17 Years Later – Abie Rotenberg’s Aish, Vol. 3

One song in particular on this album, “Bayom Hahu,” stands out from all the others.

Yeshiva Boys Choir’s Greatest Hits

The viewer/listener is treated to a mix of older, beloved soloists as well as some new voices. Since this is a Gerstner production, it of course has a 2020 flash and modern sound.

Herzlich 2

Herzlich 2 has been in the works for a few years and the attention to detail, precision production, and careful selection of songs rewards the listener with a very rich and enjoyable experience.

Eli Lebowicz To Perform In Israel

It's Lebowicz's first trip to Israel as a comedian and hopes to give both residents and visitors something to look forward to during their Pesach vacation.

A Testimony Of Atrocities: A Review of ‘Who Will Write Our History’

The documentary, which includes simple re-enactments with actors, will make you cry and will make you angry.

The Potent Story Of Capturing One Of The Worst Criminals: A Film Review of...

Kingsley is extremely convincing as a man who tries at first to say he only pushed paper and is not culpable for the crimes and thinks he can outsmart the Israelis.

Tisha B’Av and Converso Jews

Crypto-Jews, who saw in their own circumstances a reflection of the events of Tisha B’Av.

Ashley Blaker, Charedi Comedian, Regales Frum and Secular Alike

“I perform a show that I would not be ashamed for my rav to see, but I’m sure there are always going to be people that feel I pushed it too far.”

Beardless and Bareheaded, Matisyahu Continues to Draw Inspiration From Jewish Sources

The first time I saw Matisyahu perform he was mesmerising. It was 2006, at the height of his chassidic phase...

Artists Speak Out for Israel on Independence Day

Not all artists are taken hostage by the BDS movement

New Moshav Album Is Medicine For The Soul

If you’re hearing this is when you’re driving and someone cuts you off, you’ll be able to breathe easy.

Haredi Comedian Is Hilarious

After giving a talk at a melaveh malka about his work experience a few years ago, people told him he had enough material to do a standup routine. They were right.

Two New Documentaries Bring Holocaust Survivors To The Big Screen

Gradually, a picture emerged of survivors who had each experienced a different horror, but who all shared the pain of living with the memory.

Theater Review: Silence Meant Safety, But One Woman Put Her Life In Danger

“We Will Not Be Silent” tells the story of Sophie Scholl, a German college student who placed anti-Nazi leaflets at her college and was hanged for her "crime."

New Book Displays All the Art Göring Stole from Jews

While being questioned at Nuremberg, Göring was “humble” about having pulled off one of the most extensive theft of artwork in history...

New Film About Polish Jewry Makes Emotional Debut

Rabbi Lau is a world class speaker. When he relates stories, even concentration camp stories, the audience is mesmerized. As we would soon discover, he is in the movie as well.

The Memory Alive

The most uplifting aspect of the film was the footage from the displaced persons camps.

From The Shah To The Rebbe: The Tale Of An Artist

Nouril concluded he had no choice: He had to become more observant.

One Man Faces Art

Being the son of an Orthodox rabbi who witnessed my artwork without scorn was a green light for me to continue.

Laura Kruger At The Hebrew Union College Museum

"We are living in a Golden Age of Jewish Art, but don't know it."

Exhibiting Judaica

Synagogue ritual art is also abundant but for various reasons not usually collected.

Sanctuary: Lincoln Square Synagogue and Mark Podwal’s Terezin Suite

He refuses to flinch from our painful history, perhaps finding a kind of solace in the consistency of irrational enmity directed against us.

Letter From Tel Aviv

A new generation of Sabra artists have come to the fore, creating imaginative and attractive pieces of arts.

Off Label: Ceremonial Objects Imagined: Dov Abramson & Ken Goldman

"Vidduy: The Musical" breaks through the formidable barrier of repetitive confession to allow us to begin to understand what is at the heart of this fundamental religious act.

One Last Adventure For A Dozen Seniors

These eleven nursing home residents and their accompanying staff from the Connecticut nursing home could represent any of us or our own loved ones...

Judaica Auctions

The highlight of the auction was a superb and extremely rare ram-shaped silver spice container (very similar to the one in the Kiev Jewish Museum, and probably by the same maker) which brought $36,000.

Medieval Echoes: Jews, Christians & Visuality: New Approaches

A fascinating glimpse into the rich complexity of medieval Jewish life and its contemporary relevance had intriguingly emerged.

Fight Over Long-Lost Holocaust Art Treasure Begins

A Monet and other art stolen from Jews during the Holocaust have been found in the home of an 81-year-old German art collector. David Toren is waiting for the Germans to hand over at least 1 of those paintings.

Silverstein’s Heroes

Silverstein’s work has long concerned itself with the intersection between the personal and Jewish Biblical narrative, significantly explored in this column in “Brighton Beach Bible” (July 27, 2009).


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