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The Walter Bingham File – Will The Real Donald Trump Stand Up Please [audio]

Walter's solution to most humane scheme to reduce the Arab population in our land.

David Friedman Nomination Will Reveal Trump’s Real Stand on Jewish Settlements

Like it or not, the president's response downgraded his view on the settlements from 'not an impediment' to 'impediment.'

The Real Treasure

When G-d promised Avraham that his children would emerge from Egypt laden with great wealth, he was not referring to material wealth.

TRUMP’S BAN ON REFUGEES: The Real Reason Why Saudi Arabia and Egypt Were Not...

Trump is is looking to build a coalition to fight both radical Islam and the growing threat from Iran. For this reason, and NOT business interests, he exempted Egypt and Saudi Arabia from the ban.

Shmot: If Midrash is Real, Why Isn’t It Peshat?

Rabbi Fohrman discusses the medrash and suggests we put ourselves into the eyes of Pharaoh's daughter to help us see that when we want to achieve something, God will help us find a way to do it.

Friedman is the Real (pro-Israel) Deal

For those who support a Jewish, Democratic Israel, committed to civil rights for all its citizens- including the right to not be murdered-David Friedman is the right choice for US Ambassador to Israel

Shiloh Musings: Chanukah, The Real Story, Then and Now

Hopefully,Netanyahu has gotten sufficiently angry and disgusted to recognize that his trying to be a reasonable "Centrist" isn't working. We need a zealot who only tries to please G-d. A Maccabee.

Israel-India Alliance is the Real Global Gamechanger

Israel finds India, the world's largest democracy with a billion citizens, a partner that displays no cultural hint of anti-Semitism and fights against the same enemies both past and present.

The REAL Illegal Settlements

The EU and others pay for constructing illegal Palestinian settlements while demanding Israel halt building new homes for Jewish families in Jerusalem neighborhoods or existing West Bank settlements

Breaking the Silence: Teaching Hebron’s Real Jewish History to Young Israelis

If students on the tour encounter foreign journalists, European MPs, or anti-Israel propaganda tours led by radical Left NGOs, they will be permitted to educate them, politely, about the hypocrisy of the delegitimization campaign against Israel.

BULLETPROOF – What’s the Real Reason World Leaders are Coming to Peres’ Funeral? [audio]

What's the real reason why world leaders, and even Mahmood Abbas are attending Peres' funeral? It may not be why you think. Ari gives his take on the matter.

Rosh Hashanah: The Real Election Day

A world from which America retreats is a dangerous world indeed.

How Some Muslim Nations are Forging a Real Peace with Israel

Even some of Israel's most stalwart opponents are starting to change course, with some discouraging the BDS, movement, others even engaging in joint military exercises with the Jewish state

The Rabbi Who Knew the REAL Reasons for Arik Sharon’s Change in Heart

Aug. 2005, Rabbi She’ar-Yashuv Cohen traveled to Jerusalem to make a last minute appeal to Arik Sharon to reconsider his plan to retreat from Gush Katif, History has proven him, not Sharon, correct

Joseph Wilf, Real Estate Developer And Supporter Of Jewish Causes, Passes Away At 91

The Wilfs, both Joe and Harry, were not just philanthropic donors to the RCA, stressed Herson, but took an active role in the continued growth of the educational institution.

Erdogan Utilizing Turks’ Ingrained Conspiracy Theory Culture to Purge Foes, Real and Imagined

Imagine that every conspiracy theory you've heard, from the Communists taking over America, to Obama conspiring with the deans of Al Azhar University to bring Islam to the US, to the CIA blowing up the World Trade Center, was, if not true, at least plausible.

INTO THE FRAY: Israel and American Liberal Jewry: The REAL Reasons for the Rift

Incredibly, according to Israel’s “liberal” detractors, the only remedy for Israel’s “democracy deficit” is to establish yet another Muslim-majority tyranny.

Finally: Congress Asking UNRWA for Real Number of Palestinian Refugees

Republicans in both houses have launched parallel efforts to compel the State Department to go on the record with who qualifies as a “Palestinian refugee.”

The Real Threat to Israeli Democracy

What exactly does the bill that finally passed the Knesset do? The short answer to that is--not much

Tefillah: A Meeting With Hashem Our Real Best Friend

People who suffer from anxiety say that they simply do not have a moment of peace. They feel like they are locked in a prison and are terrified to be with themselves.

EU, UNHCR Show How Different Palestinians are From Real Refugees

Resettlement? No one is calling for Palestinians to be resettled! But if they are refugees, shouldn't they be included in the massive worldwide push to resettle refugees? Why aren't they?

If Palestinians are Scared, it Must be Real

For the NY Times, Gazan and Palestinian fears are real while Israeli fears are overblown, delusional scenarios, which the army then uses as a propaganda to conceal their over-reactions

Vatican invites Exorcist Director William Friedkin to Meet a Real Dybbuk

"I don't think I will ever be the same having seen this astonishing thing."

The Arabs’ Real Grievance against the Jews

The Arab world, even Egypt and Jordan who signed peace agreements with Israel, does not accept the concept of a Jewish state of any size or any shape.

Streisand on Rumors of Prince Charles Fling: Could Have Been First Real Jewish Princess

The secret romance-fling apparently took place in 1994, two years after his highness had separated from Princess Diana.

Is the Lab-Created Burger Kosher?

Preliminary thoughts on the halachic status of lab-created meat: it's kosher--if you started the process kosher. but no final words yet.


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Printed from: https://www.jewishpress.com/multimedia/radio/israel-news-talk-radio/walter-bingham-file/the-walter-bingham-file-will-the-real-donald-trump-stand-up-please-audio/2017/02/23/

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