Czech Senate Calls to Investigate Hamas for Crimes Against Humanity

Czech Senate officials have issued a call to the International Criminal Court (ICC) to investigate the Hamas terror organization.

68% of Israeli Jews Believe Hamas Plans Arab Riots at Gaza Border

Among the Arabs, the majority (62%) believes the demonstrations are a result of the residents’ despair over their living conditions. Only 2% regard them as Hamas’s doing.

Netanyahu Promises Surprise Campaign in Gaza

Earlier, a Hamas man was killed on the Gaza Strip border by IDF fire and the terrorist organization threatened retaliation.

Watch: IDF Hits Hamas Targets Following Rocket Attacks

The IDF has begun hitting Hamas targets in Gaza, in retaliation for the two rockets launched by Hamas at Tel Aviv on Saturday morning.

Hamas Warns Against ‘Liking’ Israel’s Arabic Facebook Page Fearing Recruitment

Hamas claims that the page's "Like" button starts a recruitment process of agents from the Gaza Strip, identifying Gazans who could be lured to serve Israel's clandestine agencies.

Police: Body Found in Southern Israel Likely of Oct. 7 Terrorist

Police are still waiting for the identification process at the National Institute of Forensic Medicine in Tel Aviv.

Mossad: Hamas Rejected Israel’s Latest Offer on Hostages’ Release

Sinwar does not want a humanitarian deal and the return of the hostages.

Families of 3 Murdered Israeli Boys Suing Hamas for Millions

Six years after Hamas terrorists abducted and murdered the three Israeli boys Naftali Frenkel, Gil-Ad Shaar and Eyal Yifrach, their families are suing the terrorist organization, which planned and carried out the attack against their children.

Security Cabinet Unanimously Approves New Measures Against Stone-Throwers

The Security Cabinet has unanimously approved new stiffer measures against terrorists who throw stones and firebombs at Israelis.

Israel: ICJ Ruling Proves South Africa’s Claims ‘Baseless and Unsubstantiated’

"We will continue to fight the blood libel that South Africa is promoting and to uphold our right to defend ourselves against the Nazi Hamas murderers."

Ambassador Erdan Protests Biden’s Restoring Aid to UNRWA

At least two US lawmakers, both Republicans, said they were going to see if the aid package does not violate the Taylor Force Act.

Gaza Arson Balloons Destroy More Israeli Forestland During Sukkot

At least eight fires were lit on Monday as a result of the arsonists who launched balloons attached to Molotov cocktails and explosive devices over the southern border.

‘The IDF and I as Commander, are Responsible for Tragic Hostage Deaths’

"In a single moment, the complexity of our justified war in Gaza has been demonstrated."

Israeli Forces Uncover Hamas Terror-Funding Network

The terror network used a civilian cover to conceal the source of the funds and their intended use.

Shin Bet and IDF Arrest Hamas ‘Highway Rock-Throwing’ Gang

The Israel Security Agency (Shin Bet), soldiers and police have arrested 15 Hamas members in the past several weeks on suspicion of carrying out...

Watch Kites Terror: 3 Fires Rage in Kissufim Orchards near Gaza

Greenblatt pointed an accusing finger at Hamas, saying that "Hamas is responsible and is making things worse for the Palestinians in Gaza."

Gazan Asks IDF to Shoot Him for the Money

Banna joined Hamas last year, following in the footsteps of his uncle. He wanted to be shot by Israel so he could earn a $500 payment and monthly stipend from Hamas.

Bomb Shelter Saves Be’er Sheva Family

The shrapnel from the rocket's explosion shot into the house, but the family had wisely gone into the bomb shelter.

Saudi Arabia Sentences 69 Hamas Members to Prison for Up to 21 years

The men, residents of Saudi Arabia, were arrested three years ago and accused of links with a terrorist organization and its fundraising.

1,000-plus Violent Hamas Rioters Faced by IDF Gaza Border

The IDF was forced to use tear gas and "riot dispersal means" to contain the violence and distance the “peaceful protesters” from Israel’s border.

Israel Moving Ahead to Eliminate Hamas in Rafah, Despite US Flack

State Department on IDF's Rafah operations: "To conduct such an operation right now with no planning and little thought in an area where there is sheltering of a million people would be a disaster."

Les Monde: Gaza Banks Victims of Spectacular Hamas Heists

The bank’s estimated losses in one month stand at more than 66 million euros.

Hamas Claims Terrorist Killed in Gaza

Hamas claims an Islamic Jihad terrorist was killed in Gaza, but since the IDF said it did not carry out any counter-terrorist operations, either...

Hamas Officials, Saudi Arabian Firm Hit by US Sanctions

Four Hamas officials and a Saudi Arabian finance firm are hit by US Treasury sanctions.

Attempt to Smuggle Wetsuits to Gaza Strip Terrorists Foiled

The suits were camouflaged in a seemingly innocent consignment of clothing and sports equipment

Israeli Fighters Uncover, Destroy Longest Gaza Terror Tunnel Yet

One tunnel branch led to a terror lab and the largest lathe for manufacturing rockets underground uncovered so far in southern Gaza.

Another Hamas Ceasefire Cemented in Future War

Hamas recently indicated to international press that it would continue building up its underground network while restocking arsenal, rockets and other weaponry

Arab Terror Attacks Aimed at IDF, Light Rail Train

Arab terrorists are younger and bolder, attacking Israeli security personnel and the Jerusalem Light Rail.

Fallen Soldier’s Family Suing to Ban Hamas Prisoners from Watching Soccer Final

The family petitioned the court saying the decision to make all the TV channels carrying the game tonight available to security prisoners, most of whom are members of Hamas, is repugnant.

Arab Terrorists in Hebron Now Taking Orders from ISIS? [video]

Hebron Arabs offered candies to celebrate a lethal terror attack near Kiryat Arba, and ISIS uploaded videos urging more.


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