Having My Cake and Eating it Too – Leap of Faith [audio]

On today’s Leap of Faith Penina speaks with Jamie Geller, who shares with us about her incredible journey as a successful TV producer living in a penthouse in Manhattan to a Torah observant Jewish mother of five living in Israel. An incredibly inspiring program you do not want to miss! Jamie Geller is a former award winning tv producer and marketing executive. She is also the premier Jewish food and Lifestyle expert and the author of 6 books, including her first book called “Quick and Kosher Recipes from the Bride Who Knew Nothing.” Jamie’s website is jamiegeller.com

Conspiring with the Enemy – Leap of Faith [audio]

Today is Tisha B’Av, the day the Jewish people mourn the loss of the Temple, but more than that, we mourn the fact that we have not yet learned what we need to in order to once again merit its presence. On today’s special addition of Leap of Faith, Penina talks about what really destroyed the Temple and how each and every one of us continues to destroy it and what needs to be done to change that. Another Leap of Faith episode you don’t want to miss.

Finding My Voice – Leap of Faith [audio]

On Today’s Leap of Faith Penina speaks with Leah Aharoni, Torah teacher, business coach, Life coach and Founder/CEO of SHEvuk, a business consulting firm based in Israel. Leah shares her journey from a secular but persecuted Jewish life in the Former Soviet Union to a religious Jewish mother in Israel, as well as about finding her own voice and dedicating her life to helping others find theirs. Another incredibly inspirational episode you don’t want to miss!

If the Shoe Fits – Leap of Faith [audio]

Have you ever tried to find a pair of shoes that fit and had no luck? Finding faith can sometimes be a lot like trying to find a pair of shoes that fit, sometimes it takes a while to find the right ones.

The Skeptic and the Rabbi: Falling in Love with Faith – Leap of Faith...

Being a Torah Observant Jew is not easy. It’s a choice that requires sacrifices. It requires looking downright bizarre at times, to the rest of the world. Sometimes it means not only giving up everything we’ve ever known culturally, but also unfortunately, losing close friends and family connections.

An Idol Moment – Leap of Faith [audio]

Idolatry is forbidden in the Torah, and yet so many of us have idols in our lives. In today’s episode of Leap of Faith, Penina speaks with musician Yosef Daniel about his amazing journey to Torah. In his story, he shares a watershed moment when he realized that in order to hear clearly what G-d wanted in his life, he was going to have to tear down all those idols that he was holding onto. That was the beginning of his miraculous journey to Judaism. Join Penina for yet another incredibly inspirational episode of Leap of Faith.

Searching for G-d in the Garbage – Leap of Faith [audio]

Have you ever been so hungry, you’d consider looking in the garbage can for food? In today's segment Penina talks with author Bracha Goetz who talks about her own search for spiritual nourishment.

Ten From the Nations – Torah Awakening Among Non-Jews – Leap of Faith [audio]

Something is happening in the world today – not only are Jews turning towards torah, but so are Christians, and Today’s guest, Dr. Rivkah Lambert Adler claims that this is in direct fulfillment of the prophecy of Zechariah 8:23. Join me in this fascinating interview as I talk with Rivkah about what’s going on!

A Burning Desire – Leap of Faith [audio]

Have you ever had an experience where you just knew there was something you needed to do, even though you couldn’t explain why or make any connection to it logically?

Not Losing Myself – Leap of Faith [audio]

One of the most difficult things for people who are becoming Jewish or returning to Judaism to deal with is the cultural aspect of Orthodox Judaism. On today’s episode of Leap of Faith, Penina speaks with Nicole Bem, who shares a very difficult part of her journey and trying to find the right community for herself and her family, while not also losing oneself in the process. Another fascinating episode of Leap of Faith you don’t want to miss!

God, without the ‘zilla – Leap of Faith [audio]

In today’s episode Penina speaks with Gavriel Sanders who shares his incredibly inspirational journey from a minister on staff at one of the biggest churches in America, a missionary in Israel and in Saudi Arabia to a Torah observant Jew. Another fascinating episode you don’t want to miss!

Over the Edge – Leap of Faith [audio]

When it comes to faith, we sometimes don’t realize we overstep the balance and push people away from our faith rather than drawing them towards it. Today on Leap of Faith, Penina will be speaking with Rabbi Yitzchak Michaelson, who walked away from his Jewish faith when he was pushed over the edge by that lack of balance, and who will share with us how he came back and what he’s doing to make sure that others don’t get pushed over the edge as well

A River Could be a Tree – Leap of Faith [audio]

When the Sunday sermon blamed the delay of Jesus’ second coming on women wearing makeup, Angela Himsel began to wonder if God didn’t have more important things to worry about. This began her on a spiritual journey that took her from the Worldwide Church of God to Orthodox Judaism. On today’s Leap of Faith, Penina talks with Angela about her spiritual journey and how sometimes there is more than one right answer. Join Penina for another inspiring episode of Leap of Faith.

Teach Them to your Children – Leap of Faith [audio]

A woman's inspirational journey to Torah and how the Jewish commandment to 'teach our children' was the thing that first attracted her and her husband to Judaism.

A Prodigal Son – Leap of Faith [audio]

Are non-Jews who are embracing Torah like the prodigal son returning home? On Today’s Leap of Faith, Penina speaks with Jim Barfield, Director of the Copper Scroll Project, who says they are. He shares his fascinating journey to Torah as a Ger Toshav and how he got involved with the Dead Sea Scrolls and specifically the Copper Scroll Project, on another inspiring episode of Leap of Faith you won’t want to miss.

You are what you eat? – Veganism as a part of the Jewish Spiritual...

Today, in what will very likely be one of her most controversial shows ever, Penina to be talking with Rabbi David Rosen about the phenomenon of Jews choosing to become vegetarian or vegan as a part of their spiritual journey, and why he would argue that it is integral to what it means to be a Jew.

Waiting in the Wings – Leap of Faith [audio]

In today’s episode of Leap of Faith, Penina is joined by Erin Shoshana, who shares her incredible journey from growing up in an Episcopal family in Texas to a Torah Observant Jewish woman raising a family in Israel. She shares with us about how she had to learn to let go, trust the process and realize that family can be made up of people you aren’t related to by blood. Another incredibly inspiring episode you don't want to miss!

Fiftieth Episode Special Edition – Leap of Faith [audio]

Leap of Faith is now a little over one year old and to celebrate, Penina has put together a special 50th episode with excerpts from many of her guests from the past year. A wisdom-packed episode of Leap of Faith you don't want to miss!

The Siddur as a Spiritual Journey – Leap of Faith [audio]

For most of us, the word “siddur” is synonymous with the word “liturgy”. It conjures up images of people mindlessly reading words from a book without any heart or passion. Most of us don’t think of the siddur as a spiritual journey, but on this episode of Leap of Faith, Penina will be speaking with Rabbi Daniel Kohn, who will be talking about just that – the siddur as a spiritual journey. Join Penina today at 5:00pm IST/ 10:00am EST, for another incredibly inspiring episode of Leap of Faith!

A Conversation with Two Taylors – Leap of Faith [audio]

Two weeks ago my husband Pinchas lost his father and we are currently in the US for the funeral and visiting with his family. This has given us time to talk and reflect about his own Journey to Torah and Judaism. Today on Leap of faith, for the first time Pinchas Taylor shares his story. Join us for this unique conversation, today on Leap of Faith.

Talking to G-d in the Bathroom – Leap of Faith [audio]

It seems that holiness and a connection with G-d can be acquired from others. It’s like a virus – it’s contagious, only in a really good way. On today’s Leap of Faith, Penina talks with Elisheva Goldschmidt about how she was exposed to people who talked about G-d as if He were real in their lives and it made her want what they had. Eventually, she found it, but the route wasn’t as straightforward as she might have hoped. Another inspiring episode of Leap of Faith you don’t want to miss!

Lighting the Way – Leap of Faith [audio]

Lighting shabbat candles seems to play a big role in the stories of many women who come to Torah. Today on Leap of Faith, Penina interviews Rebbetzin Chana Bracha Siegelbaum, Founder and Director of Midreshet B’erot Bat Ayin who not only started her journey with shabbat candles but is using her own light to ignite the journeys of other women.

A Baal Teshuvah Again – Leap of Faith [audio]

Join Penina on Leap of Faith as she interviews her oldest son, Daniel about what it was like going through the teshuvah and conversion processes with his parents, and he shares his own teshuvah story as a “Baal Teshuva on my own terms.” Another inspirational episode you won’t want to miss!

Being a Bridge – Leap of Faith [audio]

On today’s episode of Leap of Faith, Penina speaks with Shani Kramer, who shares her parents’ journeys to Torah and how the next generation has the ability to serve in a way no one else can. Another inspirational episode you don’t want to miss!

The Simple Truth – Leap of Faith [audio]

Have you ever created a fantasy in your mind about how something was going to turn out and in the end, it was nothing like what you imagined?

The Gift of Poverty – Leap of Faith [audio]

Barak Moore grew up in a poverty stricken and violent part of New York, but considers his upbringing as a gift which has given him a unique view of life and the world and what it means to suffer.

You Can Lead a Horse to Water… And You Can Make Him Drink –...

There’s a saying that you can lead a horse to water, but you can’t make him drink. That’s not completely true. If you give the horse salt, he becomes thirsty enough to drink. On today’s episode of Leap of Faith, Penina speaks with Akiva Holinger who shares his journey from the Mennonite faith to Orthodox Judaism and how his thirst for Truth led him there. Join us for another inspirational episode of Leap of Faith you don’t want to miss.

A Road Less Traveled – Leap of Faith [audio]

The Tosefta Sanhedrin 13:1 tells us that the Righteous of all nations have a share in the world to come – Judaism does not believe that people need to become Jewish in order to go to heaven. Today Penina will be speaking with a couple who are Noahides – righteous Gentiles who are not Jewish but love the Torah. Her guests, Jason and Cherrie Lacross will inspire you as they share their spiritual journey and talk about what it’s like to be Noahides. Another incredibly inspiring episode of Leap of Faith you won’t want to miss!

Cultivating Connection – Leap of Faith [audio]

On Today’s episode of Leap of Faith, Penina will be speaking with Dr. Azriela Jankovic who shares her inspirational journey from Reform Judaism to Torah Judaism, and how the love and connection she experienced ignited something within her. Another incredible episode you don’t want to miss!

Jewish Latin Princess – Leap of Faith [audio]

On Today’s Leap of Faith, Penina Speaks with writer, international speaker and creator of the Jewish Latin Princess blog and podcast, Yael Trush. Yael shares her inspirational Journey to Torah as well as some words of wisdom for those facing challenges in their own journey to Torah. Another fascinating episode of Leap of Faith you don’t want to miss!


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Printed from: https://www.jewishpress.com/multimedia/radio/israel-news-talk-radio/leap-of-faith/having-my-cake-and-eating-it-too-leap-of-faith-audio/2019/08/29/

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