Getting In Sync

A person who identifies with Hashem’s will must use the unique abilities and circumstances Hashem created him with and places him in to appreciate how he is meant to best serve Him.

Believing In Our Abilities

In a brilliantly creative rereading of the pasuk, Rabbi Shimshon suggests that alluded to in Yaakov’s word choice is this discovery of self-efficacy.

Q & A: Women Counting Sefirat Haomer (Conclusion)

QUESTION: In my wife's family, women count Sefirat Haomer. This is something that I have not seen in my own family, although they are quite observant. As a newly married couple, we are quite confused.Please discuss this matter and explain.No name pleaseToronto, Ontario

Na’anuim: Moving Together As One People

We are all familiar with the famous midrash (Vayikra Rabbah 30, 12) that compares the four species we take on the holiday of Sukkos to the four different types of Jews: the esrog, which has both smell and taste, corresponds to those who learn Torah and perform good deeds; the lulav, which has taste but no smell, corresponds to those who learn Torah but do not perform good deeds; the hadasim, which have a pleasant smell but no taste, correspond to those who perform good deeds but do not learn Torah; and finally, the aravos, which have neither smell nor taste, correspond to those who have neither Torah nor good deeds.

The Day Of Rebuke

There is a fundamental question that the commentators are bothered by. Where do we find Yosef rebuked his brothers? All he said was that he was Yosef.

Start With Why

Unfortunately, it is too easy to just go through the motions, traversing life without knowing our purpose, cause, and what drives us to get out of bed every morning.

We Are At The Threshold Of Redemption

The difference between living in Israel verses outside of Israel is that in Israel, Judaism is the basis of the country’s daily operations.

A Dual Universe

What I believe we can take from this thought is the understanding that there is a dual universe, a spiritual-metaphysical universe that mirrors the physical one that we live in.

Want Spriritual Success? Invest Some Grit

Later commentators present many questions and interpretations to try to understand the depth of this midrash. In fact, the Ohr HaChaim presents 42 different explanations of these few words.

Time For Geulah

How can we say that we are waiting for Mashiach in any month other than Nissan?

This Week's Luach

New York City
Dec. 27, 2002 - 22 Teves 5763
4:15 p.m. E.S.T.
Sabbath Ends: 5:26 p.m. E.S.T.

Sanctified Accouterments

The Chasam Sofer explains that a Jew who learns Torah is likened to a Sefer Torah...

Yes, You Can Change

The curses that Moshe delineated in Parshat Ki Tavo were meant to deter those who would consider abandoning faith in G-d and turning to other gods.

Rabbi Dov Lior – A Quintessential Jewish Patriot

Rav Dov Lior is not only a Torah scholar; he is quintessential Jewish patriot, whose allegiance is pledged fully to God, Torah, the People and the Land. His courage in speaking the truth is undeniably tangible, without regard for any public controversy or dispute.

Names For The Netherworld

Rabbi Pappenheim maintains that “hayaven” is derived from the root yud-nun, which means trickery or deception.

This Week's Luach

New York City
Feb. 1, 2002 ? 19 Shevat 5762
4:53 p.m. E.S.T.

Missing The Opportunity

It is only now that they are no longer alive that I value them more and realize the great personal loss of not having them around to talk to or confide in.

Taking Full Advantage: A Shavuot Cheshbon HaNefesh

Talmud Torah is not just the world’s purpose; it is also the Jewish peoples. As the mishna in Avot (2:8) tells us, If you have learned much Torah, do not take special credit; it is why you were created.

Fruits, Buckets, And Holiness

Food can be eaten to fill your stomach. But food can also be eaten with the intent to recognize Creation and acknowledge the Creator. A bracha is not just a thank you.

Olam Hafuch Ra’iti! – I Saw An Upside-Down World!

It is the notion that the Arabs, and in turn Hamas, cannot understand or accept that He hit me back. They cannot acknowledge the fact that the Israeli army is so powerful and is not subservient to them and that now they must recognize its superiority.

Why We Do What We Do

People who serve Hashem with ulterior motives take what is meant to be focused on Hashem and make it about themselves. As this diametrically opposes the goal of creation, it would be better for such a person to not have been created.

The Heart Of The Matter

What does it mean to have a good heart? It is common in the modern era to associate the heart with emotions, and contrast that with the mind, which represents thought.

The Challenging Mission

The challenge of the shortness of life is compounded by the enormity of the task.

Every Day Is Graduation Day!

On the 43rd day of the Omer I asked a child how many days there were to go. He immediately answered that 37 days remained. In response to my inquiry about his calculations, he excitedly announced that there were 37 days left to the school year! While all of us--he included--were counting down to the monumental day of receiving the Torah, he was also counting the days until he would be absolved of learning the very same Torah in the formal school environment!

Our Need For Personal Growth

We are not created as a finished product, but, rather, with the need and responsibility to develop ourselves properly.

Peace At All Costs

In what manner was Aharon distinguished? Why were Klal Yisrael protected with Clouds of Glory in his merit?

Yes, You Can Control Your Emotions

This theory can be both empowering and (interpreted as) anxiety-provoking, as it makes each of us responsible for our own emotions.

Yom Kippur As Purification

The conclusion of the Yom Kippur pasuk – the word “tit’haru” – commands us to purify ourselves. The Kohen Gadol used this word at the height of the Yom Kippur atonement service to remind those in the Mikdash of their responsibility to purify themselves.

Days Of Fear And Trembling: A Yamim Noraim Reflection On The Yom Kippur War

Though the Yamim Noraim should also be a time when we draw close to and strengthen our love of Hashem, they begin with recognizing that He is judging us and determining our fate for the upcoming year.

Loving Parking Tickets: Wearing The Right Glasses

Is it really possible for any self-respecting New Yorker to love parking tickets? I have seen those orange rectangular pieces of paper become the nemesis of society. As a result, those trying to earn a meager living giving out these tickets have become Public Enemy Number One. We view them as “out to get us,” deliberately attempting to make our lives miserable.


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