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The Heart Warmer

Last week Hershel Puretz paid 50,000 shekels [almost $13,000] in bi-monthly heating bills to the Israel Electric Corporation. Does he own several windswept mansions? A large factory? A hotel? No, Hershel, originally from Brooklyn, lives in a modest apartment in Jerusalem's Mattersdorf neighborhood. A full-time yeshiva student, he is 30 years old, married, and has three children. The heating bills are not his at all. They belong to a couple hundred destitute Israeli families.

The Heart Warmer

Last week Hershel Puretz paid 50,000 shekels [almost $13,000] in bi-monthly heating bills to the Israel Electric Corporation. Does he own several windswept mansions? A large factory? A hotel? No, Hershel, originally from Brooklyn, lives in a modest apartment in Jerusalem's Mattersdorf neighborhood. A full-time yeshiva student, he is 30 years old, married, and has three children. The heating bills are not his at all. They belong to a couple hundred destitute Israeli families.

A Wake-Up Call Or Business As Usual?

Last week I began to outline the three-fold formula that our sages advise will protect us from the painful birth pangs of the pre-Messianic era. Now with Hashem's help, I will continue, for this is a subject of great urgency. But to those who have sent e-mails and letters regarding personal problems, let me assure you that I will respond to all your correspondence personally.

Conference Encourages Shuls and Yeshivas to Open Shop

Like many, yeshivas and shuls have taken a financial hit during this recession. A good way for them to make extra money would be by thinking like entrepreneurs.

Title: The Rabbi and the CEO – The Ten Commandments for 21st Century Leaders

I was once a member of a congregation during a time that the New York Times was affected by a strike.

The Jewish Economy Triangle: Capitalism, Faith And Loving-Kindness

Like every other aspect of running a country, economics is a complex business.

Help Wanted. Must Live In Israel

The option of doing business with Israeli-based service providers has recently become much easier.

Yeshiva Derech HaTorah High School, Broooklyn

Question: Where do you think you'll study after high school?

Moses And Daniel Peixotto

The Peixotto family played a prominent role in the American Jewish community during the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries.

Jews And The Sunday Laws

We are all aware that the Sabbath is observed on Saturday, the seventh day of the week.

‘It’s Your Fault’

I grew up in an era where customers were always right - even if they weren't - because it was good for business to accommodate them, even if they were out of line.

Education In The Shtetl

The shtetl of Apt would rise early every weekday morning when the men would rush to one of the houses of prayer, better known as shteiblech.

Kensington, Brooklyn

Question: Every year, new non-edible kosher for Passover products arrive in stores. Have we gone too far, or are we simply being justifiably stringent in observing Pesach?

Retiring? Then What? – Dedicated To Those Who Are Dreaming Of Living* Their Retirement...

According to the American College Dictionary to retire means: " To withdraw, or go away, to a place of abode or seclusion; to withdraw from office, business or active life." That is not what we envisioned our retirement to be. Sure, it's great to sit on the beach and bask in the sun, to golf, play tennis, etc. But how much of that can one do without feeling that something is lacking?

Kaddish For Barney Dreyfuss

"Who are you saying Kaddish for today?" one of the kollel young men asked.

Letters To The Editor

Readers Discuss 'The Obligation To Work'

Louis Raskas Of St. Louis

In the late 1800's and early 1900's America was called the treifa medina by many religious Jews living in Eastern Europe.

Title: Julius Rosenwald: The Man Who Built Sears, Roebuck and Advanced the Cause of...

His name may not be a "household word" today, but at the fin-de-siècle (end of the 19th century) Julius Rosenwald was not only one of America's greatest entrepreneurs, but also one of its leading philanthropists.

Title: Diamond Stories, Enduring Change On 47th Street

"There were these two diamond dealers negotiating over a diamond.

Berg Of Arabia

When Nick Berg, an American entrepreneur who traveled to Iraq in search of business, was savagely murdered two years ago by Islamic militants, his father seemed angrier at George Bush than at the hellish creatures who slowly and painstakingly sawed off his poor son’s head.

I Don’t Think You Want My Business!

The needs of the chronically ill are many, varied and usually extremely expensive.

Marital Roles (Second Of Five Parts)

Partnership doesn’t mean equality in skill. It means equality in responsibility and ownership. Show me business partners who have to meet about every single decision and hash it out until they both agree on a course of action, and I will show you bankruptcy proceedings.

All The News That’s Fit For Pinch

Yes, another piece on The New York Times – and those who don’t understand why the Times warrants constant scrutiny probably have no business reading a media column in the first place.

Retail Kings

They can't quite take credit for inventing them, but Jews had a long, colorful, and mostly profitable involvement with the great retail emporiums - the large scale specialty and department stores that came, literally and figuratively, to dominate the landscape of 20th century America.

Aaron Lopez, Colonial American Merchant Prince

One cannot fully appreciate the life and accomplishments of Aaron Lopez (1731-1782) unless one is familiar with the history of the Inquisition.

True Role Models (Part Eleven)

The entire world is in turmoil and yet people ask, "When will peace come to Israel?"

The Un-Greening Of Tu-b’Shvat

Almost everything that most people "know" about Tu-b'Shvat is totally wrong and completely false.

Empire Kosher – Past, Present And Future

One of the most delightful aspects of Kosherfest is the opportunity to meet and converse with people from across the kosher food spectrum.

Toronto Mourns Loss Of ‘Twin Towers’

For many people, one of the most difficult blessings to say with the proper kavana - sincerity - is the one uttered upon hearing of a person's passing - Baruch Dayan HaEmet - Blessed is the True Judge.

Promise Anything And Go About Your Business

How did it come to be that the Palestinian Authority, which is required, by the "road map" it signed onto "unconditionally," to dismantle Hamas and other specifically identified terrorist groups, has declared that it will not disarm them, agreeing instead to a ceasefire in place and also offering them a place in their government?


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Printed from: https://www.jewishpress.com/sections/community//2009/02/18/

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