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Tag: the Talmud

World’s Most Ancient Religious Texts Made Available Online to Public at The British Library

Included is one of the only copies of the Talmud that somehow escaped the public burnings suffered by most of the other Jewish law books during the Middle Ages.

Talmud Takes to Jewish.tv

A class on Talmudic ethics in Vancouver, B.C., praised by regulars, is going virtual in a new series on Jewish.tv, the multimedia portal of...

Rav Elyashiv, Torah and Science

One of the biggest issues that has arisen as a result of the Slifkin controversy is the question of whether Chazal, the sages of the Talmud knew the actuality of nature. There are those who say that they did. They say that every statement recorded in the Gemarah with respect to science is an accurate reflection of nature itself. The science redacted in the Talmud is as valid as the Halacha - both being Mesorah.

Remembering Shabbos

How the Sages of the Talmud used to honor Shabbos! Each day of the week was only an introduction to the coming Shabbos and everything was done with an eye towards Shabbos.

Non-Orthodox Reaction To The Siyum HaShas

The massive turnouts around the world celebrating the completion of the twelfth cycle of the Daf Yomi should finally put to rest any remaining claims by leaders of non-Orthodox movements that they represent the wave of the Jewish future.

Rabbi Adin Steinsaltz and his Steinsaltz Talmud

Yishai interviews iconic Rabbi Adin Steinsaltz about his recently-released edition of the Talmud.

90,000-plus Crowd in NJ Cheers Siyum HaShas

Some 90,000 people packed MetLife Stadium to celebrate the completion of the page-a-day Talmud cycle in the largest-ever Siyum HaShas. The gathering Wednesday evening, which...

Siyum HaShas: Klal Yisrael Celebrates The Torah

The Jewish Press joins in saluting the thousands of lomdei Torah around the world who together, in countless specially designated study groups, have completed the entire Shas over the past seven and a half years in the Daf HaYomi cycle.

90,000 to Gather in N.J. Metlife Stadium for the Completion of the Talmud

Ninety-thousand Jews will gather in Metlife Stadium in East Rutherford, N.J., to celebrate Siyum HaShas, the completion of a Talmud study program that occurs...

Photo-Essay: 15,000 Chareidim at the Ammunition Hill Siyum HaShas

Photos:15,000 Ultra-Orthodox Jews gathered at Ammunition Hill in Jerusalem on Tuesday night to celebrate the completion of this 7.5 year cycle of learning the Talmud.

Photo-Essay: 20,000 Celebrate at Jerusalem’’s Teddy Stadium for the Shas Siyum HaShas

20,000 people participated Tuesday night in Shas's Siyum HaShas (completion of the Talmud). Here are some photos.

Koren Publishers Introduces New English Talmud

Koren Publishers Jerusalem has launched the first volume of a new English edition of the Talmud with commentary by renowned Talmud scholar Rabbi Adin Steinsaltz.

Talmud Underground

An Ultra-Orthodox man reading the Talmud on the subway from Underground NY Public Library. The photo blog is a project of acclaimed street photographer,...

HaMafteach: A User-Friendly Index Of The Talmud: An Interview With Author Daniel Retter

An index of the Talmud with more than 6,000 topical and 27,000 subtopical entries is a major undertaking and its publication a seminal event in Jewish scholarship.

World Renowned Rabbis Publish New Books with Maggid

Rabbis Jonathan Sacks, Adin Steinsaltz, Shlomo Riskin and Berel Wein are among those publishing new works with Maggid Books, a division of Koren Publishers Jerusalem.

Is The Talmud Anti-Christian?

Jews have long been accused of studying anti-Christian texts supposedly contained in the Talmud. Such allegations have been made for so many centuries that even some civilized and fair-minded individuals accept them at face value.

May The Brain Death ‘Controversy’ Die A Dignified Death

There has been a bizarre, unfortunate and hurtful conversation taking place in the public domain (including every imaginable forum) regarding the halachic viewpoint on brain death.

Anti-Semitism and France: Charlemagne to De Gaulle

The change came rather quickly in terms of history's long sweep and, from our vantage point, may seem like something of a mystery.

‘Dead’ Mitzvah Acquires New Life

Techeles, the blue strings the Torah requires Jews to wear on their ritual tzitzis garments, has long been thought of as a "dead" mitzvah. Sometime in the 7th century apparently (possibly due to the Arab conquest of Israel) Jews stopped producing techeles strings and the identity of the chilazon, from which the blue dye originates, was subsequently lost.

Did She Cry Because Of You?

One of my favorite teachings from the Talmud is a marriage-related lesson.

Title: The Spirits Behind The Law: The Talmudic Scholars

As we study the Talmud, we come across the names of our great Sages, usually attached to a particular law or halachic position.

Letters to the Editor

Liberal LogicDoesn't the liberal view of the world seem so alien? A genocidal madman like Saddam Hussein is beaten and captured, yet liberals are...

Soncino Classics Collection

As the holiday of Shavuos rapidly approaches and the days of Sefirah draw to an end, what better way to prepare oneself for the holiday of receiving the Torah than to actually increase one's familiarity with it? The Soncino Classics Collection on CD-ROM is a great accompaniment to your studies whether you a beginner or a scholar.


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Printed from: https://www.jewishpress.com/news/jewish-news/worlds-most-ancient-religious-texts-made-available-online-to-public-at-the-british-library/2019/09/25/

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