Photo Credit: Twitter screenshot
Gazan student (in blue) with his United Hatzalah rescuers in Moldova, March 2, 2022.

We received this one from former US Ambassador David M Friedman, who tweeted on Wednesday: “A Gazan student studying in Ukraine fled when the war began. He crossed the border to Moldova and saw two Hatzalah volunteers with an Israeli flag draped on their car. Seeing the flag, he immediately sought their help and they are getting him home. Can’t make this up!”

Ben Landon quipped in response: “Imagine an Israeli student finding a car with a PA flag on it and knowing he was safe.”


But Rolene Marks, who’s probably been to this rodeo before, tweeted the ambassador knowingly: “I am sure we will hear that from the anti-Israel crowd any minute.” And, what do you know, they were there, didn’t miss a beat.

Majed tweeted: “Bla bla … drama .. how come Israeli hired as US embassador (sic.) for Israel?!”

Qasim: “First of all Gaza people can’t leave, fake news.”

Well, we looked it up. According to The New Arab (Hundreds of Palestinian students leave war-torn Ukraine), “the majority of Palestinian students in Ukraine have left the country, according to the president of the Palestinian community in Kiev, Hatem Odeh. Odeh told The New Arab on Monday that ‘the community is working jointly with Palestinian consulates in Ukraine and neighboring countries to help all Palestinians… cross international borders.’ Odeh estimated the number of Palestinian residents in Ukraine to have ranged between 3,000 and 3,500, prior to the Russian invasion, several hundreds of whom are students.

“The Palestinian Authority’s foreign ministry announced on Sunday that Jordanian authorities had agreed to exempt Palestinians from the procedures required to enter Jordan, the only available way for them to return to the West Bank. According to Odeh, Egyptian authorities informed the Palestinian community of similar facilitations for those wishing to return to Gaza through Egypt.”

So, not fake news, Qasim.

United Hatzalah in Ukraine / United Hatzalah

Finland Join NATO Dave tweeted: “Gaza borders Egypt take a geography class.”


Another idiot, Dieter Röbig, tweeted with admirable certainty: “And now he can’t go back to Gaza. Where he should move or stay now? He is now a collaborative for Israel.”

Thousands of Gazans work and receive medical treatment in Israel every year, surely a student from Ukraine can go home without having to become a Mossad agent…

Margie stuck to the same narrative: “I wonder how he will be received in Gaza after virtually endorsing Israelis.”

He’ll do fine, Marge. There’s no shame in being helped by Israelis. There wouldn’t be an Arab population between the Jordan River and the Mediterranean Sea otherwise…

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