Righteous and Resolute – Pull Up a Chair [audio]

The days weigh heavy as Israel holds back from finishing the job of eradicating Hamas. What is the cost of a Jewish life and will our resolve to remain united in the face of unbridled evil remain steadfast? We grapple the tough stuff on today's show.

What Makes a Hero? – Pull Up a Chair [audio]

Can the average-Joe part-the-waters for the future of one's family, beliefs and, indeed, all of mankind? Andrea visits stories of fortitude and and defying popular culture in pursuit of a better world. (Plus and laugh or three!)

Women of the Megillah and Miracles – Pull Up A Chair [audio]

Vashti, Esther and Zeresh. Passionate cast of female characters who helped pave the path - intentional or not.

Wanted: Leaders! – Pull Up a Chair [audio]

A truly good leader cannot rest on his laurels but must always exercise the same level of dedication and commitment today as he did the day before.

Starting Over – Pull Up a Chair [audio]

Is the story of the Garden of Eden a children's tale or, in fact, a powerful and Heavenly blueprint for us to build-upon?

Crushing Spirits? Stop! – Pull Up a Chair [audio]

What does the Torah say about treating one-another shabbily? There ARE options! Andrea discusses choices and how to bring the Redemption, one loving deed at a time.

Law & Order in a Perfect World – Pull Up a Chair [audio]

The Torah commands us to "create justice". Is this even possible when each man possesses different biases, strengths, deficits and status? Tzedek, tzedek! Justice is not an 'end game' but a perpetual work in progress. No one - individual or society - is exempt!

This Incredible Life – Pull Up a Chair [audio]

Do good times, healthy relationships, bright outlooks and abundant faith just "happen" or are we the authors of our respective life journeys? Also, must one descend from royalty to be an effective leader? These questions and so much more!

Korachs Among Us – Pull Up a Chair [audio]

How far will vanity take the common man before he loses all sense of altruism and kindness? Once again, today's events eerily parallel the lessons of the Torah.

Sweet vs. Good – Pull Up a Chair [audio]

Not everything that is good for us feels sweet; not everything that seems sweet is good for us. The proffered blessing of "A Sweet, New Year" is profound in its entreaty that we merit wholeness and abundant blessings from Heaven. The final, piercing blasts of the shofar promise that a world of opportunity lies before us. . . . .

Fresh Canvas: Start Painting! – Pull Up a Chair [audio]

Closing days of the Jewish new year give offer unprecedented opportunities for (re)creating a world rife with love, acceptance and miraculous adventure. Are we ready for the challenge?

Inching Toward “Awe” – Pull Up a Chair [audio]

Despite Covid, it's all good or, indeed, as good as we make it! With the High Holy Days in sight, Andrea visits tales of goodness, outreach and where/what/how we can tether our aspirations to tomorrow's blessings.

Wrestling With Angels – Pull Up a Chair [audio]

Speaking up, speaking out and choosing our battles. What price, resolution? Is "closure" a recipe for peace or endless conflict? Also, discover a Jerusalem gem called Yad L'Kashish!

Returning to ‘Good’ – Pull Up a Chair [audio]

Repentance might come from fear of or love of HaShem. Which form of atonement trumps the other? And is there something our inner-child can teach us about faith and gratitude?

That “Ethics” Thing – Pull Up a Chair [audio]

We are not exempt from the task He lays before us! Are we created 'equally' holy?

Gratitude & Deceit – Pull Up a Chair [audio]

American-Israelis celebrate Thanksgiving with their state-side brethren. Ethiopian-Israelis observe Sigd by rededicating themselves to God and Torah. And in a most complex parsha, Jacob and Esau receive very different blessings with everlasting consequences.

The Facts, the Fiction, the Future – Pull Up A Chair [audio]

Besieged by lies and fabricated narratives, Israel's fights cannot rely on the goodwill of those whom, historically, have thwarted our survival.

Breaking Ground on America’s Embassy in Israel’s Capitol – Pull Up A Chair [audio]

The potential ramifications of Trump's recognition of Jerusalem as Israel's capitol, that will directly impact both Israel and the world.

Staggering or Stagnant? – Pull Up a Chair [audio]

As 2020 comes to a close, it will forever be remembered as the Year of Covid. Will we emerge better than before or damaged beyond recognition?

Light My Fire! – Pull Up a Chair [audio]

There's more to Chanukah dreidels and donuts! The tribe of Yehudah makes tough choices, the same week as Yehudah the Maccabee faces down the despotic Achashverous. Coinciding episodes that altered the trajectory of Jewish history!!!

Taking ‘Control’! – Pull Up a Chair [audio]

Even under siege, we have controls in our lives. Keeping relationships holy/refined; selecting the moral high-ground in business and interpersonal arenas present abundant opportunity to profoundly alter the uncertain events that unfold daily.

Truth of Dare? “Next Year in Jerusalem!” – Pull Up A Chair [audio]

Approaching the Festival of Freedom, what is our ‘personal’ relationship to Israel from Diaspora living rooms?


The real truth you can find from the bonfire inside of you!

Corona Seder – Pull Up a Chair [audio]

Why will this night be different than all other nights? Celebrating the Exodus while quarantined presents both challenges and great opportunities!

Unity: Chosen or Ordained? – Pull Up a Chair [audio]

What makes someone 'Jewish'? Isn't it enough to be a good person, pay one's taxes and practice kindness? Man-made laws and cultures-of-the-month hasten the demise of Jewish survival.

Matzah, Madness & Me! – Pull Up a Chair [audio]

Visiting American family, Andrea connects to her inner Yankee Doodle and breaks matzah with Diaspora kin. How does it feel to be an Israeli fish out of Middle-Eastern waters? Also on tap, hard questions about Sri Lanka, New Zealand, perpetrators of evil and those who enable them.

The Candle Burns – Pull Up a Chair [audio]

Rosh Hashana embodies compassion, expectation, gratitude and hope. Everything and everyone has a Divine purpose and there is room at the table for everyone. We are being granted a precious audience with the King; let's not squander the opportunity!

At the Foot of Sinai – Pull Up a Chair [audio]

Shavuot Special: Is there a difference between a hug and a kiss? During this holiday of kindness and humility, both customs and law blend into a rich tapestry called 'Tradition'.


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Printed from: https://www.jewishpress.com/multimedia/radio/israel-news-talk-radio/pull-up-a-chair/righteous-and-resolute-pull-up-a-chair-audio/2023/11/30/

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