What We Want

In addition to fulfilling mitzvot, we should want what Hashem wants, value what He values, and even feel what He feels.

As Rockets Rain Down On Our Brothers And Sisters (Part II)

The Gemara (Meseches Megillah) wonders why Esther invited Haman to a private feast. How could she have sat at a private meal with such a monster?

The Coronavirus (Part VI)

Haman assassinated Daniel, one of the great gedolei ha'dor, and it's very likely that his death atoned for the nation.

You’re Not Alone In Fighting The Yetzer Hara

Another answer for why Yosef is considered so great is that while it's true that the vision of his father came from Heaven, it only came after he exhausted every effort at his disposal. When those weren’t enough, Hashem stepped in and gave him Divine assistance.

With A Melody In My Heart And A Pain In My Soul

Those Jewish souls that society had given up on as lost were cast into the vast ocean of apathy and indifference.

Days Of Fear And Trembling: A Yamim Noraim Reflection On The Yom Kippur War

Though the Yamim Noraim should also be a time when we draw close to and strengthen our love of Hashem, they begin with recognizing that He is judging us and determining our fate for the upcoming year.

How Straight Is Beautiful

There is a natural tension between our focus upon our own needs and goals and our caring for and assistance to others. Rebbi’s point is that we need to strike the right balance between these (often) competing values.

Reflections On Women Of The Wall

I am particularly discouraged and disappointed with the so-called “Women of the Wall” and their monthly actions which disturb the prayers at the Kotel, creating a chillul Hashem.

And Aharon Was Silent

Let us take encouragement from the way Hashem responds to Aharon in reminding us that our children have the right to make their own decisions, and we are not to be blamed for these decisions.

Acheinu — Yitzchak’s Achdut Effort

We are meant to realize that our success hinges on working together – not just to defend ourselves but also to realize our joint mission in Hashem’s world.

Has the Time for the Redemption Arrived?

If we do things right, this year might even be the year of the final redemption!

A Reciprocal Relationship

It was Hashem’s goal in creation and the ultimate goal of our personal development . . . G-d does not seek our fear; He seeks our appreciation.

Focus On The Good

One of the reasons we may have trouble noticing blessings is that there’s a human tendency to always want more. Yes, I have some money, but I could always have more.

Is Religion Good For You?

In Parshat Vaetchanan, we learn that someone who kills another by accident must flee to a city of refuge for protection. The Talmud contains a fascinating addition to this law: If a student is forced into exile, his teacher must go with him.

How To Be Free – True Freedom (Part II)

The Torah teaches us eternal heavenly truth, wisdom and direction. Its study gives us the ability to free ourselves from contemporary fleeting perspectives.

How We Get There

A good friend shares one’s values, goals and sensitivities. A good friendship involves friends who can be trusted with personal information and care about helping one another.

Wear The Necklace?

The power of 'lost and found'

Terror Management Theory

The first person to die in Tanach is Hevel, who is killed by his brother Kayin. Kayin’s name comes from the concept of acquisition.

Saving Our Children

Children mimic what they see, and often the child who strays is driven by the inconsistencies and contradictions of his parents.

How Does One Avoid Groupthink?

The Sanhedrin tended to be a group of like-minded individuals who were in charge of making very important decisions in high-stress situations, many of which had life and death consequences.

We Are At The Threshold Of Redemption

The difference between living in Israel verses outside of Israel is that in Israel, Judaism is the basis of the country’s daily operations.

Try Being Nice To Your Spouse

We must therefore constantly remind ourselves that it’s the Jewish way to stand by the side of a mate through thick and thin.

Want To Defeat Temptation? Stop Fighting

We often take the battle against temptation head on and eventually lose to that delicious looking piece of chocolate cake.

The Heart Of The Matter

What does it mean to have a good heart? It is common in the modern era to associate the heart with emotions, and contrast that with the mind, which represents thought.

When “Bad” Things Happen: How To View Suffering

We must remind ourselves that everything, including suffering, emanates from Hashem. Though Hashem is the source of ultimate good and wants the best for us, we know that grief also comes from Him: a person does not stub his toe below unless it was declared from above (Chullin 7b).

To Hear And Appreciate The Power Of Song

Often times when I pray and the chazzan chants a haunting melody, I close my eyes and it seems as if I am singing with the Shechina of Almighty G-d.

Should Your Spouse Be Like You?

For some reason, people seem to strongly believe that being alike improves communication. But is that really so?

Avot 1:12 – Love Peace

The use of Aharon as a model is illustrative. Pirkei Avot is filled with advice from many Talmudic sages, but most don’t invoke a Biblical precedent to prove their point.

Real 20/20 Vision

The Rebbe says that Noach trained himself to see the good in all people, and therefore he was even able to see the good in the degenerate people of the generation of the flood.

The Moment In Time That Defines Us

When looking back into our history we often find examples of people being in the right time and place, and making history that gave meaning and purpose to their entire existence.


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