The Necessity Of Asking Questions

Judaism is not a religion of blind obedience. Astonishingly of 613 commandments, there is no Hebrew word that means “to obey.” Judaism is the rarest of phenomena: a faith based on asking questions,

Redeeming Relevance: Parshat Bo: How Do You Translate First Born?

When Moshe is told about the plague of the first born (4:22-23), God gives an explanation, something we do not see with any of the other plagues. Yet is it actually middah keneged middah?

Jewish Practice In The U.S. Military (IX)

The ongoing legal saga of whether Dr. Simcha Goldman could wear his yarmulke while serving in the US Air Force

Hearing The Cry Of Another

In these difficult days for Jews throughout the world, especially in Eretz Yisrael, we must sensitize ourselves to hear the silent cry of another's heart, then Hashem shall surely hear ours as well

Peeping Tom (Bava Batra 59a)

There is nothing illegal about looking at other people just as there is nothing illegal with talking about other people.

Q & A: A Missed Torah Reading (Part X)

Question: If a person was ill on Shabbos and unable to go to shul to hear Keri’at haTorah, must he have someone read it to him in shul upon his recovery? Sincerely, Isaac Greenberg

The Measure Of The Man

Before each person is born, he is predestined to certain abilities and talents, a particular level of intelligence, and an exact disposition and temperament.

Daf Yomi

A Fundraisers Reward ‘Those Who Persuade Others To Give Charity Are Greater’ (Bava Basra 9a)

Loan Costs

I'm not an expert in the laws of ribbis, replied Mr. Rubin, but we can check with Rabbi Dayan.

Following A Dream

With no other choice in sight, David continued along his path until he finished high school without having any substantial plans for his future in mind.

Va’era: Did God Take Away Pharaoh’s Free Will?

According to the simple meaning of the text, it seems God took Pharaoh's free will. Rabbi Fohrman argues that the precise language-- kaved/chazek--shows that God DID allow Pharaoh to pursue his vision

Inaugural Introspection

A phenomenon that allows this process to occur is the credence, admiration, and relevance that our culture affords to celebrities and athletes.

To Hear And Appreciate The Power Of Song

Often times when I pray and the chazzan chants a haunting melody, I close my eyes and it seems as if I am singing with the Shechina of Almighty G-d.

Keeping It Simple

Why did Pharaoh consistently ask Moses to pray for a plague to stop, rather than himself pray? Wouldn't that have been simpler?

The Cup Of Hope

Pesach represents the start of the great journey of Jewish history – from slavery to freedom, Egypt to the Promised Land.

Redeeming Relevance: Parshat Vaera: Wasn’t Moshe a Prophet?

Moshe complained to God that even though he would have the best human understanding of the Divine will, he had difficulty bringing it down to regular people. That role-"turgaman/navi"-Aharon filled

Shabbos Mevorchim Shevat

The month of Shevat shares its element of air with the months of Sivan and Tishrei. During Sivan, the light of the Torah was revealed to us on Har Sinai.

Parshat Shemot

The authors, based on their research, suggest leaders employ certain practices to allow their followers to grow and be inspired by their humility.

Lessons From the Parsha: Don’t Raise Your Hand – Parshat Shemot

Rashi notes Moshe's use of the future tense when addressing the two fighting Israelites.

Lollipops Don’t Fall From The Sky

Ever optimistic and full of faith, the Rebbetzin offers strong guidance and inspiration to a Baalas Teshuva who is waiting to meet her Basherte

House Hunting 101

Our poor daughter well remembers her highly-anticipated bat mitzvah trip with us to Israel, that unfortunately fell far short of her expectations.

Daf Yomi

No Trespass ‘Two Gardens: One Above The Other…’ (Bava Metzia 118b)

Q & A: A Missed Torah Reading (Part IX)

Question: If a person was ill on Shabbos and unable to go to shul to hear Keri’at haTorah, must he have someone read it to him in shul upon his recovery? Sincerely, Isaac Greenberg

One Nation, Indivisible

He explains that our nation is one unit – irrevocably tied together in a common fate. What happens to one affects another. The state of each individual impacts the whole.

Who Am I?

When Moses asks, “Who am I?” He feels himself unworthy and uninvolved. He may have been Jewish by birth, but he had not suffered the fate of his people. How, then, could he become their leader?

Burst Pipe

Mr. Lewis quickly called the owner above, Mr. Wasser, but the phone was busy. He ran upstairs and knocked on the door.

The Laws Of Debt Collection (Bava Metzia 113a)

When it comes to the payment of debts, halacha, like other systems of law, struggles with two competing concerns.


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