Most Arab Terrorists Freed in Political Deals Resume Violence, Incitement

The freed terrorists aren't rehabilitated and have no restrictions on their movement.

Germany to Ban Hamas Flags in Response to Anti-Semitic Incidents

However, bans on the groups themselves require lengthy legislative processes in which sufficient material that is legally valid must first be collected.

Progressives Reps. Introduce Motion Slamming Israel’s Decision to Blacklist PFLP NGOs

Rep. Betty McCollum (D-Minn.), who backs the BDS movement, has long accused Israel of mistreating "Palestinian" children.

Iranian Proxy Leaders Gather in Beirut to Expand War Plans

It is interesting to note that Lebanon's Iranian proxy, Hezbollah, was apparently not represented at the meeting.

Netanyahu: Operation Guardian of the Walls in Far From Over

The senior officials of Hamas "think that they can flee from our strikes -- they cannot flee. We will reach them everywhere, all of these people, and we will continue to do so."

EXPOSED: Network of Jerusalem Cultural Orgs Run by PFLP Operatives is Funded by Europeans

The PFLP is not the largest of the terror organizations, but it has been more active in Jerusalem than Hamas and Fatah.

Israel Thwarts PA Arab Terror Cell Directed From Lebanon

The cell leader lives in Lebanon after having been deported to Gaza as part of the 2011 Gilad Shalit prisoner exchange.

Jailed Terrorists to Launch Disobedience Protest, Threaten Mass Hunger Strike Over Ramadan

PA Arab terrorists in Israeli jails began a campaign of disobedience on Thursday and threatened to launch a mass hunger strike during Ramadan against...

Exposed: PFLP Diverted Humanitarian Funds from Europe to Finance Terrorism

The PFLP deceived the European aid organizations by reporting fictitious projects, submitting false documents, falsifying and inflating invoices, falsifying documents and stamps of banks, and reporting inflated salaries.

New Report: UN Paid $40 Million to Terror-Linked Palestinian NGOs

Im Tirtzu advocates increased transparency and the passing of a UN equivalent of the Taylor Force Act.

PA Minister Riyad al-Maliki Returns from Accusing Israel at The Hague, Discovers Israeli VIP...

“This is a portion of the actions that were considered and approved in the preliminary discussions.”

Israel Reopens Gaza Border Despite Ongoing Violence, Arson Attacks

Some 17,000 Gazans with permits have been unable to enter Israel and go to their jobs over the past two weeks, due to the violence and Jewish holiday closures.

Interior Minister Shaked Deports PFLP Terrorist Who Plotted to Murder Chief Rabbi

"I hope that the incoming government will continue in this vein and expel terrorists from Israel."

Canadian University Postpones Event with PFLP Terrorist Amid Outcry from Jewish Groups

The Dec. 2 program included a talk by a member of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, a designated terror group in both Canada and the United States.

EXPOSED: The terror ties of ‘CBS News’ journalist in Gaza

Marwan al-Ghoul works closely with the PFLP terrorist organization. CBS News should not celebrate his work, but be ashamed of it.

PA Arab Terror Factions Agree to Elections, But We’ve Heard That Before

In preparation for an Arab summit in Algiers next month, the heads of 14 factions, including Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas's Fatah organization and the Islamist party Hamas, met for two days.

Big Four Auditors Ditch NGOs Listed as Terror Groups by Israel

PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) and Ernst & Young Global Limited will no longer audit the Union of Agricultural Work Committees or Defense for Children International Palestine.

Surprise: Released Arab Terrorists Investigated for Inciting More Terror

Before their release, all prisoners were asked to sign a document pledging not to engage in terrorism.

Arab Terrorists Execute Two Other Arabs for ‘Collaborating with Israel’

The Arab mob of hundreds cheered as their bodies were hung from an electrical tower in the Samaria city of Tulkarem.

Fallout in Cabinet from Benny Gantz’s Declaration that 6 Organizations Linked to the PFLP

Labor leader Merav Michaeli and Meretz leader Nitzan Horowitz both demanded of Prime Minister Naftali Bennett that he ensure they never be surprised by such an announcement again in the future.

Situation Heating Up in the South: Dozens of Arson Terror Balloons Launched into Israel

“The Hamas terrorist organization bears responsibility for everything that is done in the Gaza Strip and emanates from it toward Israel."

PFLP Demands that PA Take Action to Save its 6 NGOs Designated as Terror...

Representatives of the PFLP terror NGOs announced that they will continue to operate despite the Israeli government’s decision to shut down their activities.

9 European Countries Announce They Will Continue Funding Orgs Tied to PFLP

Belgium, France, Denmark, Germany, Ireland, Italy, the Netherlands, Spain and Sweden release joint statement citing “insufficient evidence” to support the designation • U.N. threatens to blacklist Israel following report on deaths of Palestinian Authority minors.

Israel Retrieves Bodies of 2 Abducted Soldiers

The IDF announcements did not indicate how or when Beizer, Sherman or Toledano died.

Israel Ratifies Decision to Designate Three NGOs as Terror Organizations

The Union of Palestinian Women’s Committees, Bisan and Adameer are “branches of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine [PFLP],” says Israel’s Defense Ministry.

NGO Monitor Identifies 13 NGOS, Not 6, Linked to PFLP Terrorist Group

As of September 1 2021, the NGO Monitor had also identified over 70 staff and board members, as well as other officials who hold positions in both 13 NGOs and in the PFLP.


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