Canned Brigadier General Ofer Winter: IDF Doing It All Wrong

The most crucial prerequisite operative actions would be to send home the entire senior IDF staff, the very people who severed Winter’s career in mid-swing.

Two IDF Soldiers were Killed Protecting US’s Dysfunctional Aid Pier to Gaza

Two Israeli soldiers were killed protecting US soldiers from Hamas last month.

DNC Publishes Biden’s Plan for Israel and Its Neighbors with Palestinian State and Punishing...

President Biden and Vice President Harris oppose any unilateral steps by either side — including annexation — that undermine prospects for two states.

Happy Ending in Gaza

A surveillance by a drone team after a terrorist cell in the Shaboura camp in Rafah ended with its destruction.

Israel Staked Out the Villa of Hamas’s Khan Younes Division Commander, Waiting for Muhammad...

Israelis who were forced out of Gush Katif by Ariel Sharon’s government in August 2005 identified the Hamas compound that was erased by the IAF on Saturday night as Neve Dekalim.

Asharq Al Awsat: Sinwar’s Brother to Succeed Al-Deif as Head of Al-Qassam Brigades

Israel believes Al-Deif, and not Sinwar, was the brain behind the Hamas military force and the architect of the massive tunnel strategy.

Andrew Cuomo Group Launches Ad Ridiculing Pro-Hamas Protesters

“We’re at a crucial moment in history where antisemitism is spreading unchecked and support for Israel in this country is waning."

Labour Targets 24 Muslim Districts Where Pro-Hamas Vote Will Go to George Galloway’s Socialists

Labour's position has angered many of Britain's 3.9 million Muslims, who constitute 6.5% of the country's population.

Report: Israel Creating Hamas-Free Enclaves to Usher in the Day After the War

Hamas executed the leader of the Abu Amra family, accusing him of being open to Israeli proposals.

Report: Israel Planning to Carve Up Gaza into Separate Zones

Some officials are proposing designated zones or enclaves where Gazan civilians who are not affiliated with Hamas could find temporary refuge.

Noisy Pro-Hamas Mob Ruins Shabbat for Jewish Dem’s Family and his Chicago Neighbors

A statement from Rep. Schneider's office reported that a red substance, suspected to be animal blood, was spilled on the sidewalk during the protest.

Bar Ilan Survey: 72% of Israelis Say Internal Strife Rushed the October 7 Attack

“The majority of Israeli society is willing to reach a consensus, recognizing that societal divisions were a significant factor leading to the October 7 events."

Sen. Cotton Demands DOJ Action Against LA Pro-Hamas Rioters

"Was federal law enforcement requested to protect the Jewish community?"

German Monitoring Group Reports 80% Rise in Antisemitism in 2023, More than Half after...

Daniel Botmann of Germany’s Central Council of Jews said that “we are not currently seeing the effect of an emigration of Jews from Germany,”

DOE’s Latest Title VI Resolution Puts Lafayette College under Magnifying Glass for Unchecked Antisemitism

The investigation covered 11 complaints of antisemitic attacks against Jewish students between October 21 and November 29, 2023.

Israel Agrees to Unilateral Daily Ceasefire in South Gaza for Aid Transfers

The decision comes after discussions with the UN and international organizations.

Survey: 80% of Gazans Believe October 7 Promoted their National Yearnings; 50% expect...

PA and Gaza Arabs believe the October attack has "revived international attention to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and could lead to increased recognition of Palestinian statehood."

Sinwar: We Have the Israelis Right Where We Want Them

His words callously glorified the loss of innocent lives as a necessary sacrifice for Hamas' cause.

Showing Incredible Self Restraint, Israeli Guest Does Not Call BBC’s Helena Humphrey a Moron

If you are a student of human behavior, you cannot but feel deep admiration for Conricus, who did not use any one of the varieties of proper responses to her idiocy.

Hamas Clarifies: No Innocent Civilians in Gaza

Hamas admits the “uninvolved residents of Gaza” are a legitimate target.

Terrorists Kidnap, Kill and Booby-Trap Body of IDF Oketz Canine in Gaza

The soldiers returned to the scene under heavy cover to collect their canine fighter from the alley, but by the time they reached the spot, he had disappeared.

Brigadier General (Ret.) Ofir Winter on Chief Halevi’s War: ‘Hamas Is an Enemy? They’re...

Should Netanyahu win the next election (whether soon or in 2026), he could do worse than appoint Ofer Winter as his Defense Minister.

US Asking UN Security Council to Help Enforce Ceasefire Deal Letting Hamas Fight Another...

And then let’s sit back and watch joyously as Netanyahu’s government falls apart, new elections are declared in Israel, and the extreme left retakes government.

Former Military Intelligence Chief: We Hit Hamas So Badly It Will Never Do another...

Can anyone be so high-up and so dumb and not be on the payroll of a foreign power?

DePaul U Fires Professor over Course Assignment on Gaza ‘Genocide’ and ‘Ethnic Cleansing’

Did it occur to Dr. D'Aquino that by pre-suggesting an intent to commit genocide and ethnic cleansing she was skewing her assignment?

San José U Suspends Faculty Adviser to ‘Students for Justice in Palestine’

She "engaged in behavior that disrupted the university's business operations and encouraged students to do the same."

Iranian Official Condemns Nikki Haley’s Writing on Shells Intended for Hamas

"As Nikki Haley tours occupied Palestinian territories and inscribes messages on bombs belonging to the Zionist regime, that same regime has cut off internet access in Rafah."


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