Pallywood: Arabs Photoshopping Smiles Onto Captured Terrorists

Not everyone is happy the fugitive terrorists from Gilboa Prison have been recaptured.

IDF to Question Soldiers Caught on Film Hitting Arab Provocateur [video]

Soldiers allege that the Arab tried to snatch a rifle and hit them, but the Arab media footage, as usual, is damaging regardless of the truth.

Kerry, Abbas Meet on ‘Peace Talks’ in Paris as French Muslims Reject Dead Terrorists

US Secy of State John Kerry tries to keep the dying embers of talks alive with the PA in Paris.

Latest Pallywood Release a Smash Hit with Left-Wing Media

Mohammed al-Dura, take two: Left-wing groups say security cameras captured death of Palestinian rioters in real time, but footage is staged.

Court Orders 5 More Days’ Remand for Soldier-Slapping Arab Girl, 4 More Days for...

Ahed's remand was extended for five more days. Her mother's remand was extended until Monday. Her cousin will be held at least another 48 hours.

US State Dept Attacks Its Ally, Israel Over UNRWA Human Shields

The U.S. State Department has attacked its ally, Israel, for returning fire in combat with Hamas near UNWRA facilities.

Arab Media: ‘500 Settlers Storm the Al-Aqsa Mosque’

In Arab Newspeak, every Jew is a settler and every Jew who visits the Temple Mount is, in fact, storming the Al-Aqsa mosque.

Sheldon & Miriam Adelson to Dine with Pres. & First Lady Trump at White...

The Adelsons are having dinner at the White House with America's First Couple and a source says Israel is on the agenda.

The Schabes Report Had ‘Biased Mandate’ and ‘Unreliable Sources’

Foreign Ministry, NGO Monitor cite bias, "unreliable sources" in The Schabes Report released by UN.

Palestinian Arabs Declare ‘Day of Rage’ After Duma Mother Dies

Palestinian Arabs have declared a "day of rage" on Friday for the death of Duma mother Riham Dawabshe, but violence began Monday.

Palestinian Child Shot While Playing With Gun, ‘Not by Israelis’

A Palestinian Arab child was killed as a result of a village accident and not by an Israeli as Arabs claimed on Saturday.

ICC Nixes Probe of 2010 Clash on Gaza Flotilla Vessel

Int'l Criminal Court at The Hague won't investigate 2010 Mavi Marmara flotilla incident.

Hamas False Reports Begin as Desperation Increases

Hamas terrorists have begun to issue false reports to journalists as its desperation rises to win its conflict with Israel

B’Tselem Submits ‘Damaging’ Video Evidence to Military Police

The far-left B'Tselem NGO hands video "evidence" over death of Arab rock thrower to military police.

Fatah’s ‘Symphony of Love’ for Jerusalem on Twitter

The Palestinian Authority's leading Fatah faction continues to incite more Palestinian Arabs to murder Israelis via its official Twitter account.

Mahmoud Abbas Hopes to Sue UK Over 100-yr-old Balfour Declaration

The Palestinian Authority leader has failed to govern his people to nationhood and now hopes to rip it by force from history 100 years old.

Temple Mount Activist Yehuda Glick Praises Govt But Wants to See ‘More’

Temple Mount activist Yehuda Glick praises Israel's government but says "more" needs to be done about disparity at the site.

Far-Left B’Tselem Features Soldier’s Response to Shooting Stone-Thrower in Anti-IDF Campaign

B'Tselem ignored the Arab attempt to burn Israeli motorists with firebombs on the roads of Samaria. Nor did the NGO seem concerned by the 30 Arabs who were trying to kill IDF soldiers.

Amnesty Intl Charges ‘Palestinian Armed Groups’ With War Crimes

in a new report, Amnesty International charges "Gaza armed groups' with war crimes in last summer's Operation Protective Edge.

US Secy of State Kerry: ‘Critical to Stop the Incitement, Stop the Violence’

US Secy of State John Kerry agrees with PM Netanyahu at their meeting in Berlin it is "critical to stop the incitement, to stop the violence."

Israel Okays Ban’s UN Commission on ‘UNRWA Incidents’

Israel has agreed to cooperate with a UN board of inquiry appointed by Ban Ki-moon, probing UNRWA events in Gaza this summer.

The Women of Pallywood

There's only one film industry in Gaza, it's called Pallywood, and it appears on the nightly news and on propaganda videos.

Arab Terrorists in Hebron Now Taking Orders from ISIS? [video]

Hebron Arabs offered candies to celebrate a lethal terror attack near Kiryat Arba, and ISIS uploaded videos urging more.

UNRWA Teacher in Jordan Promotes Hatred of Jews on Facebook

A teacher at an UNRWA school in Jordan includes a Jewish blood libel cartoon on his Facebook account.

Abbas Receives Family of Soldier Slapper Teen in Ramallah

The Tamimi family expressed appreciation for Abbas’ "policies to attain freedom and independence," because, let's face it, there are a lot of beautiful, shared values there.

Israel Says ‘Thanks But No Thanks’ on Plan to Internationalize Temple Mount

Israel has rejected out of hand a draft proposal by France to internationalize the Temple Mount.

US Congressman Johnson Apologizes for Calling Jews ‘Termites,’ Not Other Remarks

The Georgia Democrat who called Israeli Jews "termites" quickly apologized for "poor choice of words," but not for his other remarks.

PA Minister’s Riot Death Calculated ‘Martyrdom’ ?

Was Ziad Abu Ein's riot death a true "martyrdom" for the cause of so-called PA Arab "resistance"?

MK Ahmed Tibi Tells Police to Expel Jews from Temple Mount

Half of all Israeli Arab MKs ascended the Temple Mount to protest "police brutality," expelling Jews along the way.

Palestinian Authority Government Invests in Hebron

The Palestinian Authority announces a new investment program in the terror stronghold of Hebron.


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