‘Death to Israel’: Iran’s Plan to Attack Israel

If the Israeli public wants to survive, it must prepare—mentally and physically—for war with the Iranian octopus.

Boycotting Israel is Never Kosher

A call to reconsider investing in Israel because of judicial reform isn’t the same as BDS. Yet that distinction is meaningless since it still validates anti-Zionist lies.

Reawakening to the Iranian Threat

A comprehensive picture of Iranian belligerence and its tectonic threat to Mideast and global stability.

Palestinians’ War on Jewish Women Rages On

It’s deeply disturbing, but profoundly necessary, to reflect on the specific circumstances of the attack because of what they can teach us.

Contemplate the Rise in Religious Hatred, Then Confront It

This Jewish holiday is an appropriate time for good people of all faiths to contemplate the rise of religious hatred here and around the world and then to pledge ourselves to confronting it wherever and whenever we find it.

My Creations Drown…and you SING!

Shabbat Chol Hamoed Pesach was a davening challenge I never experienced before, one I didn't think I would be able to overcome.

Why Palestinians Cannot Resume Peace Talks with Israel

In the eyes of Shtayyeh and many Palestinians, all Jews living between the Jordan River and the Mediterranean Sea are "colonizers" and "settlers." These Palestinians see no difference between a Jew living in a Jewish community in the West Bank and a Jew living in Tel Aviv or Jerusalem. For them, all Jews are foreigners who have no connection whatsoever to Israel and Jewish holy sites and no right ever to live there. Period.

Bragg vs. Trump: The Plot Thickens

Going forward, however, Bragg would have to persuade a jury that what Trump had in mind was concealment of a particular crime or crimes.

Jews and Land of Israel: Part V: The Meaning of a Jewish State

Israel as a Jewish state was justified at the time of independence…, and its preservation continues to be justified today.

The Judicial Reform: What Now?

If we really want to rule, we should draw inspiration from the eternal sources of our nation and learn from the wisdom of the generations not to repeat mistakes, even if the cost is temporary retreat. The correction will come. Patience.

US And China: The Freefall Continues

Few take the President seriously on this score, however, especially since the Iranians were forced into the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action in 2015 under threat of military intervention.

Israeli Sovereignty and American Intervention

The decision by judicial reform opponents to invite, indeed to plead for, U.S. intervention in this complex and fateful internal contest damages Israeli sovereignty and self-government.

In Defense of Judicial Reform

Nathan Lewin, Esq. is a household name synonymous with legal scholarship for more than 55 years. Consistently listed among the “Best Lawyers in America”,...

Finally, We Need to ‘Let the IDF Win!’

Israel is at war on multiple fronts. Only, it doesn’t seem to know. Israel has been at war for over 100 years. Only, it seems to want to forget.

“Does This Compromise President Biden?”

The notion that a declining power like Russia, which has domestic problems, a shrinking economy, a shrinking demographic base, is somehow a bigger threat than China is laughable.

Biden Spares Iran and Scolds Israel

The US president is neighing about Israeli democracy and stiffing Netanyahu to counter Israel’s insistence on acting against Iran.

Iran is Pushing Israel Toward a Multi-Theater Conflagration

A partial nuclear agreement, even a broad one, will buy the world only a few weeks, or maybe months.

Biden’s Anti-Israel Policy Empowers Iran, Palestinian Terrorists

The current US anti-Netanyahu approach will do nothing except empower Iran and its proxies, Hamas, PIJ and Hezbollah in Lebanon, and incentivize them to carry out more terror attacks – not only against Israelis, but against Americans as well.

Yale Respects Muslim Values but not Jewish

A tale of two policies: The religious rights denied to Jews by Yale in 1998 have now been granted to Muslims in 2023.

Biden’s ‘Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell’ Policy Regarding Terror

The current U.S. administration does not want to be forced to either criticize the Palestinian Authority, something it is loath to do.

Mob Rule Or Divine Will?

Why should human voices hold such authority in a halachic system which answers to Hashem?

Biden’s Boycott of Netanyahu is Outrageous

Israel is the creator of its destiny; the White House is not.

A Crisis of Judicial Proportions: Part III: Anatomy of the Protest Movement

The protest organizers are doing irreparable harm to the state, its institutions and its economy, in a classic “cutting off your nose to spite your face” campaign.

This Pesach, Let’s Declare ‘Ve’ahavta Le’reiacha Kamocha’

“Behold, I accept upon myself the commandment of the Lord to love my neighbor as myself.”

Passover Guide for the Perplexed 2023: US-Israel Shared Values

1. The Passover Exodus, in general, and the Mosaic legacy, in particular, inspired the US Founding Fathers' rebellion against the monarchy, which evolved into...


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Printed from: https://www.jewishpress.com/indepth/opinions/death-to-israel-irans-plan-to-attack-israel/2023/04/17/

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