‘But He Doesn’t Know…’

While they were talking, Nachman's camper dropped his gift, which broke as it hit the ground. The camper was visibly distraught although he wasn’t able to speak.

Daf Yomi

Carrying At The Kotel ‘Sratya u’Platya’ (Eruvin 7a)

Daf Yomi

Waiting For Kiddush ‘Mazal Bears No Influence…’ (Shabbos 156a)

Can You Rent Your Apartment To Anyone?

The Shach [Yoreh De’ah 151:17] doesn’t understand this statement, however, because we commonly see non-Jews bringing icons into their homes on a permanent basis!

Love And Hate: What Did Rav Kook Say?

While Rav Kook's love for the Jewish people knew no bounds, one should not think that he was some sort of liberal, reform rabbi who believed that everyone was free to do his own thing, G-d forbid.

Is It Proper…? What should one do if one hears about persecution of a...

What should one do if one hears about persecution of a people in a foreign land?

Can A Dayan Lie?

What are you going to do? Rabbi Dayan's son asked him. You're outnumbered, but it seems ridiculous that the ruling should follow two kollel students against you!

Daf Yomi

Out On A Limb ‘The Halacha Is One May Reset a Fracture’ (Shabbos 148a)

Freedom Of The Press And Constructive Lashon Hara

If a person who is asked about someone remains silent because he doesn’t know with certainty that a certain rumor is true, the questioner understands from his silence that there is room for concern.

Is It Proper…? Is it proper, l’chatchilah, for a young married couple to apply...

Is it proper, l’chatchilah, for a young married couple to apply for government welfare programs like food stamps and section 8?

Daf Yomi

Treif Cows Milk? A Toldah of Dash (Shabbos 144a)

Can One Impose A Late-Payment Penalty? (Part II)

Some maintain that if the contract can be legally upheld in court, the late payment clause is halachically valid as a kinyan situmta (common commercial practice) and is not considered asmachta; hence, there is no concern of ribbis.

Can You Publish A Newspaper According To Halacha?

Lashon hara is considered a grave sin because it poisons society and inter-personal relations to the point that our Sages compared it to the three severest sins together: idol worship, incest, and bloodshed.

Can One Impose A Late-Payment Penalty? (Part I)

If the lender stipulated such a fine unlawfully, there is a dispute whether the borrower is required to pay it.

Daf Yomi

Circumcised At The Hand Of Heaven? ‘A Drop of Blood Must be Taken’ (Shabbos 135a)

Is It Proper…? Should an ordinary Jew endeavor to say Tikkun Chatzos? If not...

Should an ordinary Jew endeavor to say Tikkun Chatzos? If not regularly, perhaps sometimes?

Daf Yomi

Damsel In Distress ‘A Woman In Labor Is Considered Critically Ill’ (Shabbos 129a)

What If You Find Money In The Wall?

He approached Mr. Stein. "Did you hide money in the wall by any chance?" "No, why?" laughed Mr. Stein. “Because I just found this envelope with $50,000 cash in it," replied Mr. Hyman.

Is It Proper…? May one enjoy good food or is the ideal to not...

May one enjoy good food or is the ideal to not care what one eats as long as it gives one strength to serve Hashem?

Daf Yomi

Neighbors To The Rescue ‘He May Tell Others: Come, Save For Yourselves’ (Shabbos 121a)

Can You Re-‘Borrow’ It?

"I tried calling him but couldn't reach him," said Yoni. "What's the difference, though? He didn't limit how long I could use the drill and he doesn’t even know I returned it to you."

Daf Yomi

The Carpenter’s Folly ‘All [Worn-Out] Holy Writings…’ (Shabbos 115a)

Does Halacha Have Libel Laws? (Part II)

An obligation b'dinei Shamayim doesn’t just mean an ethical responsibility.

Daf Yomi

By All Means Rescue! ‘If One Removes a Fish from the Sea’ (Shabbos 107b)

Daf Yomi

A Murky Dispute ‘Water Does Not Void a Partition’ (Shabbos 100a)


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Printed from: https://www.jewishpress.com/judaism/halacha-hashkafa/but-he-doesnt-know/2020/08/14/

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