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Tag: Jewish State

Peres Demand for ‘Jewish State’ Recognition an Obstacle to Peace

President Shimon Peres has told diplomatic officials that Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu's demand that the Palestinian Authority recognize Israel as a “Jewish State” is...

Romanian President: Palestinians Should Recognize Israel as Jewish

Romania supports in principle Israel’s demand for Palestinian recognition of Israel as the Jewish state but encourages compromises on this and other issues, Romanian...

Palestinian Authority Incites Bedouin Anti-Israel Protests

The least violent and most threatening intifada is in the Negev and Galilee, where Jews are a minority outside of Haifa and Be’er Sheva.

Nothing Legitimate about Antisemitic Slur

As frustrating as it may be for Israel’s critics, support for Zionism is baked into the DNA of American politics.

2013 Democracy Study in Israel

The IDI study on the state of democracy in Israel, showed that more Israelis are beginning to respect the healthy values of their Jewish roots.

Netanyahu Speech a Gamble that Abbas Won’t Call Israel ‘Jewish’

Be careful what you wish for. Netanyahu again turns Abbas’ refusal to see Israel as a Jewish state a "red line.” If Abbas “doesn’t miss an opportunity to miss an opportunity,” fine. But what if Abbas calls his bluff?

Jewish Agency Hands Gondar School to Ethiopia

Jewish Agency for Israel Chairman Natan Sharansky handed Getnet Amare, the mayor of Gondar, Ethiopia, the keys to the school that had prepared thousands of Jewish...

Egypt and the Muslim Brotherhood

The Egyptian army is fighting a movement that is extremely anti Semitic as a part of its religious theology.

Definition of Insanity: Failed Negotiators Trying Yet Again

Like Erekat, Indyk has been a major player in the peace industry since the early 1990s, and he also can point to zero achievements in bringing peace and prosperity to our region.

These European and American Ideas May Be Dangerous to your Health

A state that requires sacrifice from its people to survive, will only get it if there is a compelling ideological motivation driving its citizens to make the requisite sacrifices.

Knesset Bills Would Define Israel as Jewish State

Two bills submitted to the Knesset on Tuesday would legislate Israel’s Jewish character and as a democratic state. A bill proposed by coalition chairman Likud...

Obama to Palestinians: Accept the Jewish State

This will likely be Obama's most important, most lasting and most constructive contribution to Arab-Israeli diplomacy.

Recognition First, Recognition Above All

Israel must insist that there can be no negotiations until all parties agree that Israel is the Jewish state of the Jewish people.

Livni: I Will Fight to Block Bennett’s ‘Israel Is Jewish’ Law

Believe it or not, but, after 65 years, Israel still does not have a constitution fully realizing its being a Jewish state.

A Jewish State Can Be Democratic and Moral

In an online op-ed for the New York Times, a philosophy professor presumes that democracy precludes national symbols of any specific national group and on that basis argues that Israel has no right to exist as a Jewish state.

Why Some Israelis Welcome Rocket Attacks

As citizens of Israel these ‘Palestinians’ enjoy the highest standard of living of any Arabs in the Middle East, as well as more personal and political freedom.

The Road to Serfdom

Do we really need to be biometrically marked like animals just to counter the plague of forged identity cards?

Death By a Thousand Snowballs

The Jewish state is supposed to be a place where people are not humiliated for being Jews.

Hamas Hates Fatah, Sunnis Hate Shiites, But They All hate Jews So Much More

It is entirely possible for two parties to hate each other, but to agree they hate you more.

Jewish State from River to Sea a Better Place for Arabs

Remember what Albert Einstein said about the definition of insanity as doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results?

The Jews of the United States

Years have passed since Rabbi Kahane penned this essay, but it still rings sadly true today. Rabbi Kahane was known for saying uncomfortable things that comfortable Jews didn’t want to hear. In honor of his yahrtzeit, here’s another one of his brilliant and illuminating writings, which was published almost 25 years ago in The Jewish Press.

Critical Days with Egypt – On Eroding Force Limits

For years the Egyptians have been trying to erode the Sinai force restrictions set in the peace treaty they signed with Israel. Force restrictions that were a necessary condition for Israel agreeing to restore the Sinai to Egyptian control. The Egyptians see the force restrictions as impinging on their sovereignty. Israel always considered the force restrictions as critical for the Jewish State’s national security.

Kosher Hot Dogs and the Dichotomy of Tisha B’Av

We are not in the era of securing Kosher dogs, we are in the era of reestablishing a Jewish commonwealth and building a country. This project needs us to focus our collective energies so that we can overcome the multiple challenges that stand in our way. Instead of watching overpaid athletes run bases after hitting a ball, we need all those Kosher-eating “accomplished professionals” to “feel very strongly” about their place in the fight for Israel!

Survey: Israelis Think Romney ‘Friendlier’ to Jewish State

A survey on American-Israeli relations has concluded that Israelis consider Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney to be more ‘friendly’ towards Israel than incumbent Barack Obama. Surprisingly, after almost four years in office, a full 49% of Israelis polled did not know or would not answer questions regarding Obama’s Israel agenda.

Members of the Bukharian Jewish Community Supporting Israel

Possibly the most colorful group of Israel-loving Jews parading on Fifth Avenue Sunday.

Yoram Ettinger: The Westernization of Muslim Demographics

Anyone suggesting that Jews are doomed to become a minority west of the Jordan River, that there is a demographic machete at the throat of the Jewish State and that the Jewish State must concede Jewish Geography in order to secure Jewish Demography, is either grossly mistaken or outrageously misleading!

Yoram Ettinger: Beyond World Opinion

The bolstering of Jewish sovereignty generates negative world opinion - except in the U.S. and a few other countries - but enhances respect toward a conviction-driven Jewish state. On the other hand, when Jewish sovereignty retreats and Israel submits to world opinion, it merely projects weakness. Israel will never satisfy world opinion, and such action only further fuels global pressure.

Cyber Warfront: Hacker Group Warns Israel of ‘Reign of Terror’

The group was responsible for exposing an email exchange in which Syrian leader Bashar al-Assad was coached on how to conduct himself in a US interview

Jewish State, Zionist Conflict

Near the end of the nineteenth century, Theodor Herzl, the Viennese journalist who would wrestle with the plight of Jews amid the enticements and dangers of modernity, felt trapped. For his son’s sake he considered conversion to Christianity; to solve the vexing “Jewish Question” he even fantasized the mass conversion of Jews.

Disorder And Early Sorrow: Israel’s Special Vulnerability to Global Chaos

In the past I have written about global anarchy and its strategic implications for Israel. Today, I want to assess something far more specific and ominous: global chaotic disintegration. Such an unraveling is already an evident fact of life in several different parts of the world. Moreover, substantial and sudden extensions of this perilous condition to other far-flung parts of our planet are both plausible and probable.


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Printed from: https://www.jewishpress.com/news/breaking-news/peres-demand-for-jewish-state-recognition-an-obstacle-to-peace/2014/01/22/

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