parshat Nitzavim-Vayeilech

In light of these approaches, we can also suggest that by walking around Moshe was able to check out the true pulse points of the nation.

Closeness And Judgment

There are many issues that affect the occupants of this planet. The entire globe is one multi-dimensional chess game, and Hashem, the Ultimate Grand Master, maps out the moves of the year to come.

Offering A Gift

We stand in the final moments of 5777, prepared to transition to 5778, perfect moments to offer our gift to God, honoring all we have gained over the past year, and how we intend to apply that growth in the future, using the coming year to grow in ways yet unimaginable to us.

TORAH SHORTS: Ingredients of Jewish Leadership

The ideal Jewish leadership is predicated on a steadfast commitment to the Torah and a resolute determination to enact the principles of the Torah in our lives.

Two Cheers for Paternalism

Rabbi Aryeh Klapper on parshat Nitzavim-Vayelech

Ingredients of Jewish Leadership – Parshat Nitzavim-Vayelech

The Torah reveals to us, the good, the bad and the ugly of those who seek power and those who ultimately wield power.

The Old Foolish King

Why are you running so fast and why are all these people following you?

The Mitzvah To Be Happy

How can the Torah command me to be happy? Being happy isn’t an emotion we can turn on and off like a light switch.

Redeeming Relevance: Parshat Ki Tavo: Moshe’s Speech to Jews Living Today

Moshe saw all the Jews as one whole, it was the ones in front of him who served as the representatives for all those who had lived and would live in the future.


When a person sins, he is not planning ahead for his ultimate future. This is behaving like an animal. As such, a sinner is demoted from "Adam" to "Biheimah." But, when a person decides to do Teshuvah (repent), he is thinking ahead. Once again, he regains his title of "Adam."

The Greatness Of Man

A person is made in the image of Hashem, and it is an embarrassment to Hashem to leave His likeness hanging.

Purity In An Impure World

The year is coming to a close, and we now find ourselves in the final month before Rosh Hashanah – Elul. As we know,...


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