Exile and Redemption – Israel Unplugged [audio]

In this pre-Tisha B'Av episode we hosted Rabbi Steven Pruzansky, who just made Aliyah from Teaneck, NJ and we discussed some ideas of Aliyah and how it fits into the concepts of Exile and Redemption

Is Hanukka the Celebration of the Downfall of Secular Judaism? – Israel Unplugged [audio]

In this show we discuss the real story behind Hanukka and whether secular Jews today are similar to the Hellenists of old.

American Jews or Jewish Americans? – Israel Unplugged [audio]

In this show we speak with Rabbi Pesach Lerner of the WZO and speak about the upcoming US elections.

Are Diaspora Jews Sincere in their Observance? – Israel Unplugged [audio]

Join us as we discuss what it means to be a Jew in exile today and how we are all obligated to see ourselves leaving the exile behind and creating the reality of redemption.

The Aliyah Song – Israel Unplugged [audio]

In this show we play the newest hit Jewish song, The Aliyah Song, youtu.be/5Hbv8HwvKyE , and talk about Jewish in Israel vs. Jews in exile mode

Are You Practicing Judaism or Living Judaism? – Israel Unplugged [audio]

We speak with Rabbi Bentzion Klatzko and Meir Eisenman about touring the Land and what is really so unique and special that every Jew should live here.

How to Convince Diaspora Jews to Make Aliyah without Shaming Them? – Israel Unplugged...

Rabbi Lichtman and Josh Wander respond to an article that downplays the importance of aliyah to Israel. This episode really sums up some of the most important ideas that the hosts have been trying to convey over the past few years. You don't want to miss it!

Modern Day Israel: Redemption or Historical Coincidence? – Israel Unplugged [audio]

In this show we discuss the different Jewish viewpoints about the modern State of Israel being an integral part of the redemption process or, God forbid, an impediment

Is The End of the Exile a Dream or a Reality? – Israel Unplugged...

Many Jews around the world refuse to accept that the modern state of Israel is a divine miracle, they are wrong.

Tu B’Shvat and Anti-Semitism – Israel Unplugged [audio]

Has the world gone nuts? Maybe this will help explain why…

Fiddler on the Roof Nostalgia – Israel Unplugged [audio]

In this show we discuss the differences between those Jews who are nostalgic for the European shtetl and those who see the real future in the Holy Land

Is Florida the Future Jewish Homeland? – Israel Unplugged [audio]

In this show we discuss a recently printed article about Jews in NY moving to greener pastures in Florida and whether Uman is the place to go from Rosh Hashana

What is a Zionist Today? – Israel Unplugged [audio]

How is 'Zionism' taught today, and how do our youth relate to it? Also, what are the general challenges of making aliyah / moving to Israel today?

Inside Israel Jews, Outside Israel Jews – Israel Unplugged [audio]

An examination on how some Jews relate to the Land of Israel and how being outside the Holy Land can influence their perceptions of Torah edicts. Also, the appeals of living in the West: the 3-Cs: Comfort, Convenience and Cosco.

Why did this horrible tragedy befall us? – Israel Unplugged [audio]

In this somber show we discuss the tragic calamity that occurred during Lag B'Omer and whether there are lessons to be learned from the event.

Jews Don’t Belong in Exile – Israel Unplugged [audio]

In this show we speak with former Member of Knesset Rabbi Dov Lipman about his personal story of Aliyah and the imperative to bring the Jews from around the globe finally home.

Is A Ukrainian or Russian Jew an Oxymoron? – Israel Unplugged [audio]

In this show we discuss the possible upcoming Russian invasion of Ukraine and how Jews, the word over, should only ever identify as Jews.

Last Call for American Jews to Come Home – Israel Unplugged [audio]

We discuss current events and how this is bound to impact the safety of Jews in America

“Go Forth From Your Land… To The Land I Will Show You! – Israel...

We speak with Rabbi Pinchas Winston and Rabbi Zvi Rimon about the ultimate redemption which can only be completed once the Jews return home to Eretz Yisrael.

God Commanded Abraham to Leave. Was he Talking to Us? – Israel Unplugged [audio]

In this show we speak to Judean and Samaritan rabbis about this week's Torah portion Lech Lecha.

Move to Israel Now! Last call! – Israel Unplugged [audio]

We speak with our special guest Rabbi Ken Spiro about Aliyah today and the necessity for Jews to return home post haste.

Fast Day or Christmas? – Israel Unplugged [audio]

In this show we discuss the upcoming fast day of the 10th of Tevet and it's meaning for the Jew in exile.

Can you be Jewish in the Diaspora? – Israel Unplugged [audio]

On this show we speak with former MK Rabbi Dov Lipman about the great merit of being able to participate in the democratic system today in a Jewish State and why Jews abroad don't hold the same status as Jews who have come home.

Israel’s Ban on World Jewry – Moral Disgrace or Responsible Governance? – Israel Unplugged...

In this show we discuss whether recent regulations to ban Jews from entering Israel are responsible policy decisions.

Is NOW the time to make Aliyah? – Israel Unplugged [audio]

Don't miss our amazing Sukkot lineup of guests discussing all different aspects of Aliyah, including Yossi Baumol talking about the redemptive process, Avi Abelow talking about news and current events, and Sharni Brodesky talking about making Aliyah with kids!

Is it a Desecration of God’s Name for a Jew to live Outside of...

In this show we speak with Rabbi Kenny Cohen who left his LA congregation behind in order to clear his conscious about not living in Israel.

Does God Want Us to Pray or to Act? – Israel Unplugged [audio]

In this show we discuss the work of Rabbi Teichtel HY"D, Eim HaBanim Semacha, his great grandson who is a Chabad rabbi in Berlin and what this all means for us.

Is There a Good Excuse Not To Make Aliyah? – Israel Unplugged [audio]

Josh Wander and Rabbi Moshe Lichtman discuss whether influential Jews in the diaspora should or shouldn't be making aliyah because of the good they can do in their host countries. Who's right?

Rebuild Jerusalem Today! – Israel Unplugged [audio]

In this show we discuss the ability to not only pray about the rebuilding of Jerusalem, to to actually rebuild it!

Are we Living in the Beginning of the Redemptive Process? – Israel Unplugged [audio]

On this show the hosts discuss whether we are indeed living in the redemptive process and what that means for you!


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Printed from: https://www.jewishpress.com/multimedia/radio/israel-news-talk-radio/israel-unplugged/exile-and-redemption-israel-unplugged-audio/2020/07/27/

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